• OB notes: 1: Inside Shelter is OB 2: Surrounded By Water OB 3: Parking Lot and beyond and insid ...
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• OB notes: 1: Inside Shelter is OB 2: Surrounded By Water OB 3: Parking Lot and beyond and inside Shelter is OB 4: NO OB 5: Inside Tennis Courts OB 6: No OB 7: Surrounded by water OB 8: Inside electrical tower Fence OB. must clear Logs or OB. 9: parking lot and beyond OB. road and beyond OB 10: NO OB 11: Rocks and beyond OB and parking lot behind basket OB 12: Parking lot/street to left is OB 13: baseball field is OB 14: NO OB 15: NO OB 16: left side fence/log line and beyond is OB as shown on Tee sign. 17: NO OB 18: Side walk and beyond behind basket is OB
Mac Tuttle Apr 2, 2022Jerry these work. Thank you for posting. I will update this if needed but use this as a guide for now.
Mac Tuttle Apr 2, 2022On 11, rocks are still in bounds. Asphalt is OB. Anything touching rocks or curb is inbounds.
Jerry Grand Apr 3, 2022One other comment if I may... On 16 the left side fence log line is pretty poorly marked due to being weather-beaten. You may want to consider removing this constraint... Just a thought