ADGA-MSDGA Summer Sanctioned Singles Spectacular   July 13, 2021 at 6:38pm

Next League - Update

Hi - I'm planning to keep this league going, with another Tuesday sanctioned singles, probably starting next week. Ace Pot, which was not hit this league, will carry over to this league.

Here are the changes:

No Alcantra or Girdwood rounds - those saw sparse attendance and even I had some trouble getting out for them. Too much travel for a Tuesday night. League will by default alternate between Peter's Creek and Davis.

May cycle in a Kincaid round - we didn't have huge attendance numbers on any week, so that makes me think we can get a round in at Kincaid without it taking 4 hours.

Finally, we're going back to a non-handicap league. During the summer, there's too much nice weather for me to sit in front of a spreadsheet and figure out who won. I'll post more details on the actual league page, but it'll be three pools, basically sub-800, 800-900, and 900+ ratings. We'll still do payouts afterwards, but this will help people see whether they won their pool or not sooner, without having to wait for me to do the spreadsheet.

Joe Caissie   July 13, 2021 at 6:46pm

Oh, also week 10 payouts will be going out in the next couple of days.