Wrecking Crew Wednesday Handicap League @ Oz

April - July 2015 • Willoughby, Ohio
Singles league

Ace pool

as of June 10
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Jul 8, 2015 · Top scores
Osborne Park Disc Golf
9 twice through, 18 holes
-6 48
Mike Carletta$50
-5 49
Tim Kaihlanen$35
+4 58
Dominic "GREASE" Lograsso$20
+6 60
Bob Drabik
-7 47
kipper kendzierski
-7 47
Rollie R
-2 52
Dave "music man" H
Overall standings
1Rob Yaddi68
2bill perry46
3Rollie R42
4kipper kendzierski38
5Don Demass32
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 7/8/15

About this League

Singles league - 45 all-time players - 0 active players
$5.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
No information has been posted.

League News

duane koczan   July 9, 2015 at 7:03am

Week 11

Great rounds put in by Mike C, Tim K and Grease for 1st, 2nd and 3rd!!!

Rob Yaddi has put a end to Duane's 3 year reign as handicap champion!!! Congrats Mr Yadd! We will start scrambles next week since....

5:45 Start Time

show all 4 comments
duane koczan   July 8, 2015 at 11:26pm

In order to qualify for the ace fund ctp you must have 6 rounds recorded........ Those players are: Duane, Yaddi, Rollie, Ninja, Mike P, Jeff M, Joe M, Demass, Tom L , Roger, Music Man, Rick F and Ninja Daddy...

duane koczan   July 8, 2015 at 11:30pm


Rob Yaddi   July 9, 2015 at 1:14pm

woot woot! it's been a hard won victory!

duane koczan   July 2, 2015 at 6:19am

Week 10

Even missing some easy putts , Eric Leslie shot lights out to take home 1st place. We had a 5 way ctp throw off with the Music Man beating out the pack for 2nd and Mike P taking 3rd. if somebody wants to beat Yaddi, then they need to place the next two weeks or its his!!!!!

5:45 Next Week!!

Rollie Rush   July 2, 2015 at 8:38pm

Played painesville today sweet coarse meeting there tomorrow at 9:00 am with a group to break it in

duane koczan   June 25, 2015 at 5:50am

Week 9

Another great night is in the books and Dan Kunc shot his best round to date to take home 1st. Mike P took 2nd and Ninja knocked off Yaddi with a ctp throw for 3rd. This is the 2nd week in a row Yaddi hasn't cashed in on the points, problem is........ None of the top guys are either!

5:45 Next Week


duane koczan   June 18, 2015 at 6:52am

Week 8

Roger and Bob D shot lights with Roger edging out Bob with a ctp for 1st, and Duane beat out the Ninja Daddy with a ctp for 3rd. With 4 weeks left in the handicap league it's still anybody's league too win!!!

5:45 Next Week!!!!


duane koczan   June 11, 2015 at 7:31am

Week 7

A windy day didn't stop Kipper from shooting a 47 to take first place and put him only 30 points from Yaddi. That being said Mr Demass shot his best round to date to take 2nd and Sam Bunch took 3rd. Only 5 weeks left until we switch over to scrambles....... Who's going to catch the point leader!?!?!?

Start time is at 5:45!!!!!


duane koczan   June 4, 2015 at 6:39am

Week 6

Another great week in the books with Kipper beating out Yaddi on a cpt to take home 1st! Yaddi with another great showing brought home 2nd with Bill Perry placing 3rd. Yaddi is looking to run away with the points and hes doing a great job so far!!!

5:45 NEXT WEEK!!!


duane koczan   May 28, 2015 at 5:38am

Week 5

Rain Rain go away......Well the rain went away and so did the Mangina's!!!! hahaha . We started with 17 and finished with 11 ( had to talk 3 into staying ) The wind and rain did play a major role , but Bill Perry , Kunc and Yaddi toughed out the weather to finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd!

After 5 weeks Yaddi has a 9 point lead of Rollie in our points series!!!!

League will start at 5:45 for the rest of the season!!!!

Rollie Rush   May 28, 2015 at 4:35am

That is an 11 point lead..Just saying

duane koczan   May 28, 2015 at 8:09am

Ha .....11

duane koczan   May 21, 2015 at 5:26am

Week 4

Mr Demas shot his best game to date to take 1st!! The Neighbor took 2nd and Roger Bolz put down the Coors and decided not to go swimming to take 3rd.

5:30 Next Week!!!


duane koczan   May 14, 2015 at 6:01am

Week 3

Handicaps in play and THE NEIGHBOR took home first shooting a 55/49 round.....great round Tom! Justin Pecek didn't need a handicap, he just needed to beat out the chicken wing on a ctp to take home 2nd with a straight up 50. Bruce shot a great round of 53/50 to take home 3rd. Had a few regulars working and Ninjas and a few on IR , but still had a great turnout..... More handicaps got established today which will make next week even more interesting.

5:30 next week!!!!!!


duane koczan   May 7, 2015 at 6:41am

Week 2

Another great turnout with some great scores.......Yaddi and Kevin Daney both shot -6 with Yaddi winning the ctp to take first. Rollie came in 3rd again shooting a impressive -5. Two weeks are wrapped up and the 3 time Defending Handicap winner has >>> 0 <<< points!!!!! Handicaps start next week for 13 players, so it should start to get interesting.

See you next week at 5:30!!!


duane koczan   April 30, 2015 at 6:01am

Week 1

Week 1 is in the books with another great turnout! 23 players enjoyed great weather at the Oz and the scores showed. Bill " King Bagger " Perry shot lights out shooting -9 to take 1st place. Yaddi had a great round shooting -6 for 2nd and Rollie came in 3rd with a -3. Next week we will be teeing off at 5:30.......


duane koczan   March 19, 2015 at 7:10pm

Handicap League

League will run our handicap format from 4/29 - 7/15 and then switch over to doubles from 7/22 - 10/7.

Mickey Anderson   March 19, 2015 at 11:25pm

Can't Wait

Austin Drabik   April 8, 2015 at 9:11pm

What time?

duane koczan   April 28, 2015 at 9:17pm


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