Gabe Brown  › 2nd Annual Golden Grove Farm and Brouhaha   Sticky May 25, 2022 at 8:09pm

There were plans to have the course mowed and perfected for this weekend, but steady rain with up to 2 inches of rain predicted has significantly placed that plan in jeopardy. Even if we could put mud tires on the mower and get in there Friday (which we can't), the conditions on the course will be treacherous for play on Saturday and not up to par with what a course should be for a tournament in my opinion.
I talked with Andrew at Golden Grove Farm & Brew (Title sponsor and host) and while disappointed, he agrees that playing the course this weekend would not be the best reflection on it.
So, I have decided both rounds this weekend will be played at Dolly Cooper Park. We will still use tee times, and it will still be one round per day.

We will still have the player party at Golden Grove from 4-7pm on Saturday. I really, really, really hope you will all consider stopping by for that. We will have raffles, a putting contest, and I plan to still setup the par 2 course going down hole 1's fairway and coming back up hole 5's fairway. Many of you have told us how much you appreciate what TDs do, and have asked us what you can do to help. Well, coming to player parties helps. It shows the sponsor that sending money to disc golf is a good business decision, and it makes getting future tournament sponsorships much easier.
If you wish to withdraw because you will not get the chance to play Golden Grove for a rated round, let me know and I will process a refund.
I am sorry for the late change, but I think Dolly Cooper holds up much better than most any other course after significant rain, and I think this is the best decision for this weekend based on the situation.