**2024 A3Disc Wednesday Fall League**

September - October 2024 • Dexter, Michigan
Singles league
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Oct 30, 2024 · Top scores
Hudson Mills Metropark
Monster course
Yellow tees (short) to Champ Baskets, 18 holes
+1 55
Jeff Webb
-6 48
Jeff Freeland
-6 48
Casey Bunker
Overall standings
1Chance Mikkelson-3.43138.5
2Joshua Steiner-4.57132.5
3Brian Lammers+.33130
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 11/4/24

About this League

Singles league - 44 all-time players - 0 active players
$30.00 one-time player fee for this league
$5.00 player fee each session
We accept Cash, PayPal, or Venmo PayPal: [email protected] Venmo: A Three Disc Board DURATION: Sep 11th, 2023 - Oct 30th, 2023 ..8 weeks in total ..Non-PDGA Scored Rounds COURSES: Hudson Mills Metropark ...Original Course, 18 Holes (Short tees) ...Monster Course, 18 Holes (Short tees) Independence Lake County Park ...Red Hawk East, 18 Holes (White Tees) ...Red Hawk West, 18 Holes (White Tees) A3DISC MEMBERSHIP: *Annual membership dues are $30.00 Juniors $15.00 Members w ...
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League News

Chance Mikkelson   November 12 at 9:07pm

All done!

Thanks again to everyone who came out for fall league! Here are the final CTP winners:

Big $$$: Casey Bunker/ Jeff Freeland - $68
50/50: Nate Smith - $26
Disc: Andrew Perez / Peter Mueller

Putting league is happening now! Last week we had our first putting league of the season and it was a blast! Don’t miss out!
We will have any payouts remaining with for the next few putting leagues, see you there!


Chance Mikkelson   November 6 at 8:46pm

Putting League Starts Tonight!!!!!!

Will be posting last weeks CTP winners shortly!


Homes campus, Reg opens at 5 putting starts at 6!!!!

Casey Bunker   November 8 at 2:29am


Chance Mikkelson   October 29 at 10:04pm

Oh yeah, forgot to add....

It will be Monster 18 Shorts to CHAMP BASKETS!!!!
That is all, see ya tomorrow!!!!!


Chance Mikkelson   October 28 at 8:10pm


Scores posted

CTP Winners:
-Disc CTP - Brian Lammers
-50/50 CTP - John Wilson - $28
- BIG $$$ - Chris Rockwell - $80

Next Week: Hudson Monster Shorts 18

**Worst Shot Doubles**
-Same Rules as last time, except you will taking the worst shot of you and your partner, chosen by the other pair on your card.
-The opposing Doubles Team (or multiple teams) will choose which of the two shots thrown was the “worst” from you to throw from.
-If a shot goes in (whether it be a th ... more


Chance Mikkelson   October 22 at 9:06am

2 League Nights Left

Scores posted

CTP Winners:
-Disc CTP - Willie Weiss
-50/50 CTP - Keith Hanes - $24
- BIG $$$ - Casey Bunker - $68

Next Week: Hudson OG Shorts 18

**Putter Only Round**
-Bring whatever you want to throw, AS LONG AS IT IS A PUTTER!
-Putt & Approach is fine, lets call it 4 speeds and under
-Yes you can use a zone, yes you can use a berg, and yes every shot needs to be with a putter, no exceptions!!

Thanks to everyone who is making Fall League a riot! See you all tomorrow!!!


Chance Mikkelson   October 16 at 1:35pm

Hudson Monster Layout Tonight!

Just a heads up, the season with finish out with the rest of the rounds at Hudson Mills. Tonight will be Monster 18, next week will be OG 18, and we will end the season on Monster on the 30th.

See you there!


Chance Mikkelson   October 15 at 9:13am

Mulligans, oh mulligans!

Scores posted

CTP Winners:
-Disc CTP - Jeff Freeland
-50/50 CTP - Casey Bunker - $17
- BIG $$$ - Tim Kramer - $45

Next Week: Hudson Monster Shorts 18

***Disc Dice Are Back!!!***
-If you received a set of dice the last time we played, please bring them with you to ensure we have plenty to go around!
-This time it will be roll once at the tee, everyone on the card will the throw what is thrown.
-This means no individual rolling, 1 roll per hole for the whole card. This should also increase pace of play a bit!

