
Red Mountain Classic presented by DGA

PDGA C-tier · Sat, Oct 23, 2021Oct 2021 · Mesa, AZ

Marty Coplea The course rules have been added to the event picture section. You can also find them on the Facebook event page at Oct 20, 2021
Armando Cruz Oct 21, 2021 Will this been sent to us in an email or print outs the day of? Or would it be advised for us to print them for ourselves or save them. I did read them already.
Bill Fleming Oct 21, 2021
Armando.....when TDs send out the tournament rules, I always print them off as there might not be ce ... show more ›
Armando Cruz Oct 22, 2021 Thanks Bill, I actually decided to print them out this morning to have a hardcopy with me instead of having to check my phone. It gets annoying having to check your phone every hole.
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