August 25, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Mike Henry
Brock Williams
-15 39
$60 5
2 Shawn Mascorro
Gary Hutchinson
-14 40
$30 4
3 Brad Fuelling
Nick Young
-13 41
$20 3
4 Justin Garrison
Scott B
-13 41
- 3
4 Robert Turner II
Alex Mouton
-13 41
- 3
4 Matt Oller
John Nobel
-13 41
- 3
7 Mat Esbri
Ted Stoebling
-11 43
- -
8 Joe Gabris
Chris Leo
-9 45
- -
9 Steve Tyrone
Christian Sersha
-8 46
- -
10 Adam Jones
Will Adams
-7 47
- -
11 Dave Wagner
Chris Dulics
-3 51
- -

August 18, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Brad Fuelling
Jason Stimac
-12 42
$47.5 5
1 Ken Mango
Ryan Quackenbush
-12 42
$47.5 5
3 Gary Hutchinson
Justin Garrison
-11 43
$10 3
4 Nick Young
Levi LaFrambuise
♠ Hole 1 Levi LaFrambuise · $122
-11 43
- 3
5 Mat Esbri
Brock Williams
-10 44
- 1
5 Eric Manidok
Josh Shulte
-10 44
- 1
7 Rich Bidinger
Steve Tyrone
-9 45
- -
7 Shawn Mascorro
John Nobel
-9 45
- -
9 John Scholti
Jay Binienda
-8 46
- -
10 Dan Bienkowski
Andy Hughes
-5 49
- -
11 Craig Miller
Will Adams
+2 56
- -

August 11, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Dan Marchek
Pat Costyk
-15 39
$80 5
2 John Andare
Josh Shulte
-14 40
$40 4
3 Brian Buchholz
Mike Jones
-13 41
$20 3
3 Mike Henry
Ken Mango
-13 41
$20 3
5 Mike Rabin
Bill Oller
-12 42
- 1
6 Gary Hutchinson
John Nobel
-10 44
- -
7 Eric Manidok
Brandon Jackson
-9 45
- -
7 Jason Stimac
-9 45
- -
9 Matt Oller
Steve Tyrone
-8 46
- -
10 Jay Binienda
Josh Sell
-7 47
- -
10 Tim Bennis
Levi LaFrambuise
-7 47
- -
10 Rich Bidinger
Calvin Harris
-7 47
- -
13 Brad Fuelling
Brock Williams
-6 48
- -
13 Dave Wagner
Chris Leo
-6 48
- -
15 Damon Evans
Craig Miller
-4 50
- -
16 Mick McKenzie
Paul West
-1 53
- -

August 4, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Mike Henry
Ryan Quackenbush
-14 40
$50 5
1 Gary Hutchinson
Mike Rabin
-14 40
$50 5
3 Dan Bienkowski
Bill Oller
-11 43
$20 3
4 Justin Garrison
Jay Binienda
-10 44
- 2
4 Shawn Mascorro
Matt Oller
-10 44
- 2
6 Tim Bennis
John Andare
-9 45
- -
6 John Nobel
Louis Caponi
-9 45
- -
6 Dan Snyder
Chris Leo
-9 45
- -
9 Kurt Matty
John Minicuci
-8 46
- -
10 Rich Bidinger
Josh Shulte
-7 47
- -
10 "Ska" Bob-Branch
Dave Wagner
-7 47
- -
10 Jason Stimac
Ken Mango
-7 47
- -

July 28, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Shawn Mascorro
Nick Young
-13 41
$22 5
1 Mat Esbri
Brock Williams
-13 41
$22 5
1 Mike Henry
Glenn Fisher
-13 41
$22 5
1 Matt Oller
Chris Leo
-13 41
$22 5
1 Gary Hutchinson
Dave Wagner
-13 41
$22 5
6 Brad Fuelling
Rich Bidinger
♠ Hole 12 Rich Bidinger · $68
-12 42
- -
7 Jason Stimac
Levi LaFrambuise
-7 47
- -
7 Kurt Matty
John Nobel
-7 47
- -
7 Steve Tyrone
Jamison Gauthier
-7 47
- -
10 Justin Garrison
Craig Miller
-5 49
- -
11 Eric Manidok
Dan Hartkopf
-4 50
- -

July 21, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Shawn Mascorro
Brandon Butler
-13 41
$42 5
1 Mike Walker
Shane Wyatt
-13 41
$42 5
3 Tim Bennis
Gary Hutchinson
-12 42
$10 3
4 Mike Henry
Rich Bidinger
-11 43
- 2
5 John Nobel
Jason Stimac
-10 44
- 1
6 Brad Fuelling
Jay Binienda
-8 46
- -
6 Justin Garrison
Nate Trent
-8 46
- -
6 Brandon Jackson
-8 46
- -
9 Steve Tyrone
Timmy Stoll
-5 49
- -
10 Jay Moyer
Chris Leo
-4 50
- -

