Tuesdays With Pundy

July '20 - September '22 • Newbury, Ohio
PDGA-sanctioned singles league


Sep 6, 2022 · Top scores
Punderson State Park
Red Long Island, 18 holes
-2 57
Jeremy Golden$18
+4 63
Emmett Messer-Kruse$10
+7 66
Mikey Davidson
+4 63
Chris Jackson$24
+5 64
Nick Kapottos$15
+6 65
Wind Motika$5
+6 65
Andrew McChesney$5
-6 53
Michael Carlile$27
-5 54
Evan Muzilla$17
-4 55
Alan Everson$12
+10 69
Nina Everson$7
-6 53
James Petite$24
-2 57
Larry Bright Jr$15
-1 58
Ryan Sturm$10
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 9/7/22

About this League

Singles league - 143 all-time players - 0 active players
$10.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
Tuesdays at Pundy returns for 2022 with the same THREE separate sessions!!! Session 1 (Spring) is a 6 week league beginning on May 3rd running through June 7h. Session 2 (Summer) will run 10 weeks and begin on July 5th and run through September 6th Session 3 is going to be on Sundays starting October 2ndrd and run through November 6th. Tuesday leagues will be held with a flex start between 5:30 and 6 PM. Groups of 3-5 players will be formed and will be sent out to the course when ready, ...
continue reading ›

League News

Larry Bright Jr.   September 7, 2022 at 9:37pm

Payouts Sent and League Report Submitted

Payouts for week 10 have been sent along with any League Credits that were owed. This includes the Ace Fund payout of $141 (with $25 added) yesterday. The Daily $$$ CTP was also tacked on to this total since Mikey also aced the hole that was set for that side game for a grand total of $168. NICE!!!!!

Of those with League Credits, the following totals were paid out via Paypal:

Jim Petite -- $61
Nick Kapottos - $49
Greg Garrett -- $8
Larry Bright Jr. -- $82

Some of the smaller amount ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   September 7, 2022 at 2:17am

Week 10 and the Summer Session are Completed!

Thanks to all the players who came out for our Summer Session of Tuesdays with Pundy. We had 61 different players out for at least 1 week of league. NICE!!!

Results for Week 10 are posted and payouts and all that info will come out tomorrow once all payments are validated. I will also include any league credits in payouts for this week and will post any totals other than what is posted on the League Leaderboard to keep it completely transparent.

The League Report will also be filed to ... more

Ryan Flanagan   September 9, 2022 at 1:38pm

Thanks for all your efforts Larry.

Larry Bright Jr.   September 6, 2022 at 5:25pm

It's gonna be a wet Finale

Supposedly the rain is moving out later this afternoon. Hopefully that holds true. The course will definitely be wet and muddy, so be prepared. Even if the rain continues, league will go on as scheduled.

See you all tonight!


Larry Bright Jr.   September 5, 2022 at 4:57pm

League Finale Tomorrow!

The finale of the Summer Session is tomorrow with the plan being a Reds to Longs Round. Flex start window will remain at a 5 - 5:30 start, with the last group going out promptly at 5:30, as it gets dark around 8 PM. PLEASE BE ON TIME!!!!

We will also be adding on tentative CTPs for the Ace Fund. These will only be in play if no Ace is hit during this final round and only those who have thrown in on the Ace Fund at least 3 times this season are eligible for the prizes. We are currently at ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   September 5, 2022 at 4:56pm

Week 10 Bag Tag Update

Below is an update of the Bag Tags that were in play for Week 9 and who they are now "owned" by:

#4 - Mike Carlile
#16 - Jim Petite
#19 - Larry Bright Jr.
#22 - Nick Kapottos
#28 - Hunter Palshook
#29 - Chris Jackson
#30 - Andy Morrison
#51 - Mikey Davidson

I also have the following tags for people not present this week:

#2 - Justus McGrath
#18 - Greg Garrett
#47 - Ryan Flanagan
#52 - Scott Summers
#54 - Bob Strohmeyer
#55 - Patrick Williams

I will hold any tags ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 31, 2022 at 6:59pm

Week 9 Payouts Sent!

Payouts have been sent for Week 9. This includes $23 to GWAR for the CTP on hole 17. $22 was also added to the Ace Fund, putting it at $116.

Updated League Credits are below:

Jim Petite - $49
Hunter Palshook - $13
Nick K - $46
Larry Bright - $79
Greg Garrett - $8
Andy Morrison - $5
James Catley - $27
Mike Cline - $17

Please let me know if they are any issues with payouts or the credits.

All League Credits will be paid out after the upcoming final week of league. I should ha ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 31, 2022 at 2:14am

Week 9 is Completed!!

And this week we have Mike Carlile crushing the field with a 53 (-6) on the Great White Short layout and netting an unofficial 1017 rated round!! I

24 on hand for the 2nd to last week. Cash CTP was taken by GWAR and Evan snagged the Odie Open Lil Wizard CTP. Payouts and other updates to come tomorrow once everything is confirmed.

Next week is our final week and the plan is Reds to Longs. If conditions dictate, hole 2 and 15 Long may be removed. But the goal is to play the entire layou ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 29, 2022 at 11:52pm

Final 2 Weeks!!

We are down to our last two weeks of the Summer Session of Tuesdays With Pundy. Don't forget, the flex start window moves from 5 - 5:30 starting tomorrow for the final two weeks of league. As I post this, it's about 8 PM and daylight is already fading fast. So we will need to be sure to have the final groups head out by 5:30 with NO EXCEPTIONS.

The plan is still to do R/W/B to short for tomorrow. This should be doable as long as we have no 5-somes headed out as the last groups.

See you tomorrow!


Larry Bright Jr.   August 27, 2022 at 9:57pm

Week 9 Bag Tag Update

Below is an update of the Bag Tags that were in play for Week 8 and who they are now "owned" by:
(Please note an adjustment has been made, as the #2 tag should not have been in play since week 6)

#1 - Matt Mazur
#3 - Larry Bright Jr
#4 - Nick Kapottos.
#19 - Jim Petite
#47 - Hunter Palshook
#51 - Ryan Flanagan
#52 - Mike Carlile
#54 - Christian Martin
#55 - Mikey Davidson

I also have the following tags for people not present this week:
#2 - Justus McGrath
#16 - Andy Mo ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 24, 2022 at 7:56pm

Make that a 1022 rated round!!!

I did actually select an incorrect player when uploading scores yesterday so there was a correction needed. But once that was done, the ratings actually increased by 2 points per person!!! This is still unofficial and will not be finalized until the League Report is submitted. But an impressive round nonetheless!!!

Payouts have been sent for Week 8. This includes $25 to Jim Petite for the CTP on hole 4. Kenny Kwong took the prize CTP on hole 9 and I will get him the DD banner next time ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 24, 2022 at 3:08am

1020 Rated Round!!!(Unofficial)

Scores have been posted for Week 8 playing the Reds to Shorts layout with Matt Mazur getting a -8 and a 1020 unofficial rated round!!! The ratings do seem strange, so I'll have to see if there is some issue with it on the PDGA Tournament Manager app tomorrow. But I kinda hope it stays so my -4 can hold the 975 rated round as well ;)

Payouts and all that other info will come tomorrow per the norm. Don't forget the time moves to a 5 - 5:30 flex start beginning next week so we can be sure to finish out in the daylight!!

See you next tuesday!!!

Matt Mazur   August 24, 2022 at 3:13am

I vote we try to keep these ratings haha

Larry Bright Jr.   August 22, 2022 at 11:36pm

Week 8 Will Be Last 5:45 start!!

Time and available daylight are moving quick, and we will be making tomorrow's league night the last 5:15 - 5:45 flex start window. For the final 2 weeks of league, the flex time will be from 5 - 5:30.

The layouts for the final 3 weeks of league will be:

Week 8 - Reds to Shorts
Week 9 - Red/White/Blue to Short
Week 10 - Reds to Longs (or some longs with 2 and 15 possibly excluded if conditions or time is an issue)

See you all tomorrow!


Larry Bright Jr.   August 20, 2022 at 12:20am

Week 7 Bag Tag Update

Below is an update of the Bag Tags that were in play last night for Week 7 and who they are now "owned" by:

#1 - Mike Carlile
#2 - Hunter Palshook
#3 - Matt Mazur
#4 - Larry Bright Jr.
#16 - Andy Morrison
#19 - Mikey Davidson
#51 - Nick Kapottos
#55 - Jim Petite

I also have the following tags for people not present last night:

#18 - Greg Garrett
#47 - Ryan Flanagan

See you next Tuesday!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   August 17, 2022 at 7:33pm

Week 7 Payouts Sent

Payouts for Week 7 have been sent to all those not using the League Credit system. This includes $25 for the Daily Cash CTP sent to Evan Muzilla along with his weekly finish payout. $26 was also added to the ace fund, bringing that to $71. Please let me know if there are any issues.

Below is a list of current League Credits:

Jim Petite - $23
Hunter Palshook - $38
Nick K - $24
Larry Bright - $40
Greg Garrett - $8
Mike Cline - $9
Ryan Flanagan - $5
Andy Morrison - $5

League credits ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 17, 2022 at 2:43am

27 players for Week 7!

27 on hand for a run through the White to Shorts layout with nobody getting par or better and a +2 being the hot score. That isn't an easy layout. Scores are posted and payouts will come tomorrow after all payments are verified and all that jazz.

Evan Muzilla hits the CTP on hole 13 for the Daily Cash and should be about $25 for that and also the same added to the Ace Fund.

We are down to the 3 final weeks of league. Next week's format will not change from Reds to Shorts, as ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 16, 2022 at 12:38am

Week 7 Format

For Week 7 we will stick with the Whites to Shorts format. For the following week, the planned format is Reds to Shorts to serve as a warm-up for the The Oderus Open. That will remain the plan and also will most likely be the last 5:45 start time. for the final 2 weeks, the flex start window will be from 5 to 5:30 with the last group going out at 5:30 sharp. Daylight is at a premium, and as I type this at 8:35, it is already just about dark.

See you all tomorrow!


