Welcome to the ghetto of disc golf courses! No city enforcement for dogs on leashes. Dogs are running loose everywhere! A special thanks to the dog who took out my nuts today. Why would anyone want to play here? Trash, dogs and turd people sit on the course socializing. Crap park, I won’t return.
Ok, bye.
Sounds like someone needs a tissue. This is the most played course in this area and everyone loves it. There’s some sort of trash at almost every course, and instead of ****ing about it maybe pick it up and throw it out. And you not returning to the “ghetto” course would be the best thing.
I pick up plenty of garbage. Maybe if people could act like adults this wouldn’t be an issue. I have your tissue. “Everyone loves this course”? Your full of it
Oh and Alex, you aren’t cool and your response is that of a little child. BYE
You’re* actually full of it because it’s one of the most played courses. Stick to your home course, nobody wants a butt hurt cry baby on the course
Go back home and cry about it .
I can’t wait until it’s one of you who has a dog trying to gnaw on his nuts. Popularity doesn’t equal quality. I think I have found some insecure people!
Next time something like that happens and you’re assaulted you should call the police Not go on social media and complain about. And the only problem for firefighters at this time of the year is mud
But you should be used to the mud because you play at Hollywood.
There is plenty of pedestrian traffic which is annoying, and plenty of free-roaming dogs, which is a police matter btw if you were attacked, but this is hardly a “ghetto” course. My only **** is the mud on Hole 10s green. I saw a massive pile of wood chips near the volleyball net over the summer. You’d think some of those could have been spared for Hole 10.
Good call Jeff! I have seen what the police presence at Firefighters is worth and if you have a disc in your hand there is NO justice.
It’s still a public park, there’s gonna be people. Idk what kind of courses you play at lol. As for the dog thing, that’s a bad owner to not use a leash if the dogs gonna act like that. There’s hundreds of people who can say this hasn’t happened to them, so it’s not reflective of the course. Just bad luck that could’ve happened anywhere.