Ozgur Mert  › Hazy Shade 19th Annual BYOP Doubles   June 2, 2021 at 11:36pm

How will proper division selection be enforced? Especially with groups where only one partner or neither have ratings?

Jeremy Pennucci   June 3, 2021 at 2:46am

This is always a question and really one without a great answer. I can just repeat that golf is a game of honor. There is no honor in competing in a division you don't belong in. Will it still happen, yes. The thing is there is no way to stop this problem even in a sanctioned event. There is always a way around it. Players need to put themselves in the correct division.

hoa h   June 21, 2021 at 5:27pm

when in doubt, sand bag. everyone else is. that's if winning is important. if not, move up and who knows, you may surprise yourself. fun should be your goal. game of honor is an ok motto, but we know how some folks are.. self honor is more important.