Larry Bright Jr.   August 11, 2022 at 1:08am

Week 6 Bag Tag Update

Below is an update of the Bag Tags that were in play last night for Week 6 and who they are now "owned" by:

#1 - Hunter Palshook
#2 - Mike Carlile
#3 - Matt Mazur
#4 - Jim Petite
#16 - Larry Bright Jr.
#19 - Nick Kapottos
#47- Ryan Flanagan
#55 - Mikey Davidson

I also have the following tags for people not present last night:

#18 - Greg Garrett
#51 - Andy Morrison

The tentative plan for next week is a Whites to Shorts format. But early forecast is calling for rain. ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 10, 2022 at 6:41pm

Week 6 Payouts have been sent!!!

Payouts for Week 6 have been sent to all those not using the League Credit system. This includes $23 for the Daily Cash CTP sent to Matt Mazur along with his weekly finish payout. $23 was also added to the ace fund, bringing that to $45. Please let me know if there are any issues.

Below is a list of current League Credits:

Jim Petite - $35
Hunter Palshook - $21
Nick Kapottos - $19
Larry Bright - $28
Greg Garrett - $8
James Catley - $7
Mike Cline - $16
Ryan Flanagan - $5
Ross Fry ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 10, 2022 at 2:46am

28 Players Battle Blues to Shorts for Week 6

Scores for Week 6 have been posted and payouts will come per the norm tomorrow once all payments are verified and all the jazz. Matt Mazur hit the CTP on Hole 17 for the daily cash, which should be between $20-23 with lower entry than normal due to the longer tees. Shorter layout next week (phew).


Larry Bright Jr.   August 8, 2022 at 2:06am

Week 6 Format

The goal for this coming week is to play the Blues to Shorts format. If weather dictates, a change will be made. If there is a good possibility of rain, the round will be shortened with most likely a mix of red and white tees. Last group will be going out by 5:45 per the norm.

See you all on Tuesday!


Larry Bright Jr.   August 3, 2022 at 9:30pm

Week 5 Bag Tag Update

Below is an update of the Bag Tags that were in play last night for Week 5 and who they are now "owned" by:

#2 - Justus McGrath
#3 - Larry Bright Jr.
#4 - Ryan Flanagan
#16 - Hunter Palshook
#19 - Mike Carlile
#47- Jim Petite
#51 - Andy Morrison

I also have the following tags for people not present last night:

#1 - Matt Mazur
#18 - Greg Garrett
#54 - Nick Kappotos


Larry Bright Jr.   August 3, 2022 at 7:03pm

Week 5 Payouts have been sent!!

Payouts for Week 5 have been sent. League Credits have also been updated to reflect entries and payouts after Week 5. The list of credits will be below. The Ace Fund had $22 in buy-ins for this week, and the CTP had $23, which goes to Ross Fry (league credit). Please let me know if there are any issues.

Jim Petite - $23
Hunter Palshook - $4
Nick K - $9
Larry Bright - $27
Greg Garrett - $8
James Morrow - $12
James Catley - $7
Daryll Ocacio - $8
Mike Cline - $15
Ryan Flanagan - $17 ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 3, 2022 at 2:46am

Week 5 is complete!!

26 on hand on a beautiful night at the course. Near perfect conditions. There was quite the range of scores playing the Hammerhead Long layout. But Evan Muzilla had the hot score going 2 under for a 1002 unofficial rated round!! NICE!!! That beat the next best scores by 7 strokes!!!!

Ross Fry hit the CTP on hole 13 which should be for about $24. Once all payments are verified, payouts will come tomorrow per the norm.

I also noticed that for some reason the Week 3 ratings are not showing up. I'll get that figured out ASAP.


Larry Bright Jr.   August 1, 2022 at 6:22pm

Week 5 Layout

For week 5 we will be playing the White / Blue / Red to Longs Layout:

Hole 1 - White Tee
Hole 2 - Blue Tee to Long (Island)
Hole 3 - Red Tee
Hole 4 - White Tee
Hole 5 - Blue Tee
Hole 6 - Red Tee
Hole 7 - White Tee
Hole 8 - Blue Tee
Hole 9 - Red Tee to Long
Hole 10 - White Tee
Hole 11 - Blue Tee
Hole 12 - Red Tee to Long
Hole 13 - White Tee
Hole 14 - Blue Tee
Hole 15 - Red Tee to Long
Hole 16 - White Tee
Hole 17 - Blue Tee
Hole 18 - Red Tee

This layout has a par of 62.

... more

show all 4 comments
Andrew Bruck   August 2, 2022 at 12:38pm

I start time 5 or 515?

Scott Williams   August 2, 2022 at 2:08pm

When you have a card and Larry is there to confirm you, you can start. Latest start time is 5:45

Larry Bright Jr.   August 2, 2022 at 5:53pm

Start time will remain a 30 minute flex start window with the last card going out promptly at 5:45. So that means 5:15 - 5:45 until the time gets adjusted due to available daylight.

Larry Bright Jr.   July 27, 2022 at 7:53pm

Bag Tags Update and Week 5 Layout

After Week 4, here's the Bag Tags I am in possession of that have been updated with the current week:

#1 - Matt Mazur
#3 - Jim Petite
#4 - Andy Morrison
#19 - Hunter Palshook

A couple of tags were given back to individuals this week to pass along to their owners.

Also, for Week 5, I am trying to think of a layout we can do that will fit in the 3 hour window we have before dusk. I will update the details for this later in the week. It will be an 18 hole layout using a mix of Red, White, and Blue Tees. But I need to decide on what tees for what holes.


Larry Bright Jr.   July 27, 2022 at 7:04pm

Week 4 Payouts Have Been Sent!!

All payouts for players not using the League Credit system have been sent out. We had a total of 25 buying into both the Ace and Daily Cash CTP this week. So $25 was paid out to Braden for the CTP and Mike Carlile was paid out $158 for the ACE!!!

Below is a list of the League Credits:

Jim Petite - $35
Hunter Palshook - $14
Nick K - $9
Larry Bright - $4
Greg Garrett - $8
James Morrow - $30
James Catley - $7
Daryl Ocacio - $32
Ross Fry - $5
Mike Cline - $27

As previously ment ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   July 27, 2022 at 3:04am

28 Players for Week 4!

28 on hand for a beautiful night on the course playing the 23 hole layout using Reds to Shorts with the White A Pins added on. Matt Mazur throws a stellar -11 for a 1000 unofficial rated round! NICE!!!! Mike Carlile wasn't too far behind with a -10 and an ACE on hole 6A that's gonna cash him around $160!!!! Results are posted and per the norm payouts will come tomorrow once all payments and scores are verified.

Daily Cash CTP was hit by Braden Hanahan and should pay out around ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   July 24, 2022 at 10:50pm

Week 4 Format

For Week 4 of the Summer Session, we will be playing a 23 hole layout that plays Reds to Shorts with the A Pins (2, 3, 6, 16, and 18) added on. The A Pins will be played from the White Tees for this round, similar to how they are played for Glow Leagues. Below is the Layout for clarification:

Hole 1 - Red Tee
Hole 2A - White Tee to 2A
Hole 2 - Red Tee to Short Pin
Hole 3A - White Tee to 3A
Hole 3 - Red Tee
Hole 4 - Red Tee
Hole 5 - Red Tee
Hole 6A - White Tee to 6A
Hole 6 - Red Tee
... more

Scott Williams   July 25, 2022 at 12:03am

I've added the temporary layout to UDisc as "League 7/26" Par 69 Noice.

Larry Bright Jr.   July 20, 2022 at 7:43pm

Week 3 Payouts are Sent!!

Payouts have been sent to all who have cashed for week 3 and aren't using the League Credit system. This includes a $28 payout for the Daily Cash CTP for Alan. $27 has been added to the Ace Fund, putting it at $133.

Below is a list of the League Credits:

Jim Petite - $32
Hunter Palshook - $5
Nick K - $9
Larry Bright - $16
Greg Garrett - $8
James Morrow - $21
James Catley - $7
Daryll Ocacio - $17
Ross Fry - $17

If anybody on the list above prefers to be paid out, just let me know. Otherwise, we will keep with this method.

See You Next Tuesday!!


Larry Bright Jr.   July 20, 2022 at 2:20am

Week 3 is Complete!!

28 on hand on a warm but great night out at Pundy. Scores have been posted to the PDGA site and ratings are distributed. Payouts and all that jazz will come tomorrow per the norm.

Daily Cash CTP was hit by Alan Everson and should be for $28. Ace fund should also increase $27. Once all payments are verified, I'll update that tomorrow with the "Payouts sent post. Also, Scott Williams hit the bonus CTP for the $20 Innova Card and has let it roll over to next week. It will move to a different hole per my decision when that comes ;)

See You Next Week!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   July 19, 2022 at 1:08am

Bag Tags - Post Pun's Labyrinth Update

I still have the following bag tags and will have them at league tomorrow:

#1 - Mike Carlile
#4 - Matt Mazur
#18 - Greg Garrett
#54 - Justus McGrath
#55 - Mikey Davidson

If you are not going to be at this session and would like me to find a way to get it to you, please let me know.


Larry Bright Jr.   July 19, 2022 at 12:38am

Week 3 Layout -- 22 holes

For this week's layout, we will play the standard Red to Short 18 hole layout, but add on some holes to make it 22 total being played. The holes added will be the long pin holes on 2, 9, 12, and 15. These will be played from the alternate tees that are part of the 27 hole layout and not part of the standard 18 hole layout. See below for holes:

Hole 1 Red
Hole 2 Red to Short
Hole 2b to Long (Island)
Hole 3 Red
Hole 4 Red
Hole 5 Red
Hole 6 Red
Hole 7 Red
Hole 8 Red
Hole 9 Red t ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   July 13, 2022 at 8:10pm

Week 2 Payouts Sent

Payouts for Week 2 have been sent. This includes the $28 daily cash CTP to Brian R. $27 has been added to the ace fund, putting us at $106!

