Below is the list of players. Q means qualified, the number is how many weeks you need to qualify. We have 5 weeks left of the regular season.
Q Kyle Baker
Q Arthur Brazee
Q James Brooks
-2 Mike Curtis
-3 Bryan Dawson
Q Eric Dingman
Q Chad Eash
Q Brad Evans
Q Courtney Feister
Q Josh Haigh
-6 Craig Hangar
-1 Billy Hart
-4 Rick Hayden
Q Erik Hoisington
Q Derek Hufford
Q Zachary Hufford
Q Kendall Hughes
-3 Kris Jackson
-7 Joe Kindig
Q Tim Laviolette
-11 Holding Lint
-8 Trey Lint
Q Jason Mancilla
-9 Jarrett Miller
Q Pat Morris
-7 Dustin Morton
Q Brian Personette
Q Ethan Rhodes
-3 Mark Roberts
Q Michael Robinson
Q Michael Robinson jr
Q Brock Salmen
-12 Jason Samuel
Q Andy Sanders
Q Nate Sassaman
-4 Josh Spillers
Q Josh Vandervries
Q Scott Wilson
Q Tyler Wilson
-2 Adam Wood
huh. so I CAN'T qualify. ah well.
No you can't however we have let players in that were just short to make the bracket right. If there is a spot for that it will be up for grabs first based on weeks played.