Kurt DeMarra  › The Muddy Run Championship (Amateur Divisions) - Presented by: Play It Again Sports Lancaster   August 26, 2021 at 5:38pm

Player Packs and AM Prizes:

We’re excited to again be working with Play It Again Sports Lancaster to provide player packs and amateur prize payouts. PIAS Lancaster has played a huge part behind the scenes to secure this year's player pack/event discs. Given worldwide supply shortages, etc, it has been challenging for disc retailers to obtain and maintain stock stamped golf discs. However, PIAS Lancaster didn’t let that get in their way. They got creative, and have ordered various event custom stamped discs from various manufacturers in order to fill the need.

Amateur player packs will be: DD Tote Bag, disc of choice from Group A, disc of choice from Group B, PIAS mini, DD scorecard, DD pencil. All custom discs will be first come first serve.

For amateur payouts, we will be using the discs from Group A and Group B, and possibly stock stamp discs from the PIAS store. It will depend on their stock levels, etc. Below is the list of discs. They will have the event stamp unless otherwise noted.

PS: PIAS is awaiting confirmation on a pre-order of new MVP molds. Hex, and two others. If they arrive before the event, they will be available as well.

Group A

Paige Pierce Fierce
Paul McBeth Luna

Dynamic Discs:
Hybrid Trespass

Innova Discs:
Shimmer Star Colossus
Shimmer Star Destroyer
Star Mako3
Star Sidewinder
Star Wraith
Star Firebird-X
Luster Champ Teebird
Champ Teedevil

Prodigy Discs:
X3 (Catrina Allen - 2x World Champ stamp)

Group B

ESP Buzzz
ESP Undertaker
Z Nuke

Dynamic Discs:
Prime Burst EMac Judge

Westside Discs:
Origio Burst Maiden