Mark Stephens  › Disc Baron Series: Golden Girls - Michigan Women's Series Event #1   April 15, 2022 at 10:58pm

Hello Great Disc State!

This is NOT your player meeting. This is just an email with some tournament information for you all...

Course Information
I did walk the course today to make sure there was no damage from the high winds the last few days and I am happy to report that there was none. Also, the winds has helped to dry it up some out there. It is soggy in a few locations but it is not near as muddy as a few weeks ago.

Due to the extended cold weather this spring, the concrete teepads did not get installed as hoped. The rubber tee pads have been built up with a compacted base of limestone so they are in the best shape in over a decade. We are allowing 1M relief to the sides for those that would prefer to not throw from them however.

There is no alcohol allowed the Goldenrod Disc Golf Course. While you all are aware that it is not allowed during play of course, expect the parking lot to be patrolled a few times through the day by the park rangers.

I would recommend having a few towels as it is still wet/muddy on a few holes. As well, as there are lots of places that a disc could end up in the water so you may want to bring a few extra discs.

Hole 2: Roped OB Right Hand Side
Hole 3: Flint River
Hole 4: Flint River. Roped OB at Road.
Hole 5: Kettle Ponds
Hole 6: Roped OB at Road.
Hole 7: Kettle Pond.
Hole 9: Roped/Painted OB at Parking Lot.
Hole 11: Creek. Roped at Beyond Basket. OB shots from the tee pad will use the Drop Zone.
Hole 12: Ponds Left, Right, Beyond Basket.
Hole 13: Ponds Left & Right. OB shots from the tee pad will use the Drop Zone.
Hole 17: Pond Left & Right (near teepad). Over & Across Creek. Water in middle is casual.
Hole 18: Beyond Wooden Fence.

Hole 15 & 16 has NO OB. All water is casual.

We will be allowing casual relief for throws from the rubber teepads. Players may tee from the side (or back) of the teepads, within 1 M of the edge of the rubber tee pad, not extending beyond the front face of the teepad.

Player Package
There are 3 parts to the player package: a chocolate Easter bunny, a water bottle, and a 2022 Michigan Women's Series Bag Tag. All of the bag tags are numbered and I will be distributing them after the 1st round in best score order.

Lunch will be provided using your type of pizza request, I ordered pizza and cinnamon sticks. I also have Faygo and water on hand for beverages. After the 2nd round, I also have a cake.

I have a Chainstar Lite that I will be raffling off. Tickets are $2 each, 3 for $5, and 10 for $10

Check in is 8:30 to 9:00am. Check in is mandatory!

There will be a player meeting.

See you all tomorrow!