July 14, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Shawn Mascorro
Tim Bennis
-16 38
$80 5
2 Gary Hutchinson
John Nobel
-13 41
$45 4
3 Mike Rabin
John Scholti
-11 43
$15 3
3 Kurt Matty
Josh Shulte
-11 43
$15 3
5 Shaun Adkins
Eric Manidok
-10 44
- 1
5 Justin Garrison
Jason Stimac
-10 44
- 1
5 Rich Bidinger
Alex Mouton
-10 44
- 1
8 Mike Henry
Steve Tyrone
-8 46
- -
8 Nick Young
Mark Lash
-8 46
- -
10 Robert Turner II
Brian Donaldson
-7 47
- -
10 Brad Fuelling
Joe Caldwell
-7 47
- -
12 Dave Wagner
Bill Thorton
-6 48
- -
13 Damon Evans
Pat Costyk
-4 50
- -
13 Ken Mango
-4 50
- -
15 Brian Buchholz
Will Adams
-2 52
- -

July 7, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Shawn Mascorro
Ziggy Bierekoven
-18 36
$90 5
2 Dan Haddad
Matt Oller
-13 41
$45 4
3 Shmily Boller
Nick Young
-12 42
$20 3
3 Mike Henry
Brock Williams
-12 42
$20 3
3 Gary Hutchinson
Jason Stimac
-12 42
$20 3
6 Shaun Adkins
Josh Shulte
-11 43
- -
6 John Nobel
Ryan Quackenbush
-11 43
- -
8 Mike Rabin
Josh Shell
-10 44
- -
9 Justin Garrison
John Andare
-9 45
- -
10 Tim Bennis
Eric Manidok
♠ Hole 6 Eric Manidok · $30
-8 46
- -
10 Enoch Lowry
Rich Bidinger
-8 46
- -
10 Shane Wyatt
Brandon Jackson
-8 46
- -
13 Tom Cupp
Nate Trent
-6 48
- -
13 Mike Walker
Mick McKenzie
-6 48
- -
15 Pat Costyk
Mike Jones
-5 49
- -
16 Chris Harris
Dan Bienkowski
-3 51
- -
17 John Scholti
-2 52
- -

June 30, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Tim Bennis
Jason Stimac
-13 41
$65 5
2 John Andare
Brock Williams
-12 42
$30 4
2 Mike Henry
Gary Hutchinson
-12 42
$30 4
4 Brad Frase
-11 43
$10 2
5 Justin Garrison
Mike Dempsey
-11 43
- 2
6 Shawn Mascorro
Joe Caldwell
-10 44
- -
6 Matt Oller
Bill Thorton
♠ Hole 6 Matt Oller · $84
-10 44
- -
8 Dale Massingle
Josh Shulte
-9 45
- -
9 Brad Fuelling
Rob Gibson
-8 46
- -
10 Steve Tyrone
Heith Vaughn
-7 47
- -
11 Craig Miller
Tony Mtchell
-6 48
- -
12 Mike Rabin
Chris Harris
-5 49
- -
13 Rich Bidinger
Mick McKenzie
-4 50
- -
14 Dave Wagner
Ryan Harris
-1 53
- -

June 23, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Mike Henry
Tim Bennis
-14 40
$60 5
2 Justin Garrison
Brandon Jackson
-11 43
$22.5 4
2 Dan Haddad
Matt Oller
-11 43
$22.5 4
4 Mat Esbri
John Nobel
-10 44
- 2
5 Rich Bidinger
Nick Young
-9 45
- 1
5 Brad Fuelling
Brian Grois
-9 45
- 1
7 Shaun Adkins
Brock Williams
-8 46
- -
8 Shane Wyatt
Rob Gibson
-5 49
- -
9 Gary Hutchinson
Dave Wagner
-4 50
- -
10 Jason Stimac
Mick McKenzie
-3 51
- -
11 Matt Swanson
-1 53
- -

June 16, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Tim Bennis
Shane Wyatt
-13 41
$60 5
2 Shawn Mascorro
Rich Bidinger
-12 42
$25 4
2 Mike Henry
Brian Meisel
-12 42
$25 4
4 Gary Hutchinson
John Scholti
-10 44
$10 2
5 Rob Gibson
Jreff Drelin
-9 45
- 1
6 Eric Manidok
Chris Besnette
-7 47
- -
6 John Nobel
Ryan Danescu
-7 47
- -
6 Justin Garrison
Jason Stimac
-7 47
- -
9 Brad Fuelling
Nate Trent
-6 48
- -
9 Ken Mango
Mick McKenzie
-6 48
- -
9 Nick Young
Charles Schwab
-6 48
- -
9 Dave Wagner
Ted Stoebling
-6 48
- -

