13 players on hand for our opening night of the 2021-22 season!!! Returning A-Pool Champion Larry Bright gets the win with some consistent putting throughout the night, followed by Michael Carlile in 2nd and Chris Jackson in 3rd rounding out the cash spots in the A Pool. Only 2 players on hand for the B-Pool, but Brian Berquist takes the win by a couple points to start his season off with a win! Results should be up later today. Spread the word and let's get this up to 20 players per night!!! Thanks to Garage Bar Willoughby for hosting!!!
Northeast Ohio Indoor Putting League December 8, 2021 at 1:19pm
The Season has begun!!!
13 players on hand for our opening night of the 2021-22 season!!! Returning A-Pool Champion Larry Bright gets the win with some consistent putting throughout the night, followed by Michael Carlile in 2nd and Chris Jackson in 3rd rounding out the cash spots in the A Pool. Only 2 players on hand for the B-Pool, but Brian Berquist takes the win by a couple points to start his season off with a win! Results should be up later today. Spread the word and let's get this up to 20 players per night!!! Thanks to Garage Bar Willoughby for hosting!!!