I was able to sign up for over 50 age group, but now I am thinking that I can not. I was only invited to over 55 group which I could not sign up in time. I am not interested in being on the wait list for over 55.
Please let me know if I am valid for the over 50 age group. If not then I will pull out thank you for your time.
You can sign up for MP50. It opened last night at midnight for any invited player to register for any division they are eligible for, regardless of the division(s) they were invited for. See the registration schedule here: https://www.pdga.com/documents/2021-pdga-masters-worlds/2021-pdga-masters-worlds-registration-schedule
Age wise I am eligible, but I was not sure about the required points for the over 50 group. I quess as long as I meet the age requirement I am good to go. Thanks.