June 9, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pts Points
1 Shane Wyatt
Rob Gibson
-11 43
1 Mike Henry
John Scholti
-11 43
3 Brian Meisel
Nick Young
-9 45
4 John Nobel
Pat Costyk
-8 46
5 Dan Haddad
John Andare
-7 47
5 Gary Hutchinson
Nate Trent
-7 47
5 Steve Tyrone
Ken Mango
-7 47
8 Brad Fuelling
Rich Bidinger
-6 48
9 Dave Wagner
Jason Stimac
-5 49
10 Craig Miller
Jay Binienda
-2 52
11 Justin Garrison
E 54

June 2, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Brian Meisel
Rob Gibson
♠ Hole 11 Brian Meisel · $60
-14 40
$45 5
1 Shawn Mascorro
Nick Young
-14 40
$45 5
3 Brad Fuelling
Rob Smith
-11 43
$15 3
3 Shane Wyatt
Ken Mango
-11 43
$15 3
5 Gary Hutchinson
Dan Haddad
-8 46
- 2
6 John Scholti
Anthony Dagnillo
-7 47
- 1
7 Tim Bennis
Craig Miller
-6 48
- -
7 Jason Stimac
Steve Tyrone
-6 48
- -
9 Rich Bidinger
Garret Bogues
-5 49
- -
9 Justin Garrison
Jesse Phelps
-5 49
- -
9 John Nobel
Dale Massingle
-5 49
- -
12 "Ska" Bob-Branch
Eric Manidok
-3 51
- -

May 26, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Shawn Mascorro
Mike Henry
-10 44
$40 5
2 Jason Stimac
Matt Toy
-8 46
$10 4
3 Gary Hutchinson
Justin Garrison
-4 50
- 3
4 Rob Gibson
Steve Tyrone
-3 51
- 2
5 Ken Mango
Charles Schwab
-2 52
- 1

May 19, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Mike Henry
Jason Stimac
-16 38
$60 5
2 Gary Hutchinson
Matt Toy
-13 41
$40 4
3 John Scholti
Jay Moyer
-12 42
$20 3
4 John Nobel
Eric Manidok
-11 43
$20 2
5 Tim Bennis
Josh Shulte
-11 43
- 1
5 Rich Bidinger
Pat Costyk
-11 43
- 1
5 Shawn Mascorro
Andrew LaCross
-11 43
- 1
8 Justin Garrison
John Andare
-8 46
- -
9 Nick Stewart
Rob Smith
-7 47
- -
10 Steve Tyrone
Krystal Fromm
-5 49
- -
10 Rob Gibson
Chris Leo
-5 49
- -
12 Mike Rabin
Garret Bogues
-3 51
- -
13 Dave Wagner
Mick McKenzie
-2 52
- -
14 Craig Miller
Alex Mouton
-1 53
- -

May 12, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Mike Rabin
Rich Bidinger
-14 40
$65 5
2 John Scholti
Jay Moyer
-13 41
$40 4
3 Robert Turner II
Rob Gibson
-11 43
$20 3
4 Shawn Mascorro
Jason Stimac
-10 44
$10 2
5 Joe Gabris
Shaun Adkins
-10 44
- 1
5 Gary Hutchinson
Dan Haddad
-10 44
- 1
5 Dave Wagner
Josh Shulte
-10 44
- 1
8 Tim Bennis
Nick Young
-8 46
- -
8 Justin Garrison
Tom Cupp
♠ Hole 14 Justin Garrison · $135
-8 46
- -
8 Eric Manidok
Rob Smith
-8 46
- -
11 Craig Miller
Garret Bogues
-5 49
- -
12 John Nobel
-4 50
- -
13 Jason Sweeney
Mat Esbri
-3 51
- -
14 Mick McKenzie
Johna Jolin
+5 59
- -

May 5, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Gary Hutchinson
Dale Massingle
-14 40
$60 5
2 Robert Turner II
Rich Bidinger
-12 42
$20 4
2 Matt Oller
Jay Moyer
-12 42
$20 4
4 Tim Bennis
Justin Garrison
-10 44
- 2
5 Jason Stimac
Krystal Fromm
-8 46
- 1
5 Craig Miller
Johna Jolin
-8 46
- 1
7 Rob Gibson
Charles Schwab
-6 48
- -
8 Shmily Boller
John Shaggy
-5 49
- -
9 Dave Wagner
Matt Gunn
-1 53
- -
10 Garret Bogues
Mick McKenzie
+1 55
- -

