Wrecking Crew Wed Handicap league @ the Oz

April - July 2014 • Willoughby, Ohio
Singles league

Ace pool

as of June 11
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Jul 9, 2014 · Top scores
Osborne Park Disc Golf
9 twice through, 18 holes
-1 53
joe michelini$25
E 54
brian lyons$45
-5 49
duane koczan$10
-8 46
bill perry
Overall standings
1duane koczan56
2brian lyons53
3Rick Falstead41
3willie w41
5bill perry40
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 7/10/14

About this League

Singles league - 34 all-time players - 0 active players
$5.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
This is a singles, two rounds of 9 handicap league. Your handicap will be established after your 3rd round of 18 unless you played last year and had a established handicap you will only need two rounds. Once your handicap is established it can never go up!!! This is a fun league with a lot of great players playing, so don't hesitate to come up regardless of skill level.

League News

duane koczan   July 10, 2014 at 6:49pm

After Hours Event

So we have a new tradition..........at the end of our handi league we will go to the lakeshore lounge and just have a great time!! Best thing about this is everyone in our league got along with each other! Some guys drink while playing, some smoke, some play music and others are just learning, but it doesn't matter because everyone there just wants to have a good time!!

So we have joke when you throw a disc on the beach you got to do the Hasselhoff ( shirt off and jog in slow motion) wel ... more

Bill Perry   July 10, 2014 at 2:25pm

Hahahahaha send me that awesome pic! Great time!

Larry Bright Jr.   July 10, 2014 at 4:55pm

lmfao!! gotta see this pic!!!

duane koczan   July 10, 2014 at 6:41pm

Finale Night of the Handicap league

Everything came down to the finale round and it was awesome ( EVEN SINGING FROM THE DISTANCE HAHAHA)......B Lyons beat J mich ona ctp to take 1st place. Duane and Perry came down to a ctp for the 3rd, but whoever won this would win the league with points!

Duane won the league Again!!!!

Bag Tags 1. Perry 2. Duane 3rd. joe m
I just want to say thank you to all that showed up this year. We averaged 23 people a week ,and for a 9 hole course that's pretty damn good!


duane koczan   July 3, 2014 at 5:17am

week 9

Great night with some great scores at the Oz........Chicken Wing shot lights out taking home 1st place! Willie W took 2nd with Fairway Jimmy placed for the first time taking 3rd. Next week is the finale day for the handicap league with doubles starting the following week.

Next week 5:45


duane koczan   June 26, 2014 at 6:51am

week 8

Another great turnout at Oz! Willie shot lights out to take 1st place. Rick "ROGERS SON" took 2nd place with some great throwing, and we had a three way ctp throw off with Roger " Scuba" taking 3rd. With only a few more weeks to play the points are so close again! Will Duane K win this league for the 3rd time in three year? Or will a rookie or a Big arm take it this year......

5:45 next week


duane koczan   June 19, 2014 at 6:29pm

Week 7

Rain/lightning delay.........We had to call the league with about 5 holes left with 35 mph winds and nasty storms coming off the lake. Highlight of the Night was Bill Perry getting a Ace on #9!!!!!! I got to add that Ninja also hit chains on #9, but got pushed out.

5:45 next week


duane koczan   June 12, 2014 at 5:25am

week 6

S.Brown first throw was a big one.......Ace ON #8!!!! He also shot lights out taking first place. Larry Bright and Bama had to throw a ctp to determine 2nd place with Bama winning. Thanks for all that continue to show and thanks to all the new players showing up!!!

5:45 Start next week


duane koczan   June 5, 2014 at 5:12am

week 5

Rain didn't stop 18 players from showing up and playing today at the Oz! Yaddi shot lights out with a -6 to take 1st. The neighbor shot his best round to take 2nd and tim toth was on a roll sinking a 120 ft shot on #2 to take 3rd.

5:45 next week

Rob Yaddi   June 4, 2014 at 11:32pm


duane koczan   May 29, 2014 at 5:08am

week 4

Windy day at the Oz didn't stop Mr Perry from shooting lights out with a 47 to take 1st. Bama Brad took 2nd and Bryan Lyons took 3rd place. If you don't stay, you don't get paid guys......almost always a throw off of some kind, so if you plan on playing please stick around until all cards are turned in.

5:45 NEXT WEEK!!!!


duane koczan   May 22, 2014 at 5:32am

week 4

Biggest turn out this year with 22 showing up to play our little 9 hole course!!!! Handicaps came into play today, but it didn't stop Bill Perry from taking 1st with a -8.....Rick F took advantage of his new handicap with a 2nd place win and Gyo beat out the Neighbor on a ctp to take 3rd. Perry also won the ctp on #6!

NEXT WEEK 5:30 Start Time!!!


duane koczan   May 15, 2014 at 5:25am

Week 3

A little rain isn't going to stop our league. We had 11 guys come out to play today, but everybody had a blast!! Duane took 1st and also won the ctp on hole 4. Ninja and Mike had a ctp on #8 to determine 2nd and 3rd will Ninja winning ......More handicaps are going to be in play next week!!!!


duane koczan   May 8, 2014 at 5:22am

week 2

What a day at the Oz......Winds at times reached around 25 mph at times which made for a interesting round. Duane took first with Bryan Lyons and Ninja taking 2nd and 3rd. Best thing about this league isn't the fact more people are showing up, but its a lot of new players showing up weekly!! Some HANDICAPS ARE EXSTABLISHED,So let the fun begin!!

That highlight of the night happened at the end of the night when everybody puts in a buck and throws a ctp on #8...........I thought I had ctp until Mike Ray came up with a Nasty sidearm and got a ACE!!!!!!

5:30 NEXT WEEK GUYS!!!!!


duane koczan   May 1, 2014 at 5:09am

Week 1

The weather didn't stop 9 regulars and 5 new guys from coming out and enjoying the handicap league at the Oz. Mr Yaddi took 1st shooting lights out with a 50. Joe Michilini took 2nd and Duane K took 3rd. We might be a small course, but we run a great fun league that's defiantly beginning friendly...........530 next week!!!!

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