The following players have league credits in the "bank":

Jim Petite -- $23
Hunter Palshook -- $16
Nick Kapottos -- $29
Larry Bright Jr. -- $14
Greg Garrett -- $8

Bag Tags after this week are as follows:

#1 -- Mike Carlile (hold from previous spot as he was not at league)
#2 -- Jim Petite (+7)
#3 -- Larry Bright Jr. (+7)
#4 -- M ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   July 13, 2022 at 3:24am

30 Players for Week 2!!

30 on hand on a beautiful night at the course. Even M has the stellar even par round on the White to Long layout, earning him a 999 rated round!!!

There were a couple scores that were corrected when I confirmed them. I will have the scorecards with me if anybody would like to double or triple check. It's late and my eyes are tired and old so yeah....you never know. But I do check them over each week FYI.

Payouts will come tomorrow per the norm. Brian Riedel hit the Daily Cash C ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   July 6, 2022 at 7:52pm

Week 1 Payouts have been sent

Payouts have been sent. Please let me know if there is an issue.

The following players now have league credits in the bank:

Hunter Palshook -- $15
Jim Petite -- $21

If any other players want to go this route during the Summer Session, please let me know. This way, there is less transactions to worry about. And if you are owed credits, you can be paid out at any time per your request. Otherwise, credits roll to the end of the session and you would be paid out at that point.


Larry Bright Jr.   July 6, 2022 at 2:03am

Summer Session has begun!!

22 on hand to start of the Summer Session with some very muggy and hot conditions. Mike Carlile throws the hot round with a -6 and a 996 rated round. NOICE!!!! Matt Mazur cashes in on the daily CTP for $21.

Results have been posted and also have updated to the PDGA league page.

Payouts will come out tomorrow per the norm.

Thanks to all who got me the scores tonight quickly. Sorry about the inconvenience and I appreciate your help. I do still have the 8 bag tags to distribute. B ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   July 4, 2022 at 9:42pm

Summer Session Begins Tomorrow!!

Tomorrow we kick back off with our Summer Session of Tuesdays With Pundy!! Reds to Longs will be the format and serve as a tune-up for the Labyrinth coming up in just under two weeks.

Please note that the league start time has been moved to 5:45. The flex start window will now be from 5:15 until 5:45, with the last group heading out to the course and starting by 5:50. That will be the only significant change this Session, other than adding a MA40 division for those who are interested.

... more


Larry Bright Jr.   June 29, 2022 at 1:54am

Summer Session Layout Plan

Below is the plan for the Summer Session weekly layouts. Please keep in mind this may change based on course conditions and weather. If so, this will be communicated ASAP.

Week 1 - Reds to Longs
Week 2 - Whites to Longs
Week 3 -- Reds to Shorts
Week 4 -- 23 hole layouts (Red to Shorts + the "A" holes)
Week 5 -- Custom Layout
Week 6- -- Blues to Shorts
Week 7 -- Whites to Shorts
Week 8 -- Reds to Shorts
Week 9 -- 27 hole layout
Week 10 -- Reds to Longs

If there are any other layout suggestions, please let me know.


Larry Bright Jr.   June 29, 2022 at 1:49am

Summer Session begins next week!!!

We return for our Summer Session on 7/5/22 for a 10 week stint!!!

A couple changes to note for this Session:

The Flex Start window will move to a 5:15 to 5:45 start window

All players must be present by 5:45, and head out to their holes by no later than 5:50

MA40 will be an offered division, with others available based on turnout (MA50, MA60, MA4, etc)

We have a $59 ace fund rolling over from last session

League entry payment and payouts will remain via PayPal, with the same ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   June 27, 2022 at 7:20pm

Glow League Returns Friday!!

Glow returns to Punderson this coming Friday for our first of 4 "monthly" league nights!!! Check out the link below for details and we hope to see you out there for the fun!!

After these 4 league nights, keep an eye out for a BYOP Doubles event around the end of October to close out the season.


And TWP will return next Tuesday (7/5/22) for a 10 week session!!!! See you next week!!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   June 14, 2022 at 7:41pm

League Break Reminder (No League Today)

Don't forget...we are on our short Summer vacation before league kicks back off on Tuesday July 5th. The official Summer Session will be a 10 week league and run through September 6th.

I have also decided to add a MA40 division for the Summer Session for those interested. MA50 and MA60 can also be added if we get a minimum of 3 people for that division on a weekly basis. Payouts for these divisions will not mix with the MPO/MA1 payout, but be separate pools. I may even consider sep ... more

Hunter Palshook   June 14, 2022 at 11:12pm

Shotgun starts could be cool. I know I definitely appreciate using PayPal though, I never carry cash, but that's just me

Larry Bright Jr.   June 14, 2022 at 11:35pm

I would still give the option for PayPal for those who prefer it.

Larry Bright Jr.   June 8, 2022 at 8:40pm

League Report Filed

The League Report has been officially submitted to the PDGA for review an and approval. I'm hoping this gives enough time for the round ratings to be included in the June update. I've played tournaments the weekend before and update to have them included, so I feel these should be no problem.

Congrats to the official Tuesdays With Pundy 2022 Spring Session league winners!!! The PDGA awards league finish based on points earned each round you compete, with points being awarded bas ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   June 8, 2022 at 7:50pm

Payouts for League Finale have been sent!

Congrats to Evan Muzilla for shooting our only 1000 rated round of the Session with a 1010 rated -12 round yesterday!!!

All payouts have been sent for the League Finale of our Spring Session. This includes weekly payouts, CTP Ace Fund Payouts, and any remaining league credits.

The total Ace Fund pot for the year was $146. With no aces yesterday, the pot was decided 5 ways into $29 CTPs. With the miscommunication snafu and 2 CTPs eliminated yesterday, a $59 Ace Fund will roll over into ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   June 8, 2022 at 3:22am

The Spring Session is Completed!!!

Scores are posted here. I'll make sure the PDGA page updates correctly so ratings can be established after this message. Per the norm, payouts will come tomorrow once all payments are scores are verified.

There was also some miscommunication regarding 2 of the 5 Ace Fund CTPS resulting in them being put on incorrect holes. Since I could not verify if all players played those holes, the were eliminated from the CTPs today leaving 3 of the 5 Ace Funds in play. The other 2 CTPs will rol ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   June 7, 2022 at 12:02am

Spring Session League Finale tomorrow!!!!

Tomorrow is the finale of our 6 week Spring Session of Tuesdays with Pundy!!! We will be doing the 27 hole layout, using the Blue tees on the "A" holes (2, 3, 6, 16, 18). Scorecards and layout sheets will be on hand.

We also have a $120 Ace Fund that is active for this round. The fund will also be increased by the entries for the week. If an ace is not hit, the Ace Fund will be split between 5 CTPs that will be play for this week. An ace during the league round by a player wh ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   June 1, 2022 at 7:30pm

Week 5 Payouts are sent and FOUND DISCS!!

Payouts for Week 5 have been sent. There was another tie for 3rd in MA3 splitting $12 between 4 players. 2 have been paid out with two were paid out with another player's winnings since that group pays as a whole. The other 2 individuals will have $3 credits for next week so that their entry will only be $9. Those Players are:

Chris Jackson
Andrew McChesney

Below is a list of all credits / money owed for our final week:

Greg Garrett $25
Dave Turner $3
Nick Kapottos $3
Mike ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   June 1, 2022 at 3:01am

Week 5 is in the books!!

26 players on hand on a nice night at the park. Warm, but nice and shady in the woods along Pine Lake. Almost another 1000 rated round with Evan Muzilla going -4 on a tough layout. Mike Carlile also finishes under par at -1 and cashes in the daily CTP for $21.

Results are posted here and are updated on pdga.com. Payouts will come tomorrow per the norm.

Next week is our Spring Session finale with the plan being the 27 hole layout. If weather dictates a shorter layout, the alternate ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   May 30, 2022 at 3:11pm

Week 5 Layout

For Week 5, we will be playing the following layout:

Front 9 - Tiger Long / Back 9 - Great White Short

1 Blue
2 Red to Long
3 White
4 Blue
5 Red
6 White
7 Blue
8 Red
9 White to Long
10 Red
11 White
12 Blue to Short
13 Red
14 White
15 Blue to Short
16 Red
17 White
18 Blue

Par for this layout is 62

This will give a good mix of the tournament holes to be played next weekend and also keep the round somewhat shorter with the long pins being played from shorter tees on t ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   May 25, 2022 at 9:15pm

Week 4 Results Updated

Week 4 results have been updated on the PDGA site and ratings have been generated. Payouts also have been sent for the week. Please let me know if there are any issues. One player's entry fee did not process as well and they have been messaged.

Total Ace and CTP buy-ins for the week are:
Ace -- $29 -- ($98 total)
CTP -- $28

If no ace is hit next week, the final week will have 5-6 CTPS in play for the ace fund. This will be standard Ace Fund CTP rules for this final day, with a ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   May 25, 2022 at 3:04am

34 Players for Week 4!!!

I believe that's a record!!! Congrats to Mike Carlile with the impressive score of 62 going -3 under par!!

Scores have been posted. The PDGA page doesn't appear to be updating at the moment. So I'll troubleshoot that tomorrow after I send payouts if necessary.

Ryan Loncar hits the CTP on hole 17. Gotta check the entries to see the amount for that. I believe it will be $29.

See you next Tuesday!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   May 24, 2022 at 6:19pm

Hole 2 OB Clarification

I've gotten a few messages about Hole 2 this week. Please see below:

Hole 2 Red to Long (Island) OB rules:

ANY tee shot from the Red Tee that goes OB will result in a re-tee from the Red Tee with a 1 stroke penalty (shooting 3). The player has the option to attempt the throw to the Island once again with the same rules. This means any concurrent shot from the tee will result in a re-tee with a 1 stroke penalty. Any shot that goes OB that IS NOT from the Red Tee, the player can mo ... more

show all 5 comments
Larry Bright Jr.   May 24, 2022 at 7:43pm

I realize this isn't ideal. But to ensure people don't take advantage of the rule for an advancement to the drop zone, this is how it will be played tonight. We are working on devising a long term plan to simplify this.