April 28, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Garret Bogues
Matt Toy
-10 44
$35 5
1 Joe Gabris
Nate Cavanaugh
-10 44
$35 5
3 Justin Garrison
Rob Gibson
-9 45
- 3
3 Shawn Mascorro
Robert Turner II
-9 45
- 3
5 Nick Young
Jason Stimac
-8 46
- 1
6 Gary Hutchinson
Jay Moyer
-6 48
- -
7 Steve Tyrone
Mick McKenzie
+1 55
- -

April 21, 2011   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Jay Moyer
Nick Young
-12 42
$60 5
2 Tim Bennis
Mat Esbri
-10 44
$15 4
2 Shawn Mascorro
Justin Garrison
-10 44
$15 4
2 Gary Hutchinson
Matt Gunn
-10 44
$15 4
2 Jason Stimac
Charles Schwab
-10 44
$15 4
6 Dan Haddad
Rob Gibson
-8 46
- -
7 Mark Oller
Eric Manidok
-7 47
- -
8 John Nobel
John Scholti
-5 49
- -
8 Robert Turner II
Jesse Phelps
-5 49
- -
10 Kurt Matty
John Andare
-4 50
- -
10 Brian Meisel
Timmy Stoll
-4 50
- -
12 Craig Miller
Nick Stewart
-3 51
- -

September 23, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Shawn Mascorro
Mike Rabin
-15 39
$60 -
2 Mike Henry
Eric Manidok
-14 40
$40 -
3 Shane Wyatt
Matt Oller
-13 41
$25 -
4 Brock Williams
Christian Sersha
-12 42
$15 -
5 Robert Turner II
John Nobel
-8 46
$10 -
6 Gerald Layman
Daymon Pugh
-7 47
- -
6 Justin Garrison
Kenny Doom
-7 47
- -
6 Adam Jones
Ken Mango
-7 47
- -
9 Tim Bennis
Brandon Butler
-6 48
- -
9 Dan Haddad
Rob Gibson
-6 48
- -
9 Dave Wagner
Nick Young
-6 48
- -
9 Brad Fuelling
John Scholti
-6 48
- -
13 Gary Hutchinson
John Andare
-5 49
- -
13 Jason Stimac
Chris Dulics
-5 49
- -
15 Matt Gunn
Sean Crowley
-1 53
- -

September 16, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Mike Henry
Mike Rabin
-14 40
$45 -
2 Jamison Gauthier
Gerald Layman
-11 43
$20 -
3 Stephen Moore
John Nobel
-10 44
- -
4 Gary Hutchinson
Robert "Bart" Black
-9 45
- -
5 Louis Caponi
-6 48
- -
5 Lori Mullen
Steve Tyrone
-6 48
- -
7 Dave Wagner
Sean Crowley
-2 52
- -

September 9, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Tim Bennis
Brad Frase
-13 41
$60 -
2 Brian Buchholz
John Nobel
-10 44
$30 -
3 Gary Hutchinson
Brandon Butler
-8 46
$5 -
3 Robert "Bart" Black
John Scholti
-8 46
$5 -
5 Brad Fuelling
Nick Young
-7 47
- -
6 Jesse Phelps
Jason Stimac
-6 48
- -
6 Stephen Moore
Lori Mullen
-6 48
- -
6 Shane Wyatt
Dave Wagner
-6 48
- -
9 Eric Manidok
Matt Gunn
-4 50
- -
10 Rob Gibson
Russ Staats
-2 52
- -

September 2, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Mike Rabin
-13 41
$25 -
1 John Nobel
Brock Williams
-13 41
$25 -
1 Shawn Mascorro
Jason Stimac
-13 41
$25 -
4 John McAskin
Mikel Fachini
-12 42
- -
5 Tim Bennis
Gary Hutchinson
-11 43
- -
6 Brad Fuelling
Rob Gibson
-8 46
- -
6 John Scholti
Sean Crowley
-8 46
- -
8 Robert "Bart" Black
Dave Wagner
-7 47
- -

August 26, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Shawn Mascorro
Justin Garrison
-12 42
$45 -
1 Mike Henry
Tim Bennis
♠ Hole 14 Tim Bennis · $213
-12 42
$45 -
3 Gary Hutchinson
-10 44
$15 -
4 Dan Haddad
Matt Oller
-10 44
- -
4 Robert Turner II
Kenny Doom
-10 44
- -
6 Dave Wagner
Jason Stimac
-7 47
- -
6 Nick Young
Mark Lash
-7 47
- -
8 John Scholti
Pat Costyk
-5 49
- -
8 Shane Wyatt
Steve Tyrone
-5 49
- -
10 Brandon Butler
Krystal Fromm
-3 51
- -
10 Rob Gibson
Garret Bogues
-3 51
- -

