Two for Tuesday 24

September - October 2024
Hosted by Freshwood Disc Golf

Ace Pool


Updated October 30 at 9:09pm


About this league

Every Tuesday in September and October!

TEE BY 5:30

Hi lo is October 29 at 7:00pm!
It will be a glow round!

This is a fun "fill-in" league for the in-between seasons from Summer league to Winter Dubs.

We are playing at The Breakers DGC in West Olive, MI.

We will be playing 8 weeks of dubs and then a hi-lo glow dubs finish on October 29.

The league will be $40 plus $5 each week (includes ace pool). CASH ONLY PLEASE!

All course OBs are in effect. Brush pile on 11 is casual (take relief straight back from the pin out of the casual area). Since we're using UDisc, course par will be used.

Respect the course and respect others. Pack in/Pack out. Use the trash cans. Don't be a jerk.

If you do not pick up your payout within 3 weeks, it will be added to hi lo payouts.

If there are an odd number of people, there will be a Cali. Cali is allowed ONE additional throw per hole. They can choose when to use their additional throw and can choose either of the two throws for their next lie. We will allow volunteers to flip for Cali before the rest of us draw cards.

The $40 will go toward high/low on November 7. High/low is a glow round for league members who play at least 5 of the 8 rounds during the regular season.