Tim Bazer  › Summer Showdown   June 30, 2021 at 3:19am

Questions about hole 6 at Frank, regarding issues that have come up on my cards at recent tournaments: 1) I'm not sure I understand the point of the mando. Someone suggested that it's to prevent people from bombing a tee shot over the net to the right of the pole to the long basket, but that doesn't really apply to the yellow basket location. The netting blocks most everything else to the right. There is however a foot or two of space at the base of the mando pole, to the right between the pole and corner of the netting. Is the mando intended to punish a shot that skids through this tiny space (on a nearly direct line to the short basket)? At states this year there was no mando on this hole. 2) What about shots that go under the netting and into the field (not close to the pole)? No mention of OB here, would it just be played as casual, a meter from where it went in?

Adam Stanton   June 30, 2021 at 4:56am

It is for safety reasons preventing people from going into the pasture. The fence behind the net is ob I’ll fix the list of obs. The mando is in play on both layouts even if you scoot under the net. It’s really just meant to deter people from throwing a hyzer over the net. As to why it w ... more

Tim Bazer   July 1, 2021 at 2:26am

ha ... thanks Adam, that all makes sense