See ya Tomorrow!


Chance Mikkelson   October 8 at 10:50pm

Red Tee Success! Mulligans are next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scores posted

CTP Winners:
-Disc CTP - Shaun Rutgers
-50/50 CTP - Willie Weiss - $24
- BIG $$$ - Brian Lammers - $68

Next Week: Hudson OG Shorts 18

***MULLIGAN ROUND!!!!!!***

-Listen up, play for a better score, or play to mess up others scores, your choice
-You will receive 5 Mulligan tokens upon registration, use these tokens however you see fit. Examples: rethrow a drive, rethrow an upshot, take a second putt, etc.
-HOWEVER!!! You must call your Mulligan BEFORE you throw. No ... more


Chance Mikkelson   October 7 at 10:32pm

Red Tee Success! Mulligans are next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scores posted

CTP Winners:
-Disc CTP - Shaun Rutgers
-50/50 CTP - Willie Weiss - $24
- BIG $$$ - Brian Lammers - $68

Next Week: Hudson OG Shorts 18

***MULLIGAN ROUND!!!!!!***

-Listen up, play for a better score, or play to mess up others scores, your choice
-You will receive 5 Mulligan tokens upon registration, use these tokens however you see fit. Examples: rethrow a drive, rethrow an upshot, take a second putt, etc.
-HOWEVER!!! You must call your Mulligan BEFORE you throw. No ... more


Chance Mikkelson   October 1 at 12:21pm

Doubles is done!

Scores posted

CTP Winners:
-Disc CTP - Jared Wilson
-50/50 CTP - Jeff Freeland - $29
- BIG $$$ - John Wilson - $96

Next Week: Indy West Red Tees “B” Pin


Chance Mikkelson   September 25 at 12:24pm

Layout Change!!!

It will be Monster Short 24 tonight, not 18. Doubles should run quicker so we should have time to make through. Also Udisc has been updated to the doubles format as well.
And yes, it is Random-ish doubles. Pick your card mates, then flip to see who your doubles partner is from your card. All cards need to be even numbered, if there is a need for a cali player that will be decided by the last card.


Chance Mikkelson   September 24 at 10:48pm

Disc Dice Done!

Disc Dice is over for now, but don't get rid of the dice just yet, it will be back!!

Scores posted

CTP Winners:
-Disc CTP - Willie Weiss
-50/50 CTP - Chris Mannor - $17
- BIG $$$ - Brian Lammers - $52

Next Week: Monster 18 Shorts DOUBLES ROUND!!!!!!

Casey Bunker   September 24 at 11:18pm

How do you do doubles round?

Chance Mikkelson   September 25 at 12:25pm

Standard best shot doubles. You pick your card mates then random flip for your doubles partner

Chance Mikkelson   September 12 at 12:40pm

Lost & Found round complete!

I hope everyone had a good time with lost & found round, it definitely put a dent in our stock pile of lost discs!

Scores posted

CTP Winners:
-Disc CTP - Tim Kramer
-50/50 CTP - John Wilson - $28
- BIG $$$ - Jason Aric Jones $76

Next Week: Indy East DISC DICE ROUND!

Casey Bunker   September 17 at 3:46pm

What is disc dice?

Chance Mikkelson   September 18 at 12:51am

One Dice chooses your disc type (stable, under stable, over stable, etc.) One dice chooses your throw type (hyzer, roller, forehand, etc.) Roll the dice to decide your throw off the tee!

Chance Mikkelson   September 9 at 1:42pm

First Round this Wednesday September 11th

First round is almost here! For anyone who hasn’t played fall league, it is quite more laid back, no divisions and we do more “FUN” rounds than normal.
There is no ace pool, every Wednesday we host an optional BIG $$$ CTP, cash is paid out weekly.


This Wednesday is the LOST & FOUND DISC ROUND!!!!
-Upon check in you will be given 2 discs from our lost and found disc boxes (yes they are used, some more than others and some might be prett ... more

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