Larry Bright Jr.   May 24, 2022 at 7:45pm

This also includes the over-the-water hyzer route I take on occasion. If the shot does not land OB, a re-tee would be required. Otherwise, someone can muscle something out of bounds and move to the DZ shooting 3 with a chance to save par. OB should almost always mean a bogey or worse score unless a throw-in occurs.

Scott Williams   May 24, 2022 at 8:10pm

Also note this is a slight variation as to what rules I use at the Tournament, mainly because I expect to have a spotter on the island for the second round.

Larry Bright Jr.   May 22, 2022 at 10:45pm

Week 4 Layout

The plan is to still play the Tiger Long layout this week. This is the round with a Blue/Red/White format, with hole 1 Blue, hole 2 Red (to long), hole 3 White, Hole 4 Blue, etc. It is a longer round, especially with the long pins in play. So we will have a strict start time cut off of 6 PM for this round. That way we have about 3 hours as the last groups to finish our rounds. PLEASE BE ON TIME!!!!! I will be only accepting players until 5:55 so that my group can tee of by 6. I will also ... more

Andrew Bruck   May 22, 2022 at 11:03pm

Is there a possibility to make start time earlier than 530? Like 430? Or is there something preventing that?

Larry Bright Jr.   May 22, 2022 at 11:42pm

No. My work schedule prevents that.

Andrew Bruck   May 23, 2022 at 12:21am

Ahh bummer. Thanks for all you do Larry. Just a thought

Larry Bright Jr.   May 19, 2022 at 12:17am

Score and Payout Correction for Week 3

As Scott mentioned, there was an incorrect score entered that affects the payouts for Week 3 in MA3. Details and the plan of action can be found below:

MA3 -- 14 players total -- 5 spots paid out (33% of field)
1st -- $34
2nd -- $26
3rd -- $19
4th -- $13
5th -- $8

The incorrect score was for 2nd place and that player did not get paid. This also means that players who were paid for placing in 3rd through 5th were overpaid. Below is what was sent out to the players who placed before ... more


Scott Williams   May 18, 2022 at 10:31pm

I messed up a score in MA3 that will impact payouts.

We'll have to figure out how to fix this, as I already send out the payouts based on a bad score.

Ross Fry, Nick Kapottos, Dave Turner and Wind Motika, you all ended up with too much, and Nick Loncar should have taken 2nd in MA3.

I'll work with Larry to fix this.

Larry Bright Jr.   May 19, 2022 at 12:01am

Rather than requesting money back, I'm going to issue negative credits to those who were overpaid. In the last 3 weeks of league, if these players cash, their payout will be adjusted for what they owe. If you are one of these individuals and would rather square up and pay, please let me know. ... more

Scott Williams   May 18, 2022 at 9:58pm

Week 3 is in the Books

Congratulations to all of our winners. We had a couple of 992 rated rounds this week, nice shooting!

Matt Mazzur took the CTP for $27.

Larry returns as your master of ceremonies next week.


Scott Williams   May 18, 2022 at 1:59am

26 Players tonight.

We had 26 for the Great White Short layout. Scores, payouts and whatnot will have to wait until after work tomorrow, as I didn't finish until around 9, and then had to get some things for my wife who is not feeling well.

The schedule is tentative to be the Tiger Long round next week, however I have some reservations that we may not be able to finish it in time.

Scott Williams   May 18, 2022 at 12:01pm

Excuse me, it was actually 29 players.

Larry Bright Jr.   May 17, 2022 at 7:49pm

Week 3 is tonight!

Another beautiful night for discing out at Pundy!!! Don't forget...Scott is running the show this week.

Current League Credits:
Greg Garrett -- $30
Nick Loncar -- $4
Mike Carlile -- $2

I'll see you all next Tuesday!!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   May 11, 2022 at 2:48am

30 Players for Week 2!!

What a turnout! The weather didn't disappoint. But my score sure did lol. Some decent rounds out there though by quite a few players.

Scores have been posted and should update to the PDGA league page tonight. Payouts will come tomorrow per the normal protocol.

Aaron Wollitz hits the cash CTP for $29 tonight as well. Ace fund bumps up to $44. Greg Garrett takes the #1 tag going into next week as well.

I will not be there next week. Scott is running the show. So I will see you next Tuesday ;)

Larry Bright Jr.   May 11, 2022 at 6:51pm

CORRECTION: 28 of 30 players bought into the ace and CTP for week 2. So that puts the Ace Fund at $43 and the daily cash CTP payout at $28. Sorry for the mistake.

Larry Bright Jr.   May 10, 2022 at 4:22pm

Prime Weather!

We have some stellar conditions for week 2 of the Spring Session of Tuesdays With Pundy for tonight!! Flex starts between 5:30 and 6 PM per the norm for tonight. Layout will be Front 9 Whites to Longs / Back 9 Reds to Longs as was posted a couple days ago.

Also, we will start making these Bag Tag rounds for anybody interested. They can be put up as a whole for the group or between you and your cardmates. The only issue with using the group as a whole is that players who want to get their ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   May 8, 2022 at 7:07pm

Week 2 Layout

Seeing as we didn't get to play the Long Pins last week as originally intended due to the weather, we will be playing the following layout for Week 2:

Front 9 Whites to Longs / Back 9 Reds to Longs (Par 60)

This will include the Island Pin for Hole 2. Island Rules will be as follows:

If the shot to the Island does not land safely in bounds, the player will move to the tee near the bridge and continue the hole until the disc lands safely in bounds. If a tree or other part of the i ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   May 4, 2022 at 1:34am

Week 1 is in the books!

17 players braved an iffy forecast to play their rounds with no rain at all!!! The Disc Golf Gods were smiling upon us, as the storms were all around the area, but luckily spared Pundy for a nice 3 hour window for us.

Scores will be uploaded shortly. Payouts will come tomorrow around 3 PM per the nrom. Thanks to the new players who came out as well!!!

See you all next tuesday!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   May 2, 2022 at 8:29pm

Spring Session Begins Tomorrow!!

We are on for week 1 tomorrow with a 5:30 - 6 PM flex start window. The last group (my group) will be going out promptly at 6. The forecast is not looking promising. But I will be there and will allow groups to play if desired. Rain is supposed to be spotty, but heavy and may include thunder and lightning. Temps should be 60+ at least. So if you plan to play, please be prepared for the possibility of adverse conditions.

The format will most likely be Reds to Shorts with iffy weather a ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   March 27, 2022 at 4:52pm

2022 Spring Session

We are officially back on May 3rd for the Spring Session of Tuesdays With Pundy!!!

Sanctioning is submitted and we will run a 6 week Spring Session followed by a 2-3 week break before our Summer Session begins. The Summer Session will be 8-10 weeks and is TBD.

More details to come, but expect the same style format with a 5:30 - 6 PM flex start option and payments through PayPal. Weekly entry will most likely remain the same.

See you on a Tuesday very soon!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   November 7, 2021 at 10:43pm

2021 Season Complete!!

12 on hand today for our 2021 L-Tier finale with some great conditions for an early November day! Thanks to all the players who came out in 2021 to support our leagues and tournaments!! Expect more of the same for 2022 with some other surprises in store. Stay tuned to our club page here and on Facebook for some announcements in the coming weeks.

Today's scores have been posted and payouts will be sent shortly. Below are the CTP winners for our finale:

Hole 3 Gold to 3A - Mike Carl ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   November 5, 2021 at 8:46pm

League Finale Layout and News

This coming Sunday (11/7) is our Sunday Punday league finale and our final PDGA sanctioned league for 2021. Thanks to all the players who came out for any part of the 3 sessions we did this year. Expect a repeat of all three sessions (Spring, Summer, Fall) for 2022!

Conditions look amazing or our league finale this week, so we will be playing a variation of the 2020 Labyrinth Lite Round 1 Layout with one slight change (hole 3) and two additional holes to make it a 20 hole round. The Layout ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   October 28, 2021 at 9:11pm

Week 5 Layout

Sunday we will be playing the Reds to Longs format, including the Island.. If the weather dictates, short pins may be played. This should get us done around 12 or 12:30 at the latest.

Next week will be the League Finale. If If there is still an ace fund, the pot will be split in 1/3s for 3 bonus CTPs during the round. IF an ace is hit during the round, the entire pot would be paid out.

Let's close these last wo weeks out with some get scores!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   October 24, 2021 at 7:54pm

Week 4 is in the books!

12 on hand on a cool and muddy day at the course...but we did stay dry. Odd White - Even Red to Longs on 9 and 12 as played, as course conditions and forecast dictated a quicker round. The round played very tough, with no players finishing at par. Drummer hit the cash CTP for $11, and Mike Carlile snagged the bonus CTP for a disc. Payouts have been sent and the official scores are in with ratings included.

2 weeks left to go before we wrap it up with our L-Tier series for 2021. It's ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   October 23, 2021 at 7:10pm

10/24 League Format

It appears we have a solid window of no rain tomorrow until after 1 PM. With a 10 AM start, that should keep us primarily dry. So with that being said, we are going to stick with the aforementioned plan of playing Odds Whites - Even Reds to Long Pins. The only change I foresee is eliminating the Island Pin on hole 2 if it is unplayable. That decision will be made in the morning.

We have 3 weeks left, so let's finish this back half of our Falll league with some great rated rounds!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   October 17, 2021 at 7:01pm

Windy conditions and high scores

It was a bit windy out there today for our trial run of Odd Whites - Even Reds to Longs layout. Top scores were +5, with a pretty good range after that. I was thinking closer to par would be the hot score. But that wind decided otherwise.

Scores have been posted and payouts will follow shortly. Greg Garrett hit the CTP on hole 17 for the daily cash of $15, and $15 more has been added to the ace fun putting it now at $43.

Next week I'm thinking the opposite of what we played this w ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   October 16, 2021 at 4:03pm

10/17 Layout Update (only 4 weeks left!!!)

For tomorrow, we will be playing Odds Reds - Even Whites to Long from with the Island (hopefully) in play. Depending on the rain today and how much accumulates, the Island may be skipped if the water is excessive. This Layout will play holes 1,3,5,etc from the Red Tee Pads using the Long pins on holes 9 and 15. Holes 2,4,6, etc. will be played from the White Tee Pads to the Long pins on holes 2 (hopefully) and 12. Par for this layout is 63, and custom scorecards will be provided. Standard O ... more

Scott Williams   October 17, 2021 at 12:53am

Par is only 62 for this FYI.