August 19, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Rich Bidinger
Kenny Doom
-15 39
$50 -
1 Mike Henry
Jason Stimac
-15 39
$50 -
3 Tim Bennis
Dave Wagner
-12 42
$20 -
3 Brian Buchholz
Mat Esbri
-12 42
$20 -
5 Robert Turner II
Brandon Butler
-11 43
$10 -
6 Shawn Mascorro
Gary Hutchinson
-11 43
- -
7 Rob Gibson
Gerad Roan
-10 44
- -
7 John Nobel
John Scholti
-10 44
- -
9 Krystal Fromm
Daymon Pugh
-9 45
- -
9 Jay Moyer
Steve Tyrone
-9 45
- -
11 Eric Manidok
Steve Ankie
-8 46
- -
11 Justin Garrison
Nick Young
-8 46
- -
13 Damon Evans
Sean Crowley
-7 47
- -
14 Shane Wyatt
Brock Williams
-6 48
- -
15 Christian Sersha
Chris Dulics
E 54
- -

August 12, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Dan Snyder
Matt Gunn
-13 41
$65 -
2 Shawn Mascorro
Tim Bennis
-12 42
$40 -
3 Gary Hutchinson
Rich Bidinger
-11 43
$20 -
4 Mike Rabin
Dave Wagner
-9 45
$10 -
5 Mike Henry
Jesse Phelps
-9 45
- -
6 Damon Evans
Nick Young
-8 46
- -
6 John Nobel
Mark Lash
-8 46
- -
8 John Andare
Pat Costyk
-7 47
- -
8 Dan Haddad
Robert "Bart" Black
-7 47
- -
8 Brian Buchholz
Shane Wyatt
-7 47
- -
8 Justin Garrison
Rob Gibson
-7 47
- -
8 Eric Manidok
Brock Williams
-7 47
- -
13 John Scholti
Russ Staats
-5 49
- -
14 Brad Fuelling
-4 50
- -

August 5, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Mike Henry
Paul Boledevich
-14 40
$65 -
2 Tim Bennis
Rich Bidinger
-12 42
$30 -
2 John Nobel
Rob Gibson
-12 42
$30 -
4 Jason Stimac
-10 44
$10 -
5 Carl Snyder
Brock Williams
-9 45
- -
6 Justin Garrison
Mark Lash
-8 46
- -
6 Robert "Bart" Black
Ken Mango
-8 46
- -
6 Steve Tyrone
Heith Vaughn
-8 46
- -
6 Shane Wyatt
Shaun Adkins
-8 46
- -
10 John Andare
Pat Costyk
-7 47
- -
11 Brad Fuelling
Eric Manidok
-6 48
- -
11 John Scholti
Brandon Butler
-6 48
- -
11 Gary Hutchinson
Garret Bogues
-6 48
- -
14 Robert Turner II
Dave Wagner
-5 49
- -

July 29, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Mike Rabin
-16 38
$65 -
2 Mike Henry
Mat Esbri
-15 39
$40 -
3 Gary Hutchinson
John Andare
-11 43
$30 -
4 Damon Evans
Rob Gibson
-11 43
- -
4 John Scholti
Rich Bidinger
-11 43
- -
4 John Nobel
Ryan Danescu
-11 43
- -
4 Stephen Moore
Russ Staats
-11 43
- -
8 Dan Haddad
Jason Stimac
-10 44
- -
8 Justin Garrison
Nick Young
-10 44
- -
10 Shaun Adkins
Steve Tyrone
-9 45
- -
10 Brad Fuelling
Robert "Bart" Black
-9 45
- -
12 Bronek Gorski
Dave Wagner
-8 46
- -
13 Heith Vaughn
Ed Goetz
-7 47
- -
14 Shane Wyatt
Matt Gunn
-6 48
- -

July 15, 2010   6:00pm

Short tees, Front Nine, 9 holes, par 27
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Nate Buban
Mike Rabin
+13 40
$50 -
2 Gary Hutchinson
Jason Stimac
+15 42
$20 -
2 Mike Henry
Brad Fuelling
+15 42
$20 -
4 Shane Wyatt
Brandon Butler
+16 43
- -
4 Tim Bennis
Justin Garrison
+16 43
- -
6 John Scholti
Mark Lash
+17 44
- -
7 Rich Bidinger
Josh Shulte
+18 45
- -
8 Dan Haddad
Rob Gibson
+20 47
- -
9 John Nobel
Dave Wagner
+22 49
- -

July 8, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Nick Young
Jason Stimac
-13 41
$61 -
2 Ziggy Bierekoven
John Scholti
-12 42
$40 -
3 Stephen Moore
Chris Vanscoy
-8 46
$10 -
3 Lori Mullen
Gerald Layman
♠ Hole 17 Gerald Layman
-8 46
$10 -
5 Shane Wyatt
Dale Massingle
-7 47
- -
5 Rob Gibson
Matt Gunn
-7 47
- -
5 Mike Rabin
Steve Tyrone
-7 47
- -
8 Gary Hutchinson
Shaun Adkins
-6 48
- -
8 Jason Sweeney
Ken Mango
-6 48
- -
10 Justin Garrison
Abbie Stoecker
-5 49
- -
11 John Nobel
Brandon Butler
-4 50
- -
12 Rich Bidinger
Mark Lash
-2 52
- -

