OB RULES!!! These will appear on PDGA Live app as you score each hole as well.
1. OB is On or over sidewalk on right.
2. OB On or over sidewalk right
3. OB in pond on right surrounded by water
4. OB on or over path left, over fence long
5. OB over fence long
6. None
7. OB over fence left or long
8. OB over fence left or path long
E. In parking lot or over fence left is OB. Temp hole teeing off from flags/cones near baseball backstop
F. Walk through parking lot; pad is near playground. In baseball infield or over path long OB
10. OB over path left
11. In pond surrounded by water is OB.
12. In pond surrounded by water is OB.
13. OB is over fence long.
14. In playground (inside timbers) or over fence left is OB. Basket is in right position
15. OB is on or over sidewalk left
16. OB is on or over sidewalk left; over log wall around 12's basket is OB
17. OB is on or over sidewalk long; OB around tall grass right as flagged. DZ available if OB
18. Temp basket long of normal position. OB is on or over sidewalk left
19. none
A. Over fence long
21. None
20. Inside baseball field fence is OB. Blue hooded item is a stationary object; play around it if you land near it. Okay to tee from side if you dare.
D. temp hole tee near hockey rink; look for flags.
Okay to tee from sides if you think teepads are slick. They WILL be salted Thursday evening and cups with extra salt will be set near back of pads.
OB RULES!!! These will appear on PDGA Live app as you score each hole as well.
1. OB is On or over sidewalk on right.
2. OB On or over sidewalk right
3. OB in pond on right surrounded by water
4. OB on or over path left, over fence long
5. OB over fence long
6. None
7. OB over fence left or long
8. OB over fence left or path long
E. In parking lot or over fence left is OB. Temp hole teeing off from flags/cones near baseball backstop
F. Walk through parking lot; pad is near playground. In baseball infield or over path long OB
10. OB over path left
11. In pond surrounded by water is OB.
12. In pond surrounded by water is OB.
13. OB is over fence long.
14. In playground (inside timbers) or over fence left is OB. Basket is in right position
15. OB is on or over sidewalk left
16. OB is on or over sidewalk left; over log wall around 12's basket is OB
17. OB is on or over sidewalk long; OB around tall grass right as flagged. DZ available if OB
18. Temp basket long of normal position. OB is on or over sidewalk left
19. none
A. Over fence long
21. None
20. Inside baseball field fence is OB. Blue hooded item is a stationary object; play around it if you land near it. Okay to tee from side if you dare.
D. temp hole tee near hockey rink; look for flags.
Okay to tee from sides if you think teepads are slick. They WILL be salted Thursday evening and cups with extra salt will be set near back of pads.