Scott Williams   October 10, 2021 at 7:04pm

10/10 Scores Posted

Scores posted and payouts sent via PayPal

16 on Hand for the 27 hole layout today at Punderson. Ryan Loncar took the CTP for $15

Next week Larry will return as your master of ceremonies, however I'm suggesting a new layout of Odds Red, Evens White to Long baskets.

As always, subject to change.


Scott Williams   October 10, 2021 at 12:13am

10/10 27 Hole Layout

Should be a beautiful day, so we will get this 27 hole layout in when we don't have to dance around rain.

This will be playing the A baskets from the Blue pads, except for Hole 3a where we will play from the Gold Platform.

Standard OB's will be all of the ropes, and surrounded by water where there are not ropes.

Hole 2B to the island. Your disc must come to rest inbounds. If you do not land on the island on your tee shot, you may advanced to the drop zone on top of the platf ... more


Scott Williams   October 3, 2021 at 9:28pm

10/3 Scores enterer.

Payments sent via PayPal. Results on PDGA.com, go weep over your ratings, at least mine.

14 On hand for the first Sunday Punday. It is tentatively scheduled to play a 27 hole layout next week. however I am considering on changing that.

On the UDisc scoring. I'm scrapping that because it forces people without an account to create one, and I'm not going to do that and it was a pain moving everything over. We'll be all paper, or at least no official UDisc scoring. I will ma ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   October 2, 2021 at 7:51pm

League Reminders for Fall Session

This league will have a shotgun start with a tee off time of 10 AM. This means there will be no half our window for players to start, and all players will be starting at the same time with card groupings of 3-4 on different holes throughout the course. Please be at the course by 9:45 as we'd like to keep with a 10 AM start.

League entries and Payments will still be handled by Paypal for now. As a reminder, please send entries to:

[email redacted] (use friends and family to avoid fe ... more


Scott Williams   September 29, 2021 at 8:57pm

UDisc Scoring

We are going to try out the UDisc League scoring for the first couple of weeks for this installment. I already have most of the layouts in Udisc with the new course layouts, and I'm also the Udisc Ambassador for Punderson as well, so I can create new ones and have them active immediately.

show all 5 comments
B-rad G   December 27, 2021 at 5:30pm

Scott… I’m trying to investigate better ways to run our weekly in Northern CA. Are you saying you’re using UDisc to keep score for a discgolfscene run league, or a UDisc run league? If discgolfscene, can the two interact with each other, or do scores need to be manually entered in ... more

Scott Williams   December 27, 2021 at 9:50pm

I abandoned it after the first week. It was a PITA for those that didn't have accounts and it wasn't worth it for me at all. IMO, you'd be better off with paper.

B-rad G   February 1, 2022 at 3:59am

Sorry, didn’t see your reply until now.So do scores need to be manually entered into discgolfscene? Paper wouldn’t be a better route to me, as we are doing it with handicaps, which would be WAY too much to do manually.

Scott Williams   September 28, 2021 at 1:04am


The first of our Sunday Punday PDGA Sanctioned rounds. Starting at 10 AM.

This week, we will be playing Tiger Long layout. This is 1B, 2R, 3W, ...

OB's will be all of the ropes, and surrounded by water where there are not ropes.

Hole 2, we will use similar rules that we played at The Eagle's Fly, however you MUST land IB on the island. Throws from the red tee that land OB have the option of re-tee or throw from last place in bounds on the shore. Throws from the fairway tha ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   September 15, 2021 at 5:34pm

Sunday Punday is Official!

The league is now sanctioned and the schedule is finalized. We will be running a 5 week league on Sundays at 10 AM with the following dates:

October 3
October 10
October 17
October 24
October 31
November 7

Expect this league to use some longer layouts, as daylight will not be an issue. This includes some mixed tee and custom formats, depending on mood and course conditions ;)

League entries will be kept that same, with a $10 weekly buy in with $7 going to payouts. There will al ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   September 11, 2021 at 1:57pm

2021 Fall Session

Due to popular demand, we have decided to run a 6 week Fall Session of league. Look for details coming soon, but the plan is Sunday at 10 AM for the 5 Sundays in October and the first Sunday in November. A new League Page may be made since it is not a "Tuesday." But all details will be posted here and on our club pages.


Larry Bright Jr.   September 1, 2021 at 11:12pm

League Report Completed!

Scores have been clarified, payouts have been sent, and the PDGA report is officially submitted for ratings approval. Hopefully they will be included in the update next week. If not, look for them with the November update.

Congrats to our Fall Session Winners:
Greg Garret -- MPO
Larry Bright Jr. -- MA1
Mike Cline - MA2
Nina Everson - FA2
Hunter Palshook - MA3

Thanks again for all your support! We raised around $400 for the FOP that will be used for course improvements including som ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   September 1, 2021 at 9:32pm

Score clarification

There's a possible issue with a score from last night. I am in the process of clearing it up. Once that's done, scores will be adjusted (if necessary) and then payouts will be sent for our final week. After that, the PDGA event report will also be submitted and then ratings will be final and should be included on your September update.

Sorry for the confusion and delay!


Larry Bright Jr.   September 1, 2021 at 2:07am

Fall Session is complete!!

18 on hand for our league finale tonight, with an average of 18 for the full 9 weeks of league. Not bad!!!

No Ace was hit tonight, so the Ace Fund CTPs for $17 each go to Curtis Rogers (hole 13) and Justin Howard (hole 17). The daily cash CTP on hole 4 was hit by me and is also for $17.

Thanks for all the support this year and keep your eyes out for a 6 week version on a weekend day for Fall!!

Andrew Bruck   September 1, 2021 at 3:15pm

Great league Larry. Thanks for running it!

Larry Bright Jr.   August 30, 2021 at 10:57pm

2021 League Finale is tomorrow!

Tomorrow the 2021 season for Tuesdays With Pundy comes to a close. We will be playing a Reds to Some Longs Format with Longs on 9 and 12, similar to a couple weeks ago.

Also, we have $17 in the ace fund plus any buy-ins for tomorrow. If no ace is hit, the ace fund will be split into 2 CTPs, with the holes in play being hole 12 and hole 17. There will still be another random CTP for the cash, per the norm. This will be a total of 3 CTPs for cash in play. But if an ace is hit, the 2 hole ... more

Scott Williams   August 31, 2021 at 12:37am

CTP on 12 long?

Larry Bright Jr.   August 31, 2021 at 12:43pm

Ooops. That will change to a hole TBD.

Larry Bright Jr.   August 25, 2021 at 2:22am

Week 8 is in the books!

Week 8 is completed with 18 players on hand on a warm night out on Pine Lake. Scores are posted to the PDGA page, and payouts will come tomorrow. Dave Turner cashes in for $17 on the daily CTP, and Mike Hosier snagged the bonus CTP on hole 13 for a stash mini and Catrina Allen Disc Golf Pin.

One week to go!!! Daylight is at a premium, so it will be a Red tee format with may be a hole or two added on, depending on the weather.

See you all next week!


Larry Bright Jr.   August 18, 2021 at 1:53am

Another Muggy Night

17 on hand for another week of sticky conditions. Nick Loncar drains an ace on hole 13 for a $108 payout, levelling our fund back to 0 for the final two weeks. Scores were higher than I anticipated, with only 2 even pars playing Reds to Some Longs (longs on 9 and 12). Scores have been posted and all payouts will happen tomorrow after work.

Next week we will do a tune up for the 1st round of the Oderus with a Reds to Shorts format. The League Finales will have a custom layout of either 18 or 19 holes.

See you all next week!


Larry Bright Jr.   August 17, 2021 at 12:29pm

Week 7 Format

Spotty storms on the horizon for tonight, so we are going to playing the Reds to Shorts layout.

See you all tonight!


Larry Bright Jr.   August 16, 2021 at 7:27pm

3 Wees Remain!

We are down to the last 3 weeks of the Summer Session of Tuesdays With Pundy. With some sketchy weather forcasted for tomorrow, the tentative layout will either be Reds to Shorts or Reds to Longs, depending on the conditions. Check back in by 4:30 tomorrow for an update. If severe weather (heavy rain / thunder / lightning) are probable, league may be cancelled. So be sure to check back if the weather looks risky.


Larry Bright Jr.   August 11, 2021 at 2:09am

Muggy Night

17 on hand for a muggy night out there on Pine Lake. Whites to Shorts were played, with the usual wide range of scores. Chris C. hits the cash CTP on hole 17 for the day, netting $16. Scores have been posted and PDGA ratings are included. Payouts to come tomorrow per the norm.

I'm also thinking about moving the start time up to 5:45 for the last few weeks, as daylight is at a premium right now. It's pretty dark by 8:45, so I'd like to make sure people are finishing up w ... more

Kenny Kwong   August 11, 2021 at 2:53pm

Yeah and maybe limit to 3 person card unless they went out earlier, was my thinking

Larry Bright Jr.   August 10, 2021 at 8:27pm

League is on!

The chance for spotty storms on the horizon, but nothing concrete. So we are a go. Layout is TBD, but will either be Whites to Shorts, Reds to Longs No Island (it's probably flooded), or Reds to Shorts.


Larry Bright Jr.   August 10, 2021 at 4:41pm

Eye on the sky for tonight

I'm keeping an eye on the sky for tonight. If storms will be rolling through with the chance of thunder and lightning, league will be cancelled for this evening. An official announcement will be made by 4:30.

Also, with all the rain and most likely a very muddy course, the layout may change tonight to Reds to Shorts to help speed up the rounds. This will be decided upon when the status for tonight is posted.


Larry Bright Jr.   August 4, 2021 at 11:03pm

Tentative Layouts for Last 4 Weeks

Here's what I'm thinking:

Week 6 -- Whites to Shorts
Week 7 -- Reds to Longs
Week 8 -- Custom Layout (mix of tees)
Week 9 -- Reds to Shorts (League Finale)

This is subject to change based on the conditions each day. If weather or course conditions dictate, shorter and more timely layouts may be used.


