It came down to the final card again for this month, but Scott Williams hits the Ace High Hearts Flush to beat out a few hands that had two-pair and win the $49 monthly pot. Nice!!!
Our next Poker ...
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It came down to the final card again for this month, but Scott Williams hits the Ace High Hearts Flush to beat out a few hands that had two-pair and win the $49 monthly pot. Nice!!!
Our next Poker Game will be the final poker game of the year since we are sitting on 6 weeks left of league. We will use the next 5 weeks of league for this game, with a cost of $1 per week ($5 total). The format will be 5 Card Poker with Wild Cards and Jokers in play each week. The 2 Wild Cards will be drawn before cards are drawn by the players during week 1 and will go back into the deck and be in play each week. This will create 10 total Wild Cards each week in play. The best 5 card hand wins the pot.
Cards will be drawn weekly per the norm with the highest putting league score drawing first weeks 1, 3, and 5, with the lowest score drawing first during weeks 2 and 4.
Entry can be paid up front, or weekly. And once you buy in, tentative cards will still be pulled for you. If you owe for those cards, you will need to pay for the entries missed before you see them. That way it keeps everything fair. And as always, if you miss a week after paying for the entire month, your cards will be drawn by a random player after all active weekly players cards have been pulled.
See you all tonight at 6:30!!