B.C. Wehman  › Summit DGA Winter Wizards 2022   March 17, 2022 at 5:24pm

An email was just sent to all registered players with the handbook and tournament information. Please check your spam or junk mail if you do not have it - or verify your email with DGS. the email is below and all attachments can be found in Pictures.


Greetings Wizards,

I hope everyone is ready to throw some brand new Gateway Wizard putters at Wingfoot Lake Disc Golf Course this Saturday! We are less than 48 hours away from the first throw at the Gateway Disc Sports 2022 Winter Wizards, hosted by the Summit DGA and sponsored by Play It Again Sports in Cuyahoga Falls.

Attached to this email is the Winter Wizards Player Handbook, along with layouts for temporary Holes A, B & C. There is also an OB sheet. Please review the materials to ensure all of your questions are answered. If not, please head to the tournament page on Disc Golf Scene and leave a comment so I can quickly answer the question.


NOTE: The weather forecast is calling for low 60's and rain/wind on Saturday. I'm hopeful the rain is light and doesn't impact play. That said, because this is an unsanctioned tournament and the goal is fun, we may only play a single round if the weather is uncooperative and play is severely impacted. We'll make our final decision the day of the tournament and will get your input during the Players Meeting before making the decision.

If we do this, we'll play by the same rules, same CTPs, same prize payouts - just only one round to make it happen. At this time, the plan is definitely two rounds, but we'll be monitoring the situation as we approach tournament day.


Thank you to everyone for signing up for this unique and fun tournament. Best of luck to all of our players. I'll see you Saturday morning at 7:30am.
