John Sorel  › Hoot & Scoot XVIII - 2022 Points Series - Sponsored by Disc Golf 978   February 20, 2022 at 12:52pm

Hi Chuck. If we're on the wait-list, are we supposed to show up and hope there's a spot, do we get contacted, how does this work? Assuming we get refunded if we don't end up playing?

Chuck Edman   February 20, 2022 at 1:31pm

Hey John. Just responded via email and then saw this. Unfortunately "Day Of" waitlist is tough due to the tee times, but I'll keep WL players updated as best I can. And yes, you absolutely get refunded if you don't get in via wautlist.

John Sorel   February 20, 2022 at 2:07pm

Thanks Chuck. I'll wait to tomorrow morning and see if people drop. Wouldn't be able to wait at the course for a drop.