
Tuesdays at the Ponds

Doubles · May '09 - Dec '10 · Ypsilanti, MI

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Christopher Day I like the idea of one big fat ace pool. If that is the decision, I think one would have to be fair to each day when scheduling the short tee pads. In doing that you might find organizing league a bit more restrictive. Jun 24, 2009
peter kunoff my two cents.....two separate pools.....100% payout....rarely make Saturdays due to work and life Jun 23, 2009
Daemon Stahlin trim Jun 23, 2009
g lane wwbd? Jun 23, 2009
Daemon Stahlin that doesn't sound bad. i want to hear more opinions. Jun 23, 2009
Ben Calhoun How about 1$ ace pool, 50% payout? That way if someone hits it on Saturday, someone who cannot make Saturdays but always makes it on Tuesdays doesn't lose all the $ they've put in on Tuesdays, or vice versa. Jun 23, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's Ryan and I spent 7 hours out at bandemere today clearing and cleaning. wish we could have gotten more done but we were only two and lots of work was needed. holes 5 and 6 look a lot different now and 3 basket to 4 white tee is much easier now Jun 23, 2009
Daemon Stahlin i will update league scores tonight. everyone, thanks for coming out, especially the ladies! Jun 17, 2009
Ryan Dg Pete Wyngaard and Bob Smart... I will have your discs tonight if you are coming out to Lakeshore Dubs tonight. Jun 16, 2009
Ben Calhoun Course likely to be closed June 30th- July 6th spread the word Jun 12, 2009
Kira Damusis Dubs was awesome. Actually had a card with two women. Tee option for the ladies was the best idea ever! Jun 10, 2009
peter kunoff lakeshore lush bombers.....this is the weekend for the club photo shoot!

Jun 10, 2009
Daemon Stahlin scores from last night will be posted today, hopefully at lunch. if not, before 11pm tonight. good turnout with 11 players including 2 ladies. thanks for coming out. Jun 10, 2009
Ryan Dg Anyone Know a Sean Perry I found his disc May 29, 2009
Daemon Stahlin we had a weak turnout as expected due to a long, drunk monday. we had mostly pros so we just played singles. perfect weather. May 27, 2009
Daemon Stahlin
Lakeshore Dubs is on tonight. i should have a corner brew ctp. i am going to raise $ with CTP profits to start a course fund. i put down $10 to start it, and we have $13 after 1 week. we need a better ... show more ›
May 26, 2009
Grant Anderson i heard yes garrett May 26, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's is league on for tomorrow? May 26, 2009
Daemon Stahlin i want to get sponsorship going. after we discuss tonight, i'll post specific plans for the club fund tonight, to be reviewed and revised by the players. May 19, 2009
Joe Anttila I thought the CTP was way cool. I'll grab $12 on that shit every time.... May 19, 2009
Garrett Graham 4G's very nice league daemon. great turn out. I really liked the idea of the ctp. May 20, 2009
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