Larry Bright Jr.   August 4, 2021 at 2:16am

Week 5 is completed!

20 on hand for a beautiful night at Pundy!!! Results are posted on the PDGA page. Dan Jacksich had a stellar round netting a 1000+ rating and ending up -8 on the night!!! Sick score!! Curtis Rogers snagged the cash CTP on hole $11 for $19 as well, and another $18 was added to the ace pot, bringing it to $76. Payouts will come tomorrow after work.

Tentative layout for next week will be Whites to Shorts. But let's see how the weather is looking and adjust accordingly.

See you all next week!


Larry Bright Jr.   August 2, 2021 at 8:00pm

Week 5 Layout

Week 5 looks to have some great weather with conditions mild and sunny. For this week, we will be playing the opposite layout as we did last week, with the format being:

Front 9 - Blues to Shorts (with Gold #3 Platform Tee)
Back 9 - Reds to Longs
Par 63

Also, just to clarify, when playing a Blues to Shorts layout, the short pins are not the "A" pins that are located in between the blue and white tees and before the red tees on some holes (holes 2, 3, 6, 16, and 18). These ar ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   July 28, 2021 at 2:56am

Week 4 is a wrap!

22 players on hand for our first trial run of the Red Front / Blue Back layout. One player ended up under par, with one other at par, and then a wide range of scores to follow. Ties were had in MA2 and MA3, and those spots will be paid out 1/2 of the top two spots combined. Weekly results are up and PDGA ratings should be included. Payouts to come tomorrow after work. Dan Jackisch snagged the CTP for the night and wins $21. Next week's layout is TBD. An update will come this weekend once I get an idea of the weather. See you all next week!


Larry Bright Jr.   July 21, 2021 at 2:19am

Week 3 is in the books!

18 players on hand on a beautiful night out at Pundy. Surprisingly, the mud was not as bad as I thought it'd be. Still sloppy in some spots, but otherwise the dryer than imagined with how it was this weekend.

Results are posted on the PDGA page and payouts will follow tomorrow. Greg Garrett hit the cash CTP tonight on hole 9 for $17, and the ace fund is up to $38.

Next week, I'd like to try a new format. We will be playing the following:

Front 9 - Reds to Longs
Back 9 - Blues to Shorts
(par 61

See you all next week!


Larry Bright Jr.   July 19, 2021 at 5:42pm

Week 3 Format Change

Course conditions are quite muddy after The Labyrinth this weekend, so we will be playing a shorter format then originally scheduled. For tomorrow, we will be going with Red to Shorts format. Same time, same place. See you tomorrow.


Larry Bright Jr.   July 14, 2021 at 2:43am

Sloppy Week 2

Course was very muddy and wet, but that didn't stop a few players from finishing under par!! 25 total on hand in some unfavorable conditions.
NOICE!! Results posted and the PDGA ratings are up. Payouts to come tomorrow after work. Mike Carlile hit the weekly CTP for $22, and no ace this week, putting the ace fund at $22.


Larry Bright Jr.   July 12, 2021 at 8:11pm

Week 2 Summer Session is tomorrow!

Tomorrow we will be playing the Red to Long with Island Pin on Hole 2 format (par 59). There is a chance of rain, but it appears that it will be spotty at worst after 4 PM, so we should be good to go. Start times are the usual 5:30 to 6 PM, with last group starting promptly at 6. Come on out tomorrow and get some course time in before the Labyrinth this weekend!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   July 7, 2021 at 2:32am

Week 1 of the Summer Session is Complete!!

30 players on hand on a hot day out on Pine Lake. Not a bad first week!! Our first week also produced another ace, with Matt Mazur hitting hole 17 White for $28!!! Scores were all over the place this week, that's for sure! Them Whites ain't no joke!!

Payouts will come tomorrow. Results have already been uploaded to the PDGA page, and round ratings are listed.

We did have another tie for first in MA3. For this Session, all ties will be split unless it is decided to do a thro ... more

Scott Williams   July 7, 2021 at 2:23pm

One short of the record turnout of 31 on 8/25/2020

Larry Bright Jr.   July 5, 2021 at 5:51pm

Summer Session begins tomorrow!!

Tuesdays With Pundy returns tomorrow for it's 9 week Summer Session! Same time, same place, with a 5:30 - 6 flex start time. Payment will be handled as in the past, with all entries and payouts handled through Paypal. Details will be provided at the course or can be found in the post string below.

Tomorrow we go with a White To Longs round, including the Island Pin on hole 2. Let's get it rolling tomorrow with a great turnout!!!

Scott Williams   July 5, 2021 at 9:24pm

How are we handling the OB rules for Hole 2?

Larry Bright Jr.   July 6, 2021 at 12:06am

As we have with the Spring. OB sheets will be provided.

Larry Bright Jr.   June 27, 2021 at 4:31pm

Summer Session

The Summer Session of Tuesday's with Pundy begins in just over a week on 7/6/21!! This will be a 9 week league, and we will keep with the same format of a "flex" start between 5:30 and 6 PM. Payment will stay the same with Paypal being used as the primary source of entries and payouts. Ace fund will start at $0 as the Spring Session was paid out with CTPs on the final night. The same will be done with this fund at the end of the season if no aces are hit or if there is any rem ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   June 9, 2021 at 7:56pm

Week 6 and the Spring Session are Completed!!!

Our Spring Session has wrapped up with some wet and muddy conditions for week 6. The rain fortunately stayed away for the 16 players on hand during the rounds played. Scores are posted and payouts have been sent. The PDGA site also shows the updated rounds. I will be finalizing the Event Report tonight for this part of league, and the ratings will finalize once that's done. That will allow them to be included in the next update coming in July.

We also had some extra CTPs on hand t ... more

Dan Sutterlin   June 10, 2021 at 4:46pm

Thanks for running the league again this session Larry. It was a blast and I very much appreciate your dedication to the local scene.

Larry Bright Jr.   June 8, 2021 at 7:21pm

Auburn Road is Closed!!!!!

FYI....Auburn Road is closed between Cedar and Rt. 87. So if you take that route to Pundy, plan otherwise. I'd suggest Sperry or Rt. 44 as an alternate route to get to Rt. 87.

Also, White to Shorts will be the format tonight. With the chance of rain, a shorter round makes most sense. But I'd like to do White Tees, as we have not done that yet Session.

See you all tonight. Don't forget your umbrella!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   June 7, 2021 at 9:29pm

Spring Session Finale Tomorrow!

Tomorrow wraps up our 6 week Spring Session of Tuesdays With Pundy with a short break before the Summer Session kicks back off in July. Tomorrow we will be playing White Tees to either Short or Long baskets, depending on the weather and the cloud cover.

We have a $23 Ace Fund that will be in play tomorrow with whatever is paid in for the finale added to it. If no ace is hit, the fund will be divided into 3 equal CTPs that will be in addition to our cash CTP for those who buy in for that. ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   June 2, 2021 at 8:44pm

Incorrect Scores Entered for Week 5

Sorry guys....I guess I didn't verify one of the scorecards this week, which has caused an update to the PDGA ratings and also the finish for this week. I had just sent out payments and then saw the email about the error. So I am going to have to send some messages to a few folks who were overpaid and ask for them to resend all or part of what was sent to them today. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll try to get the funds back from the few folks who were paid by mistake and then send out corrected payouts once that's cleared up. Sorry for the confusion and mistake.


Larry Bright Jr.   June 2, 2021 at 2:46am

25 Players tonight!

25 on hand including a good bit of new faces out there for The Eagles Fly tune-up round. Scores are posted and payouts will be done tomorrow, including the settling of last week's tie (to limit transactions). James Morrow hit the CTP on 10 for $23, and we got $23 back into the newly started ace fund.

One more week to go! I'd like to play a Whites to Longs next week for the finale...and input?

Larry Bright Jr.   June 2, 2021 at 7:57pm

Payouts have been sent. We should be all caught up with no 1st place ties to settle next week. There is a $23 ace fund, plus what we get next week in entries. If no Ace is hit, there will be 2 extra cash CTPs on the day for 1/2 of the Ace Fund. But you will have had to buy in on the fund at least once to qualify.

Larry Bright Jr.   May 29, 2021 at 2:47pm

2 weeks of the Spring Session remain!!

We are down to our last two weeks of the Spring Session of Tuesdays with Pundy. For week 5, we are going to play the first round layout of The Eagles Fly at Punderson tournament, which is scheduled for next Sunday. The layout is RWB to shorts:

Hole 1 - Red Tee
Hole 2 - White Tee to Short
Hole 3 - Blue Tee
Hole 4 - Red Tee
Hole 5 - White Tee
Hole 6 - Blue Tee
Hole 7 - Red Tee
Hole 8 - White Tee
Hole 9 - Blue Tee to Short
Hole 10 - Red Tee
Hole 11 - White Tee
Hole 12 - Blue Tee to ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   May 26, 2021 at 3:19am

Week 4 is Complete!

26 players on hand this week. NOICE!!! Scores are posted and payouts will follow tomorrow after work.

We got another tie to has out in MA2 with Justus and James tying with a -1. So if we can do a throw off next week, that would help determine a winner for the PDGA points. If not, the tie breaker rules will follow.

We also had an ace tonight, with Theo hitting hole 14 and a cool $84. 2 weeks left to let it get back up to $40 or $50. Depending on the amount, we will most likely just ha ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   May 23, 2021 at 4:49pm

22 Hole Layout Details

For Week 4, we are playing a 22 hole layout with some added shots on a Reds to Shorts layout. Details below:

Hole 1 - Red Tee
Hole 2A - Blue Tee to 2A basket
Hole 2 - Red Tee
Hole 2B - Tee by bridge to Island Pin
Hole 3A - Platform Tee to 3A
Hole 3 - Red Tee
Hole 4 - Red Tee
Hole 5 - Red Tee
Hole 6A - Blue Tee to 6A basket
Hole 6 - Red Tee
Hole 7 - Red Tee
Hole 8 - Red Tee
Hole 9 - Red Tee to Short Pin
Hole 10 - Red Tee
Hole 11 - Red Tee
Hole 12 - Red Tee to Short Pin
Hole 13 ... more

Chris Czaplicki   May 25, 2021 at 7:13pm

I plan to be there today

Larry Bright Jr.   May 25, 2021 at 7:59pm


Larry Bright Jr.   May 19, 2021 at 2:11am

24 Players for Week 3

24 on hand for Reds to Shorts for Week 3 of the Spring Session. MA3 had a 4 way tie at even (54) for first place. So I may need to figure out a way to decide what to do for payouts. I have two options....split it 4 ways at $17.50 each, or try to do a CTP next week before we start to determine who gets what finish for places 1 thru 4.