July 1, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Mike Henry
Mike Rabin
-15 39
$70 -
2 Shawn Mascorro
Jason Sweeney
-14 40
$40 -
3 Jason Stimac
Dan Anderson
-13 41
$20 -
3 Justin Garrison
Brad Frase
-13 41
$20 -
5 Stephen Moore
John Andare
-10 44
$10 -
6 Tim Bennis
Rich Bidinger
-10 44
- -
6 Rob Gibson
Lyle Downing
-10 44
- -
8 Gary Hutchinson
Russ Staats
-9 45
- -
8 Shane Wyatt
Dave Wagner
-9 45
- -
10 Robert Turner II
Krystal Fromm
-8 46
- -
11 Robert "Bart" Black
Garret Bogues
-7 47
- -
11 John Scholti
Derek Michacak
-7 47
- -
11 Lori Mullen
Nick Young
-7 47
- -
14 Craig Miller
Mark Lash
-6 48
- -
15 Dan Haddad
Steve Tyrone
-5 49
- -
16 Brad Fuelling
Abbie Stoecker
-3 51
- -

June 24, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Gary Laura
Mike Henry
-15 39
$60 -
2 Tim Bennis
Dan Snyder
-11 43
$40 -
3 Brian Donaldson
Brad Frase
-11 43
$20 -
4 Rich Bidinger
Nick Young
-10 44
$15 -
5 Shawn Mascorro
Mark Lash
-9 45
$10 -
6 Robert "Bart" Black
Jamison Gauthier
-9 45
- -
6 Gary Hutchinson
Shane Wyatt
-9 45
- -
6 John Nobel
-9 45
- -
9 Justin Garrison
Ken Mango
-8 46
- -
9 Robert Turner II
Jason Stimac
-8 46
- -
11 Brad Fuelling
Tom Cupp
-6 48
- -
12 Rob Gibson
Garret Bogues
-5 49
- -
13 John Scholti
Russ Staats
-3 51
- -
14 John Andare
Pat Costyk
E 54
- -
15 Craig Miller
Krystal Fromm
+3 57
- -

June 17, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Robert Turner II
Rich Bidinger
-13 41
$55 -
1 Stephen Moore
Justin Garrison
♠ Hole 2 Justin Garrison · $44
-13 41
$55 -
3 Nick Young
Lyle Downing
-12 42
$17.5 -
3 Mat Esbri
Rob Gibson
-12 42
$17.5 -
3 Mike Henry
Brandon Butler
-12 42
$17.5 -
3 Joe Gabris
Gary Hutchinson
-12 42
$17.5 -
7 Gary Laura
Dave Wagner
-11 43
- -
7 Shawn Mascorro
John Scholti
♠ Hole 12 Shawn Mascorro · $44
-11 43
- -
9 Jamison Gauthier
Mark Lash
-10 44
- -
9 Robert "Bart" Black
Shmily Boller
-10 44
- -
9 John Nobel
Ken Mango
-10 44
- -
12 Tim Bennis
Jay Moyer
-9 45
- -
13 Brad Fuelling
Jason Stimac
-8 46
- -
13 Matt Gunn
Pat Costyk
-8 46
- -
15 Brandon Ray
Carl Snyder
-7 47
- -
16 Damon Evans
Russ Staats
-6 48
- -
16 Shane Wyatt
Tom Cupp
-6 48
- -
16 John Andare
Adam Jones
-6 48
- -

June 10, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Justin Garrison
Dan Snyder
-13 41
$60 -
2 Gary Laura
Robert Turner II
-12 42
$40 -
3 Joe Gabris
Tim Bennis
-11 43
$20 -
4 Shawn Mascorro
Stephen Moore
-10 44
$10 -
5 Dave Wagner
Jason Stimac
-9 45
$10 -
6 John Scholti
Brad Frase
-9 45
- -
6 Mike Henry
Shane Wyatt
-9 45
- -
8 John Andare
Marty Borucki
-7 47
- -
8 Nate Buban
John Nobel
-7 47
- -
8 Mark Oller
Ken Mango
-7 47
- -
11 Brian Donaldson
Russ Staats
-6 48
- -
12 Rich Bidinger
Garret Bogues
-3 51
- -
13 Brad Fuelling
Lyle Downing
E 54
- -
14 Craig Miller
+2 56
- -

