If you have either lost or found a disc or other item on the course, please use this link to submit them: https://forms.gle/WQ6VH8oWiM3TYQhX9
Here is the link to all those items reported: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vwfQTe-QGeriCH-8hEInVVhIZna2RD2KG8-SDu9uMYo/edit?usp=sharing
Reach out to me if you have any questions or see your disc turned in!
Somethings wrong with the form, it doesn’t allow you to submit the form without claiming lost AND found.
I submitted it once with a lost and found, the next time it wouldn’t let me submit a lost disc without also filling out the found section
Can you tell me where I get them back? That’s my unmarked Rive with the price tag still on it. Lol I have the twin to match.
Thanks Bob, made the fix. We will have them at tournament central at the Fairgrounds until Wednesday, then at PC****il the finals are over.
Jason, how do we mark things as claimed on the sheet? I got a disc back to someone
I will mark it claimed
Jason, I was told that you have my orange yeti aviars fr9m the ace challenge, where are you today, hop8ng to grab them be for my 2:50 round at prides
Offering a monetary reward for the return of the metal nova stamped mini posted in the link above!
I would assume there are way more found than what's on this document. Will they be posted somewhere or will we be contacted if our discs were found? Thanks for all your hard work and dedication!
I lost a magnetic mini with my logo on it at Mesker, one group said they stashed it at a bench but I never found it. Hoping someone turned it in.
One of my lost discs is on that list. How can I get it back? Thanks so much!