Paul Keller hit the CTP on 11 for a cool $24. The Ace Fund climbs another $24 to $62 with 3 weeks left.

Payouts will be sent tomorrow. For MA3, I ... more

show all 6 comments
Ryan Lynch   May 19, 2021 at 5:59pm

I'm good with whatever the majority votes to do

Larry Bright Jr.   May 19, 2021 at 6:31pm

I'd like to do a CTP before we start next week for the 4 ties in MA3. That way, we can officially declare each spot for this weeks finish. So if I can find out if Chris and Ryan Loncar will be there next week, that's when a decision will be made. For now, I"m going to hold off on sending any payouts. The 4 spots pay out $29/$20/$13/$8 for first through 4th.

Larry Bright Jr.   May 19, 2021 at 7:37pm

The tie breaker used last year was: Most Aces, Most Birdies, Least Bogeys. This should do to get at least an outright 1st place. But what I'm going to do is see if all 4 will be there next week. If so, they will throw off for the 4 spots. If not, I will use the tie breaker to determine the ... more

Larry Bright Jr.   May 17, 2021 at 7:28pm

Spring Session Layouts updated

I have updated the layout for the Spring Session for weeks 4-6 based on some feedback from players. The final 2 weeks will feature the same layout as The Eagles Fly at Punderson tourney, and give players a good warm up for the event. Below is the changes, which have also been updated in the the "About" section:

Week 3 -- Reds to Shorts (no change)
Week 4 -- 22 Hole Red to Shorts Layout (added holes on 2, 3, and 6)
Week 5 -- Great White Short
Week 6 -- Tiger Long

For the fina ... more

Scott Williams   May 18, 2021 at 1:57am

For those of you who are unaware, Great White Short and Tiger Long are the two rounds we will be playing for The Eagles Fly tournament on June 6th. Get a couple of rated rounds practice in.

Larry Bright Jr.   May 12, 2021 at 2:11am

Week 2 is Completed!

Week 2 is done and in the books! 23 on hand to battle the Reds to Longs layout, with 4 players managing under par round! Results are posted, ratings and listed for this week, and payouts will come tomorrow after work around 4 PM. Andy Morrison hit the $$ CTP this week for a cool $23, and the ace fund is now at $38.

Reds to Shorts again next week. Same time, same place. See you then!


Larry Bright Jr.   May 11, 2021 at 11:45am

Week 2 is Tonight!!

Reds to Longs format. Groups will start going out at 5:30, with the last one starting at 6. See you all tonight!!


Larry Bright Jr.   May 5, 2021 at 1:53am

Week 1 in the books!

15 players on hand for the first week of league on a day with some wet, windy, and muddy conditions. 6 MPO/MA1, 3 MA2, and 6 MA3 players took on the Reds to Shorts with a decent variety in scores. 2 players were able to shoot par and take down their respective divisions, with a +2 taking the win in MA3. Larry Bright hit the CTP on hole 14 for $15 in cash, and a total of $15 was added to the ace pot. Hopefully next week we get better conditions and a better turnout. I'd like to see us g ... more

Scott Williams   May 5, 2021 at 2:06am

The ratings are there.

Larry Bright Jr.   May 4, 2021 at 7:30pm

Payment details

Details entered as a comment and made sticky to stay near the top of the comment string.


Larry Bright Jr.   May 4, 2021 at 12:23pm

League Kick Off Tonight!!

The Spring Session of Tuesdays With Pundy begins tonight!! Flex start between 5:30 and 6 PM, with the last group starting promptly at 6 PM. Week 1 Layout is Reds to Shorts.

Rain should be pretty much gone by start time, with some chance of a spot shower. So be prepared. Course will be muddy, so don't forget a towel (or 3).

Come on out and get some rated Punderson rounds!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   April 27, 2021 at 7:54pm

One week away!!

Our Spring Session kicks off next Tuesday!! League details have been updated, so please read them over. Not much has changed for 2021, but please be sure you aware of the payment and payouts for this league.

Also, OBs will be posted and pinned to the top of the page and will serve each week of the league. Sheets will also be provided to players who need them on a weekly basis.

See you next Tuesday!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   April 7, 2021 at 4:26pm

Spring Session Starts May 4th!!

Just a reminder, the Spring session for Tuesdays With Pundy begins on May 4th. Details will be updated soon, but expect a similar style for this session with flex starts beginning between 5:30 and 6 PM and league entries and payouts processed through Paypal.

Hope to see you all out there for another great year of league!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   February 10, 2021 at 8:10pm

League returns for 2021!!!

I'm happy to announce Tuesdays With Pundy will return for 2021 with both a Spring and Summer session!!!

Spring will be a 6 week league running May 4th through June 8th. Layouts will be an alternating mix of Reds to Shorts and Reds to Longs for the whole 6 weeks.

Summer will be a 9 week league running July 6th through August 31st. Layouts will be mixed up during league, with Red, White, and Blue tees being played to either short or long pins. A complete layout schedule will be poste ... more

Ryan Lynch   February 11, 2021 at 12:23am

Awesome! Let me know if there is anything you need me to do to help out the league. I should be around all spring and summer.

Larry Bright Jr.   February 11, 2021 at 8:31pm

thanks Ryan!

Larry Bright Jr.   September 1, 2020 at 8:43pm

Week 8 Results

Week 8 Results are below:

31 Players on hand for our league finale, with 6 in MPO/MA1, 10 in MA2, and 15 in MA3. Nice! There was also 4 new players!!! This puts us at an average of 24 players a week!!! Impressive

Layout played was the Reds to Shorts layout, with a par of 54.

1st - Larry Bright Jr. -- 49 (-5) -- $27 payout
2nd - Bill Perry -- 50 (-4) -- $15 payout

1st - James Morrow -- 52 (-2) -- $28 payout
2nd - RPM, B Santiago, and Dan Sutterlin -- 50 (E) -- $14 pa ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 24, 2020 at 8:37pm

League Finale tomorrow!!!

Tomorrow is the final night of Tuesdays With Pundy, and we will be playing the Reds to Short layout to increase the chances of aces and also to have a few more options for the added CTPs that we have.

There will be total of 8 CTPs, with three being tentative to no aces hit during the final round. 3 of the CTPs will be the ace fund split in 1/3s ($25 + tomorrows entries). These three CTPs will become null if an ace is hit during the round and will be paid out for any aces per normal proto ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 21, 2020 at 8:14pm

Week 7 Results

Week 7 Results are below:

25 Players on hand, with 5 in MPO/MA1, 10 in MA2, and 10 in MA3. Nice! There was also 4 new players!!!

Layout played was the 27 Hole Layout Blue with a Par of 81.

1st - Larry Bright Jr. -- 77 (-4) -- $21 payout
2nd - Bill Perry and Greg Garrett -- 79 (-2) -- $7 payout each

1st - RPM -- 75 (-6) -- $29 payout
2nd - Scott Summer --77 (-4) -- $20 payout
3rd - James Morrow and Tim Novicky -- 79 (-2) -- $10 payout each

1st - Alan Tabaj and ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 17, 2020 at 8:29pm

Week 7 -- 27 Hole Layout

Tomorrow we will be playing the 27 hole layout, playing the Blue Tees to all of the "A" pins (holes 2, 3, 6, 16, and 18) and the extra tees to the "B" (long) pins for holes 2, 9, 12, and 15. A detailed layout sheet will be provided, along with scorecards for this layout. Details on the layout are here;

27 Hole Layout (Par 81)

Tee Pad / Pin
Hole 1: Red Tee to Normal Pin
Hole 2A: Blue Tee to A Pin (up fairway to right from Blue Tee)
Hole 2: Red Tee to Normal Pin
... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 15, 2020 at 3:18pm

Week 6 Results

Week 5 Results are below:

23 Players on hand, with 7 in MPO/MA1, 10 in MA2, and 6 in MA3. Nice! There was also 3 new players!!!

Layout played was the Blue/Red/White to Longs, with a par of 65.

1st - Greg Garrett -- 66 (+1) -- $24 payout
2nd - Sam Court -- 68 (+3) -- $15 payout
3rd - Larry Bright Jr. and Cory Byknish -- 71 (+6) -- $5 payout each

1st - RPM -- 66 (+1) -- $29 payout
2nd - James Morrow -- 70 (+5) -- $20 payout
3rd - B Santiago -- 72 (+7) -- $13 payout
4 ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 12, 2020 at 3:14am

Week 6 is in the books!!

Another strong showing of 23 on hand tonight for our last multi-tee layout!!! Scores have been posted and payouts have been sent.

Congrats to Cory Byknish for cashing in for $125 on our first league ace hitting hole 14 from the Red tee on our Tiger Long layout!!! That resets the fund at $0 with two weeks to go.

Next week we will be playing the 27 hole layout, with the Blue Tees used on the "A" holes. Layout sheets and scorecards will detail the layout for those unfamiliar. Th ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 11, 2020 at 2:31pm

Week 6

We will be sticking with the BRW to Longs Layout unless weathering turns bad by 4 PM. As of now, it's only a 30% chance of rain today that lessens as the day goes on. Layout sheets and Scorecards will be provided for the layout.

I will be there around 5:15 once again to let groups get a jump on their rounds. Last group goes out at 6, so be there before then!!


