ADGA Magical Miss Tree Tour   June 21, 2022 at 3:22pm

Week 8 - Peter's Creek

Just a reminder, Peter's Creek tonight! I've been trying to alternate Davis and PC when we do non-special rounds, but I wanted to line up the league with Spirit of 76 (which you should sign up for!), AND in theory the course will be cleared of homeless camps for week 9 while I'm not as certain of that right now. So...PC it is this week!

Payments just went out for week 7; sorry about the delay. I had to lick my literal wounds from this weekend.

Weslee Moon   June 21, 2022 at 9:30pm

Hey Joe I'm not gonna be able to make it

Joe Caissie   June 21, 2022 at 11:25pm

Fine! More trees for the rest of us!