June 3, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 John Minicuci
Mike Henry
-15 39
$70 -
2 Jamison Gauthier
Russ Staats
-13 41
$40 -
3 Damon Evans
Tim Bennis
-12 42
$18.75 -
3 Rich Bidinger
Louis Caponi
-12 42
$18.75 -
3 Nate Buban
Mark Lash
-12 42
$18.75 -
3 Joe Gabris
Mat Esbri
-12 42
$18.75 -
7 John Scholti
Dan Anderson
-11 43
- -
7 Brandon Butler
Brad Frase
-11 43
- -
7 Matt Oller
Pat Costyk
-11 43
- -
10 Robert "Bart" Black
Shane Wyatt
-10 44
- -
10 Gary Hutchinson
Matt Gunn
-10 44
- -
10 Dan Haddad
Ryan Herzog
-10 44
- -
13 Tom Jakinovich
Garret Bogues
-9 45
- -
14 John Andare
-8 46
- -
14 Robert Turner II
Rob Gibson
-8 46
- -
16 Jason Stimac
Steve Tyrone
-7 47
- -
17 Justin Garrison
Ken Mango
-4 50
- -
17 John Nobel
Eric Manidok
-4 50
- -
17 Craig Miller
Nick Young
-4 50
- -
20 Kurt Matty
Jesse Phelps
-3 51
- -

May 27, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Gary Laura
Shaun Adkins
-13 41
$75 -
2 Rich Bidinger
-12 42
$26 -
2 Stephen Moore
Andy Bowl
-12 42
$26 -
2 Nate Buban
Ryan Herzog
-12 42
$26 -
2 Justin Garrison
Brad Frase
-12 42
$26 -
2 Joe Gabris
Gary Hutchinson
-12 42
$26 -
7 Shawn Mascorro
Jason Sweeney
-10 44
$10 -
8 Jamison Gauthier
Chris Campbell
-9 45
- -
8 Mike Rabin
Derek Michacak
-9 45
- -
10 John Minicuci
Dave Wagner
-8 46
- -
11 Kurt Matty
John Andare
-7 47
- -
11 Lance Bayliss
Steve Tyrone
-7 47
- -
11 Andrew White
Chris Beerman
-7 47
- -
11 Nick Young
Garret Bogues
-7 47
- -
11 Shmily Boller
Skeet Deisel
♠ Hole 5 Skeet Deisel · $66
-7 47
- -
11 Rob Shaffer
Jason Stimac
-7 47
- -
17 Mark Oller
Krystal Fromm
-6 48
- -
17 Brad Fuelling
Shane Wyatt
-6 48
- -
17 Robert Turner II
Foz Miller
-6 48
- -
20 Rob Gibson
Brandon Butler
-5 49
- -
20 Arron Davis
Carl Snyder
-5 49
- -
20 Dan Haddad
Matt Schooley
-5 49
- -

May 20, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Mike Henry
Tim Bennis
-16 38
$75 -
2 Gary Hutchinson
Shane Wyatt
-14 40
$40 -
3 Tom Jakinovich
Brad Frase
-12 42
$16 -
3 Jay Moyer
Matt Gunn
-12 42
$16 -
3 Robert Turner II
Carl Snyder
-12 42
$16 -
6 John Andare
Eric Manidok
-11 43
- -
6 Steve Tyrone
Brian Donaldson
-11 43
- -
6 Shawn Mascorro
Jamison Gauthier
-11 43
- -
6 Gary Laura
Jesse Phelps
-11 43
- -
6 Stephen Moore
Dave Wagner
-11 43
- -
6 Dan Snyder
Josh Shulte
-11 43
- -
12 Damon Evans
Justin Garrison
-10 44
- -
12 John Nobel
-10 44
- -
14 Brad Fuelling
Rich Bidinger
-8 46
- -
14 Robert "Bart" Black
Nick Young
-8 46
- -
16 Rob Gibson
Pat Costyk
-5 49
- -
17 Craig Miller
Garret Bogues
+6 60
- -

May 13, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Brad Fuelling
John Andare
-15 39
$60 -
2 Tim Bennis
Jason Sweeney
-14 40
$30 -
2 Mike Henry
Gary Hutchinson
-14 40
$30 -
4 Shawn Mascorro
Dan Snyder
-12 42
$10 -
4 Mark Oller
John Nobel
-12 42
$10 -
6 Shane Wyatt
Rich Bidinger
-11 43
- -
6 Joe Gabris
Jason Stimac
-11 43
- -
8 Mat Esbri
Tom Cupp
-10 44
- -
9 Nate Scott
Bobby Ynoname
-8 46
- -
10 "Ska" Bob-Branch
Dave Wagner
-7 47
- -
10 Justin Garrison
Rob Gibson
-7 47
- -
12 Craig Miller
Kyle Znoname
-5 49
- -
13 Nick Young
Steve Tyrone
-4 50
- -
14 Tom Jakinovich
Jason Xnoname
-2 52
- -

