Wednesday Night Doubles at Seneca Creek is played using the favorite disc format. Teams are selected by random draw. Draw commences 2 1/2 hours prior to park closing time.
No minis are needed as we use a bag and poker chips to determine the teams. There are two chips with an A on them, two chips with a B on them and so forth. You draw a chip, look for the person who drew the corresponding chip and you have your partner.
The entry fee to play is $2. If there is an odd number of players, t ...
continue reading ›Wednesday Night Doubles at Seneca Creek is played using the favorite disc format. Teams are selected by random draw. Draw commences 2 1/2 hours prior to park closing time.
No minis are needed as we use a bag and poker chips to determine the teams. There are two chips with an A on them, two chips with a B on them and so forth. You draw a chip, look for the person who drew the corresponding chip and you have your partner.
The entry fee to play is $2. If there is an odd number of players, the odd player will be designated "Schitzo" and face a choice. The "Schitzo" player can opt to not put in any more money and throw 1 extra shot per hole or they can put in another $2 dollars and throw twice every shot.
The team with the lowest score wins. Second place each win their $2 entry fee back. In the event of a tie for first, the teams will go to a playoff if time allows. The team winning the playoff wins the entire entry pot. In the event of a tie for second place or if there are less then 10 total players, the first place team gets the entire entry pot.
An optional $1 ace pot is offered. The ace pot is built up to $200 at which point it is capped and the next ace pot is started. If more than one person hits an ace they will split the pot. If there is a "Scitzo", that player has the option of putting in an addiional $1 to have two shots at the ace pot. If they elect not to put in the extra dollar, they must call which one of their drives is the "ace run" if throwing two drives.
An optional $1 ctp pot is offered. A hole is chosen that is felt to be reachable by all players to be the ctp hole for the round. All participents who put a dollar into the ctp pot are eligible to win the pot that day. Whomever gets their drive closest to the pin on that particular hole wins the pot. As with the ace pot, if there is a "Schitzo" they will have the option to pay another $1 to have two shots at the ctp or they will have to call which drive is their ctp shot.
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