Linh Nguyen  › BYOP Dubs Fundraiser for USWDGC   May 19, 2022 at 3:28am

For round 2, alternate shot - is it a continuous alternating as in one person putts in the previous hole so the other partner has to tee off the next hole
or is it alternating who tees off each hole and then you alternate after the tee off? Player 1 does even numbered holes and player 2 does odd numbered holes, for instance.

How do mulligans work for round 2 alternating shot?


Alecia Trauscht   May 19, 2022 at 10:22am

We will go over everything Saturday morning, but to generally answer: round is is continuing alternating shot. You choose who tees off on your first hole and just alternate every shot there out. The Mulligans will be used the same for both rounds, one per person per hole.

Alecia Trauscht   May 19, 2022 at 10:22am

*round 2