Joe J1P Aiello  › 2022 Silicon Valley Classic   September 8, 2022 at 6:51pm

Question about the mando on KP 12. I assumed the mando restricted space was the entire rectangle created by the perimeter header and orange poles. However, the caddy book shows the protected space at the top of the banner sign and at the top of the side fencing. No trees are notable in the caddy book.

It appears that the sign is below the mando line and if you hit it (or if the sign wasn't there and you passed between the ladder sections), you did not miss the mando as long as the disc doesn't flip over the top part of the sign.

It also appears that if you hit the side fence, you did not miss the mando if the disc comes to rest behind the mando. The caddy book description says it is between trees and not the orange poles.


Nick Pantages   September 8, 2022 at 7:25pm

If you hit the sign or the panels to either side you are good.