Rules question for you Pat. In my most recent practice round at TC3, I clearly threw a disc into the left-side OB marsh on hole 6. Everyone on my card agreed it was OB and I threw from the spot it was last IB. We looked, but only got soaked feet for our efforts. In the tournament, what is the rule we should apply? Do we need to use the 3-minute lost disc timer and everyone must help search? Or does play continue on without requiring all players to contribute to the 3-minutes of searching? If the disc might be near the edge, I think a search is warranted...but I was clearly 10 or more feet OB. Can you clarify?
806.02 Out-of-Bounds C. A disc that cannot be found is considered to be out-of-bounds if there is compelling evidence that the disc came to rest within an out-of-bounds area. In the absence of such evidence, the disc is considered lost and play proceeds according to rule 805.03.
I read that rule. The question is around the first aspect " a disc that cannot be found". Am I expected to wade into an OB marsh and almost certainly fill my shoes with water? When it is clear that the disc is OB.
If it were a pond and the disc sank, I wouldn't have to wade in the water to find it. This area is almost a pond. The water is less than 6 inches deep, with sticky mud beneath. I don't think the rule demands that I wade into standing water to help find your disc, rather I can stand in a dry area and scan the area visually
Also depends on how attached to the disc you are. Me personally if its that nasty im
not going to ask the card to get shoes full of muck for a disc.
Thanks Daniel, two quick reactions. In terms of the tournament and play, we plan to have a spotter on that hole to help with flow of play. The marshy pond is difficult to navigate for disc retrieval. Moving the target from its original location was meant, in part, to help minimize discs from ent ... more
Thanks Daniel, two quick reactions. In terms of the tournament and play, we plan to have a spotter on that hole to help with flow of play. The marshy pond is difficult to navigate for disc retrieval. Moving the target from its original location was meant, in part, to help minimize discs from entering that area. We may be able to have a spotter equipped to retrieve discs, I'll look into that - thanks for bringing it to my attention. The other option is to define that area as an 806.04 Relief Area
thanks Pat!