ADGA Second Summer Sanctioned Singles Spectacular   September 20, 2021 at 6:12pm

Week 10 Peter's Creek - FINALE!

Just to update again, remember we will be starting at 6:00pm, no exceptions, this week. Sunset is at 8pm, so it's gonna get dim for those last few holes, even if we start on time. Let me know you'll be there, and if you're arriving after 5:45 but before 6, also let me know - I don't want to have to reshuffle cards at the last minute.

This league was a learning experience - I'm going to try and get 20 weeks of summer league in next year too, but I'll try to shift it a couple weeks earlier in the year so that we don't run into darkness.

I'll get payouts for last week (including Dan Allen's ace!) out later this afternoon.