Jay Arellano  › IOS #108 Case Jackson Memorial (All Others) Presented by Discontinuum   July 13, 2021 at 1:31am

Hate to bother ya, but is the waitlist by division? I see 3 have dropped out of ma1 but haven't gotten an invite email.

Mike Krupicka   July 13, 2021 at 2:27am

Waitlist is by division. With the ratings update tomorrow, we may need to move some players from MA3 (who are already fully in the event) into MA1. Once we handle the ratings bumps we will be promoting more off the waitlist for MA1

Mike Krupicka   July 13, 2021 at 2:28am

I'm hopeful that all on the MA1 WL will make it in, but it depends on the ratings update tomorrow morning.