May 6, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Mat Esbri
Dan Snyder
-15 39
$75 -
2 Gary Laura
Shane Wyatt
-13 41
$37.5 -
2 Joe Gabris
Justin Garrison
-13 41
$37.5 -
4 Shawn Mascorro
Damon Evans
-12 42
$17.5 -
4 Robert "Bart" Black
Jeff Cheney
-12 42
$17.5 -
6 Derek Michacak
Eric Manidok
-11 43
$6.67 -
6 Mike Rabin
John Andare
-11 43
$6.67 -
6 Tim Bennis
Pat Costyk
-11 43
$6.67 -
9 Jesse Phelps
Nick Young
-10 44
- -
10 Ross Rosran
Paul Boledevich
-9 45
- -
11 Kurt Matty
Matt Oller
-8 46
- -
11 Eric Vanwormer
Doug Mackintosh
-8 46
- -
11 Shmily Boller
Rob Gibson
-8 46
- -
11 "Ska" Bob-Branch
Shaun Adkins
-8 46
- -
11 Dave Wagner
Josh Shulte
-8 46
- -
16 Stephen Moore
Lori Mullen
-7 47
- -
17 Gary Hutchinson
Bronek Gorski
-6 48
- -
17 Brad Fuelling
Jason Sweeney
-6 48
- -
19 Skeet Deisel
Matt Gunn
-5 49
- -
20 Mark Oller
Brandon Ray
-4 50
- -
21 Craig Miller
+8 62
- -

April 29, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Justin Garrison
-11 43
$65 -
2 Nate Buban
Shaun Adkins
-10 44
$40 -
3 Kurt Matty
Mat Esbri
-9 45
$20 -
3 Dan Marchek
Nick Young
-9 45
$20 -
5 Gary Laura
Eric Karwacki
-8 46
$10 -
6 John Andare
Gary B
-7 47
- -
6 Tim Bennis
Adam Jones
-7 47
- -
6 "Ska" Bob-Branch
Eric Vanwormer
-7 47
- -
6 Robert Turner II
Kenny Doom
-7 47
- -
6 Mike Rabin
Bronek Gorski
-7 47
- -
6 Stephen Moore
Gary Hutchinson
-7 47
- -
12 Brad Fuelling
Jason Sweeney
-6 48
- -
12 Brian Meisel
Dave Wagner
-6 48
- -
14 Dan Haddad
Craig Miller
-4 50
- -
14 Mike Henry
Shane Wyatt
-4 50
- -
16 Ross Rosran
Lance Bayliss
-2 52
- -

April 22, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Damon Evans
Robert Turner II
-12 42
$50 -
1 Stephen Moore
Gary Hutchinson
-12 42
$50 -
3 Tim Bennis
Matt Oller
-11 43
$30 -
4 John Nobel
Dan Marchek
-9 45
$20 -
5 Ross Rosran
Derek ????
-8 46
$1.66 -
5 Bronek Gorski
Jay Moyer
-8 46
$1.66 -
5 Dan Haddad
Craig Miller
-8 46
$1.66 -
8 Nate Cavanaugh
Rob Shaffer
-7 47
- -
8 Jason Sweeney
Dave Wagner
-7 47
- -
10 Justin Garrison
Adam Jones
-6 48
- -
11 Shawn Mascorro
John Andare
-5 49
- -
11 Kenny Doom
Brandon Ray
-5 49
- -
11 Mike Rabin
Dale Massingle
-5 49
- -
14 Mat Esbri
Brian Welch
-4 50
- -
14 Rob Gibson
Scott Sosnowski
-4 50
- -
16 Shane Wyatt
Jesse Phelps
-1 53
- -

April 15, 2010   6:00pm

Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes, par 54
Name Tot. Total Pay Payout Pts Points
1 Gary Laura
Shane Wyatt
-12 42
$55 -
1 Shawn Mascorro
Jason Sweeney
-12 42
$55 -
3 Rob Gibson
Dan Snyder
-11 43
$20 -
4 Robert "Bart" Black
Bronek Gorski
-10 44
- -
5 Gary Hutchinson
John Nobel
-9 45
- -
6 Adam Jones
Kenny Doom
-8 46
- -
6 Robert Turner II
Jesse Phelps
-8 46
- -
8 Brad Fuelling
Dan Haddad
-6 48
- -
8 Justin Garrison
Lori Mullen
-6 48
- -
10 Mike Kurvi
Skeet Deisel
-5 49
- -
11 Kurt Matty
John Andare
-4 50
- -
12 Mat Esbri
John Scholti
-3 51
- -
13 Arron Davis
Brandon Butler
E 54
- -