
Tuesdays With Pundy

PDGA Singles · Jul '20 - Sep '22 · Newbury, OH

Tuesdays With Pundy

July '20 - September '22
PDGA Singles
Hosted by Punderson Disc Golf


Tuesdays With Pundy
Payouts Sent and League Report Submitted
Payouts for week 10 have been sent along with any League Credits that were owed. This includes the Ace Fund payout of $141 (with $25 added) yesterday. The Daily $$$ CTP was also tacked on to this to ... show more ›
Sep 7, 2022 by Larry Bright Jr.

About this league

Tuesdays at Pundy returns for 2022 with the same THREE separate sessions!!! Session 1 (Spring) is a 6 week league beginning on May 3rd running through June 7h. Session 2 (Summer) will run 10 weeks and begin on July 5th and run through September 6th
Session 3 is going to be on Sundays starting October 2ndrd and run through November 6th.

Tuesday leagues will be held with a flex start between 5:30 and 6 PM. Groups of 3-5 players will be formed and will be sent out to the course when ready, with the last group starting promptly at 6 PM. Please be on time, as I will be with the last group going out and once I'm on the course playing my round, weekly entry will be closed.

Sunday Leagues will be a shotgun start at 10am, please be at the course, paid and checked in by 9:45 am, most all of us have significant others/family to get home to on Sunday Afternoon.

Entry fee each league night will be $10, with $7 going to payouts and $3 going to the the FOP to help with course improvements and to cover the cost of sanctioning and insurance. There will be an optional $1 ace fund and $1 random hole CTP for those interested. Payments and Payouts will be managed through PayPal, with entries being sent to [email redacted]. This also includes the Ace Fund and Daily CTP, making a total of $12 to be all in each week. Please send any Paypal payments to the address above using Friends and Family to avoid fees. Cash will also be accepted if necessary, but all payouts will be managed through Paypal.

Divisions may change based on turnout each week. During our 2020 league, turnout dictated division based pools, with an Open/Advanced Division, Intermediate Divisions, and Rec Division. Other divisions can be formed if players request it, but I'd like to keep divisions to a minimum of 3 players. Divisions will be solely based on payouts, and all players will have scores reported on the PDGA site based on their division of play.

PDGA ratings will be earned each league round there is at least 3 propagators present to help establish rounds. A PDGA membership is not required, and there is no extra charge for PDGA members.

Seeing as this is a PDGA Sanctioned League, all OBs will play as tournament OBs that will include all roped areas. OB sheets will be on hand each week for the players. Paper scorecards will also be used for this, as I am not setting up this league on UDisc (as of now).

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

Hope to see some of you out for what should be a fun and competitive league!!!
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