Tiger Town Tuesdays will be a Singles League on Tuesday Evenings from 4/25/23 to 9/5/23.
A Pool Pro/Adv B Pool Intermediate C Pool Recreation/Novice D Pool Woman
Payout Top 40% of each Pool. These pools will remain even during sanctioned portion of league, however for PDGA ratings and points you will be able to select your appropriate division(ie....MPO,MA1,MA2,3,40,50+, FA1, etc)
Non Sanctioned Dates 4/25-5/23 and 8/1-9/5
$5 Payouts $1 Optional Ace
June(5/30) thru July (7/25)( NO Le ...
continue reading ›Tiger Town Tuesdays will be a Singles League on Tuesday Evenings from 4/25/23 to 9/5/23.
A Pool Pro/Adv B Pool Intermediate C Pool Recreation/Novice D Pool Woman
Payout Top 40% of each Pool. These pools will remain even during sanctioned portion of league, however for PDGA ratings and points you will be able to select your appropriate division(ie....MPO,MA1,MA2,3,40,50+, FA1, etc)
Non Sanctioned Dates 4/25-5/23 and 8/1-9/5
$5 Payouts $1 Optional Ace
June(5/30) thru July (7/25)( NO League July 4th) will be PDGA Sanctioned LTier League (8 wks) with an additional cost due to PDGA Fees
$9 plus $1 optional Ace ($5 payouts $1 TCDGA $2 Course Fund $1 PDGA $1 optional Ace)
TCDGA Bag Tags will be in play for League Nights for current BagTag Holders(not required to participate)
Additional details soon
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