Garfield Summer League   August 22, 2022 at 7:14am

Week 20

Thanks to the 90 people that showed up for garfield league this week there were no aces hit so ace pool will be $165 this week. This weeks hot round winners are David ashley, Edwin Teeple and Claribel Martinez. Handicap Hotround winners are Dustyn Monachini and Elizabeth Nagley. Here are the rest of this weeks winners.

Hole-1 Larry Byrd
Hole-2 Peter Jones
Hole-3 Shelby Stremus
Hole-4 Tomas Pedreros
Hole-5 Spencer Gee
Hole-6 Claribel Martinez
Hole-7 Tomas Pedreros
Hole-8 Jack Lincoln
Hole-9 Nathan Suarez
Hole-10 Evan Mcconnel
Hole-11 Mitch Cross
Hole-12 Andy Gruss
Hole-13 Mitch Cross
Hole-14 Dustyn Monachini
Hole-15 Nathan Suarez
Hole-16 Jon Bowyer
Hole-17 Claribel Martinez
Hole-18 David Laughter