Looking at today's forecast the prediction has improved some and in particular the high wind prediction has been dropped so WE ARE ON! There will likely be some rain and there will be a chance of weather delays if we get thunder showers passing through. In the interest of getting everyone through their rounds in as timely a manner as possible so you can all go home and dry out, we will be running all cards of 3. Please come prepared for rain. Extra clothes/socks/shoes, umbrellas or rain jackets if you want them, etc.
Molly Orman › Call Your Mama Classic #2 +WGE (Co-Ed Event) August 7, 2022 at 9:41am
Looking at today's forecast the prediction has improved some and in particular the high wind prediction has been dropped so WE ARE ON! There will likely be some rain and there will be a chance of weather delays if we get thunder showers passing through. In the interest of getting everyone through their rounds in as timely a manner as possible so you can all go home and dry out, we will be running all cards of 3. Please come prepared for rain. Extra clothes/socks/shoes, umbrellas or rain jackets if you want them, etc.