UW Oshkosh Spring Doubles
Ace pool
as of April 24This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
About this League
Doubles league - 19 all-time players - 0 active players
$4.00 one-time player fee for this league
$1.00 ace pool entry
$5 random draw doubles at County Park. $4 goes to the payout and the other dollar goes to the ace pool. Come have a good time!
It won't let me put in the correct hole numbers but the first week was 16 holes, the rest of the weeks are 18. All scores are based on 15 holes so the amount under par (or over) is off but the number of strokes is correct.
There are no leagues on Thursday April, 30th as there is an on campus doubles tournament at UW-Oshkosh instead.