Two quick things. 1) If you sign up and end up not being able to attend, please be sure to shoot me a message or email so that we aren't waiting for you until the last minute. 2) Once your round is o ...
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Two quick things. 1) If you sign up and end up not being able to attend, please be sure to shoot me a message or email so that we aren't waiting for you until the last minute. 2) Once your round is over, please be sure to confirm the scores and submit them. Thanks!
It was cold. But for some reason, 20 players still came out for this week's red tee round. Coming out of the Advanced division, Adam Couture shot the hot round on the day with a -11, 57. I shot the 2nd hot round of the day with a -10, 58 to win Open while Jeff Coull shot a -6, 62 to take down Intermediate. Hank Lilienthal smoked the Recreational division with a -5, 63 and Molly Moore won Advanced Women with a -2, 66.
The Open/Advanced CTP on hole 12 was won by Adam Couture for an additional $6 and Molly Moore won it for all other divisions for an additional $12. No aces or albatrosses on the day and the birdie pot wasn't hit by anyone, so both continue to grow!