Chris Chromczak  › Hoot & Scoot XVIII - 2022 Points Series - Sponsored by Disc Golf 978   February 19, 2022 at 11:00pm

Anyone know what condition the course is in? Traveling from out of town… thanks!

Chuck Edman   February 20, 2022 at 1:58am

Still a little icy and definitely muddy. I'll be out there tomorrow morning, and can follow up.

Chris Chromczak   February 20, 2022 at 9:32am


Chuck Edman   February 20, 2022 at 9:10pm

Was out playing, and then doing a course walk through making sure tee signs and markers were all in place. Its muddy in places. Still some patches of ice and snow, but nothing too bad.

Chris Chromczak   February 21, 2022 at 2:17am

Thanks— my son and I were out there today too. Fun course! We are imagining that with tomorrow’s warmer weather there will be a lot more mud. Some of the white tees were a little bit hard to figure out where exactly to tee off from… I think it was hole 14 and 17 that were a little confusing to us.