
Washtenaw County Glow

Doubles · Mar - Oct 2009 · Ann Arbor, MI

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Garrett Graham 4G's http://www.discgolfscene.com/leagues/Washtenaw_County_Glow_Winter_League_2009 Oct 28, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's yes but every one is here
Oct 28, 2009
Pete Crist So are we posting on the wrong board or what? Garrett, maybe switch up the schedule here:
Oct 28, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's Tee off at 7pm sharp we cant get locked in i spoke with the park we have to be out of the park at ten Oct 28, 2009
Scott White If anyone brings a glow z stalker tomorrow I will pay cash money. Oh and good call moving to Hudson Mills this week. Oct 28, 2009
g lane this all seems very well organized. just in case maybe someone can cut us an escape route through the russian olives. Oct 27, 2009
Joe Arnet u guys are right, it is only open till 10. just checked the main page. if we get started @ 7... should be able to make it. Oct 27, 2009
Ben Calhoun If we got going by 7, and played 18 short, Hudson could be done and gone by 10pm I think. Oct 27, 2009
Daemon Stahlin i was also under this impression. in all the years i have been playing here, the only day they are open late is mystic. Oct 27, 2009
Scott Ransley I thought HM normally closes at 10, and only stays open the extra hour for Mystic Mills cause A3 pays for it. Oct 27, 2009
Joe Arnet come get your glow on @ hudson! Oct 27, 2009
Daemon Stahlin sweet! Oct 27, 2009
g lane interesting. i am already signed up to play at bandemer. this is quite a predicament. Oct 27, 2009
Foz Miller Yeah I just spoke with Garret - Hudson Mills - Original 18 - 7:30 - Prep for Mistic Mills - Get you glow on. Oct 27, 2009
Mike Fortunato Garrett has told me that Wed night glow will be held at Hudson Mills this week. Apparently the park closes at 11. That was news to me. Oct 27, 2009
Scott White I have a few of those.. piggish Oct 10, 2009
Joe Arnet check this out... photon glow tracker.. light tho 169 ish
Oct 10, 2009
Joe Arnet someone spot me $7, i'm broke as a joke :( Oct 8, 2009
norm raby we should have 3 ctps for 25 or 40 bucks and the rest goes to the ace if no ace the cash goes to the league Oct 8, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's do you know who i have to talk to to find out about another basket ben? Oct 2, 2009
Ben Calhoun I'm pretty sure the City has more of those baskets laying around, and 1 is meant for the practice basket. We can get Chainstars cheaper than that so don't order one that way if that's the plan. Oct 2, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's I would have to consult the parks department or terry calhoun before i put it in. but some where buy one blue were my thoughts Oct 2, 2009
Scott White A practice basket for Bandemer is a great idea. $375 for a Chainstar and now that you have a cause I think people will be more likely to donate to it so getting there should be relatively easy. Where do you think it would be placed? Oct 2, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's I would like to try and raise money for a practice basket at bandy any thoughts Oct 2, 2009
Jesse Cahill As of my leaving the 4-keg he was. & He is this weeks defending champ... Oct 1, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's ill get a hold of him to see if hes coming
Oct 1, 2009
Jesse Cahill Garrett can you pick up Terry? That would save me 10 minutes at least. Oct 1, 2009
Jesse Cahill I'll try for 7:30... Oct 1, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's lol i will let him know Oct 1, 2009
Joe Arnet 7:30? why? we all know mr cahill will roll in around 8:15 :( lmao Oct 1, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's try to be ready to go at 730 tomorrow night Oct 1, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's is that the stuff norm was talking about jesse Sep 29, 2009
Scott White Sweet!! We got 2nd last week.. Sep 28, 2009
Jesse Cahill I ordered some of the industrial strength glow tape last week, should be here before glow this week. Not Cheap... Hopefully it works as good as it should for the price. Sep 28, 2009
Matt Carter It's glow time. Sep 25, 2009
Pete Crist I'm comin in hot in 38th! Sep 23, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's t pills back on top jesse close 2nd nice i like it Sep 23, 2009
Terry Sink
just found this on ebay i'm shure a few of you will be interested in this. http://cgi.ebay.com/First-Run-Discraft-nite-glow-elite-z-stalker-golf-disc_W0QQitemZ270454354378QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_Defaul ... show more ›
Sep 12, 2009
g lane so... how did it go? Sep 11, 2009
Scott White 7:45 now? I may be able to start attendng. About what time will the rounds be complete? Sep 10, 2009
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