2022 Ice Bowl at the Pond!
Thank you Jerome Hinkel, David Scott, and Dakota Baldwin for the help clearing the 18 tee pads for our Ice Bowl event. we will salt in the morning in case of blowing snow. ICE BOWL 2022 is on!! Please ribbon up your drivers if you want as there is knee high snow. Please show up on time and check in to get your disc. When you arrive sign your card and grab your disc. Please remember your 2 cans of food and 5 dollars for the ACE fund and all ctps( at least 5) and side game for the DGA used basket that was part of the original temp course ( a piece of course history)!! Know that you are helping to feed the hungry of lake county as all proceeds after price of players pack will go to ST. James food services in Painesville!!. We will throw A and B divisions. 6 places paid out in plastic for each division. A ring of fire for the basket!
Lake County Disc Golf (formerly Painesville Disc Golf Club) February 4, 2022 at 10:16pm
2022 Ice Bowl is on!
2022 Ice Bowl at the Pond!
Thank you Jerome Hinkel, David Scott, and Dakota Baldwin for the help clearing the 18 tee pads for our Ice Bowl event. we will salt in the morning in case of blowing snow. ICE BOWL 2022 is on!! Please ribbon up your drivers if you want as there is knee high snow. Please show up on time and check in to get your disc. When you arrive sign your card and grab your disc. Please remember your 2 cans of food and 5 dollars for the ACE fund and all ctps( at least 5) and side game for the DGA used basket that was part of the original temp course ( a piece of course history)!! Know that you are helping to feed the hungry of lake county as all proceeds after price of players pack will go to ST. James food services in Painesville!!. We will throw A and B divisions. 6 places paid out in plastic for each division. A ring of fire for the basket!