There are going to be some new trees we can miss! I've talked with Meier Lake, and we're going to have leagues there on June 14. This is the week of the Meier Lake Classic and the Battle Under The Midnight Sun. We also might get some folks from Team Dynamic in the league!
Rather than Meier Lake's normal $12 (or maybe $10 now?) per player, we'll be paying just $1! I'm thinking that we won't collect for an ace pot that week, keeping the fee at $8/$11 (but we will still pay out any aces from the existing pot), OR if people want to still do it, we can charge $9/$12 just for that week. Let me know in the comments.
ADGA Magical Miss Tree Tour May 16, 2022 at 8:49pm
Week 7 News! Meier Lake!
There are going to be some new trees we can miss! I've talked with Meier Lake, and we're going to have leagues there on June 14. This is the week of the Meier Lake Classic and the Battle Under The Midnight Sun. We also might get some folks from Team Dynamic in the league!
Rather than Meier Lake's normal $12 (or maybe $10 now?) per player, we'll be paying just $1! I'm thinking that we won't collect for an ace pot that week, keeping the fee at $8/$11 (but we will still pay out any aces from the existing pot), OR if people want to still do it, we can charge $9/$12 just for that week. Let me know in the comments.