Larry Bright Jr.   August 9, 2020 at 9:46pm

Week 5 Results

Week 5 Results are below:

22 Players on hand, with 4 in MPO/MA1, 8 in MA2, and 10 in MA3. Nice! There was also 6 new players!!!

Layout played was the White/Blue/Red to Shorts, with a par of 57. The Long Pins were removed due to possible rain and wet and muddy conditions. .

1st - Bill Perry and Jake Russell - 57 (E) -- $14 payout each

1st - Tim Novidky - 62 (+5) -- $27 payout
2nd - Justin Howard - 66 (+9) -- $17 payout
3rd - Mike Cline and "B" Santiago - 6 ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 5, 2020 at 8:22pm

Week 4 Results

Looks like I forgot to post the Week 4 results.

22 Players on hand, with 6 in MPO/MA1, 10 in MA2, and 6 in MA3. Nice!

Layout played was the Red/White/Blue to Longs, with a par of 64.

1st - Greg Garrett -- 64 (E) -- $25 payout
2nd - Sam Court - 70 (+6) -- $17 payout

1st - Patrick Durkin - 71 (+7) -- $29 payout
2nd - Mike Cline - 72 (+8) - $16 payout
2nd - Dan Sutterlin - 72 (+8) - $16 payout
4th - Steve Fairman - 73 (+9) - $8 payout

1st - Ryan Lynch - 81 (+1 ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 5, 2020 at 3:14am

Week 5

Week 5 is done with 22 players on hand, just beating the rain that rolled in around 8:45. It's a good things we played shorts or most would have finished out in some rainy conditions.

Payouts have been sent. We had a couple ties, including top scores in MPO/MA and MA3, and those payouts have been split combining 1st and 2nd place total for each. There was also a tie for the final payout in MA2, and that was also split between both players. We may need to determine a tiebreaker with ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   August 4, 2020 at 1:19pm

Week 5 Layout Update

Based on the amount of rain we've had over the last few days and the muddy and wet conditions at the course, we will be playing the WBR to Shorts layout and not playing the long pins on holes 2, 9, 12, and 15. Par for this layout is 57, and there will be layout / OB sheets provided along with a scorecard for the layout. This should help speed up the rounds and also avoid some areas that could be dangerous due to the conditions.

Thanks for your understanding and I'll see all of you tonight.

Ryan Lynch   August 4, 2020 at 5:30pm

Sounds good

Larry Bright Jr.   August 3, 2020 at 8:15pm

Week 5 tomorrow!!

We are just past the halfway point with 4 weeks left to go!! Tomorrow features the WBR to Longs layout, with Hole 1 White Tee, Hole 2 Blue Tee, Hole 3 Red Tee, Hole 4 White Tee, and so on and so forth. I will have cards and layout / OB sheets for each card to keep it simple. I will also be there around 5:15 once again to let groups get going as they arrive. In the instance that we have iffy weather, I may make the call to remove the Long Pins from this layout to help keep the pace going. Th ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   July 31, 2020 at 7:37pm

27 Hole Layout

It's been suggested by multiple people that we play the 27 hole layout once during league. With 4 weeks left, here's my proposal:

Week 5 - WBR to Longs
Week 6 - BRW to Longs
Week 7 - 27 Hole layout (using blue tees when throwing to alternate baskets)
Week 8 - Reds to Shorts


Rick Gzesh   August 8, 2020 at 7:20pm

I like that layout.

Larry Bright Jr.   July 28, 2020 at 3:26pm

Week 4 is tonight!!

Week 4 of Tuesday's With Pundy is tonight and features the Red/White/Blue to Longs layout including the Gold Platform tee for hole 3!!! I will be at the course around 5:15 and will allow people to start as groups are formed, with cards of 3-4 players. Last group will start promptly at 6, so be there before then. CTP hole will be decided between holes 4, 10, 13, 14, 16, and 17 tonight for the bonus cash. Also, please be sure to wear you mask while checking in, as we want to avoid any possible complaints or bad publicity from any other random park goers. See you all there!!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   July 26, 2020 at 12:26am

League Layout Schedule Updated

Seeing as I am allowing a "flex" start with people able to start as early as 5:15, the layout for this week has been updated to RWB to Long. Long pins will be played on holes 2, 9, 12, and 15, and the Gold Tee for Hole 3 (Platform) will be used for hole 3. Please note 3A basket will not be in play (the one you can see from the platform), but the normal hole 3 will be used. I will be starting promptly at 6 and will be with the last group going out. It starts getting dark around 9, s ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   July 24, 2020 at 8:49pm

New Masks Mandate

With the recent mandate for masks in public places, I'm asking everyone to please wear a mask when checking in for league and congregating at the kiosk area. Masks will not be required during play, as the mandate does state that they are not required during exercise. But seeing as we on state owned land, I'd like to make sure we don't have any complaints that could end up jeopardizing the remainder of the league.

Thanks in advance for your understanding and of course support of our league.

See you all Tuesday!!!

Dan Sutterlin   July 29, 2020 at 2:52pm

Larry, Just spotted this. Sorry for the missing mask last night. I will have one for next week. Thanks again for your diligence to make sure this stays running. It is turning out to be a great league.

Larry Bright Jr.   July 29, 2020 at 4:52pm

No worries. With groups starting at staggering times as they show up, the group at the practice area has been small and social distancing is not an issue. But to be safe, I am asking all to have one to help in case there's any park goers or park personnel around.

Larry Bright Jr.   July 22, 2020 at 8:01pm

Week 3 Results

24 total players, including 7 in MPO/MA1, 9 in MA2, and 8 in MA3 with 5 new players!! Great turnout!!

The Blues to Shorts layout was played with a par for this round of 65. Justin Rozak through an incredible 61 (-4), which has an unofficial rated round at 1018! NICE!!!!!!!

Winners are below:

1st - Justin Rozak -- 61 (-4) -- $24 payout
2nd - Bill Perry -- 67 (+2) -- $15 payout
3rd - Greg Garrett -- 69 (+4) -- $10 payout

1st - James Morrow -- 70 (+5) -- $29 payout
2nd ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   July 22, 2020 at 3:58pm

Week 3 is complete!

Scores were uploaded last night. Payouts will be coming this afternoon. Sorry for the delay.


Larry Bright Jr.   July 21, 2020 at 10:56am

"Flex Start"

Seeings as the next few weeks we will be playing a longer layout, I'm going to offer something similar to a "flex" start. I will be at the course around 5:15. When groups of three arrive, they can start immediately to help get the rounds finished with plenty of daylight. I will be going out on the course for my round promptly at 6. So please be there before 6 to ensure you get in a group and out on the course. In the event this works out and groups do start earlier, there wil ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   July 20, 2020 at 8:12pm

Week 3 is Tomorrow!!

We will be having a prompt 6 PM start tomorrow for league, as we are playing Blues to Shorts. No long pins (2, 9, 12, or 15) will be played, and par for that layout is 65. Please be sure to pay ahead using the FOP Paypal ([email redacted]) and please use Friends and Family for payment to avoid fees.

Tomorrow we will be playing with 3 to a card to help keep the pace up. The CTP will be designated to either hole 14 or 17, and will be drawn before the round starts. Ace fund is still active, ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   July 15, 2020 at 3:20am

Week 2 is Complete!!

21 total players, including 6 in MPO/MA1, 10 in MA2, and 5 in MA3 with 6 new players!! Great turnout!!

The Whtiess to Longs layout was played, including the Island Pin on Hole 2. Par for this round is 62. Bill Perry threw the hot round with a 64 (+2), which is also our first unofficially rated 1000 league round at a 1004!! NICE!!!!!!!

Winners are below:

1st - Bill Perry -- 64 (+2) -- $25 payout
2nd - Greg Garrett -- 68 (+6) -- $payout

1st - Ryan Miller -- 72 (+10) -- $ ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   July 13, 2020 at 8:40pm

Week 2 Tomorrow!!

Week 2 of our PDGA sanctioned L-Tier league is tomorrow with a prompt 6 PM start playing the Whites to Longs layout. Last week we had 26 players....can we beat that tomorrow?? Please be at the course before 6. Cards will be set in groups of 3 to ensure quicker rounds, and will be made as people arrive to ensure we start on time and finish with some daylight left. Hope to see some new faces tomorrow!!!


Larry Bright Jr.   July 8, 2020 at 3:48am

Week 1 in the books

26 total players, including 6 in MPO/MA1, 12 in MA2, and 8 in MA3!! Great turnout!!

The Reds to Longs layout was played, including the Island Pin on Hole 2. Par for this round is 59, and only 1 player threw an under par round.

Winners are below:

1st - Sam Court - 58 (-1) -- $25 payout
2nd - Bill Perry -- 58 (E) -- $17 payout

1st -- James Morrow -- 60 (+1) -- $33 payout
2nd - Ryan Miller and Ryan Flanagan -- 62 (+3) -- $20 payout each
4th -- Brian Six -- 63 (+4) -- $1 ... more

Ryan Lynch   July 11, 2020 at 7:28pm

LoL Ryan Lunch who is that guy? :D

Larry Bright Jr.   July 6, 2020 at 9:04pm

League Entry Payment Info

Please send weekly league payments to:

[email redacted]



Larry Bright Jr.   July 6, 2020 at 8:33pm

League Opener Tomorrow!!!

Tomorrow Tuesday's With Pundy kicks off with a Reds to Longs format for week 1. League rounds will start promptly at 6, so please be at the course before 5:50. Also, please be sure to note that all league entries and payouts will be managed through Paypal for this league, so be sure to prepay before the round. Payments can be sent to: [email redacted]. There is a $10 weekly entry ($7 to payouts), and an optional $1 ace fund (rolling fund through league end), and an optional $1 Daily CT ... more


Larry Bright Jr.   June 30, 2020 at 8:53pm

Tuesday's With Pundy begins in one week!!

League will kick off next Tuesday, July 7th, with a 6 PM start time playing the Red to Long Tees layout. Please be present at the course by 5:55, as tee of will be promptly at 6 to ensure rounds are completed before dark.

Seeing as we are still dealing with some restrictions regarding COVID, there will be no cash exchanged for this league, and all entry fees and payouts will be managed through Paypal.

League entry each week is $10, with $7 going to payouts. There is an optional Ace Fun ... more

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