Tom Sawyer
I'm curious how the shotgun start will work with the expanding list of registered players. I thought this was capped at 88 players since it's a 22 hole course? Oct 20, 2022
its tough to see > 3 fa3s on one ( teller ) then on 2 > ma50 group and 1 mp40 3 mpo and rest of m ...
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its tough to see > 3 fa3s on one ( teller ) then on 2 > ma50 group and 1 mp40 3 mpo and rest of mp40 A 5 ma1 ma2 ma3 5 sums , ma4 4 sums with jrs covered . jrs <12 will not play 2nd rd. gavin can decide. so that will free up 2 holes imho
MIke Walsh Oct 20, 2022the board is a process. currently no waitlist and figure couple drops. 22 holes 300 feet average .
Tom Sawyer Oct 20, 2022Nice. For the second round, will we be recarded based off the first round scores?
MIke Walsh Oct 20, 2022yes, program will slice and dice
MIke Walsh Oct 20, 2022its tough it you dont see it, did 49 team board sunday so ready imho
Tom Sawyer Oct 20, 2022That's Awesome, thanks Mike!
MIke Walsh Oct 20, 202222 holes 8 minutes a hole = 176 /3 under 3 hours
MIke Walsh Oct 20, 2022FA/ JR/ MA4/ma50 4 sums so shouldnt be a hold up. ma3 will be 4 sums 2nd rd / but ma2/ma1 / pro groups 5 sums shouldnt be a problem imho
MIke Walsh Oct 25, 2022first round may have pushed 3 hours, 2 nd round even in wind came in under 3 hours imho