Thursday Starr Dubs

Overall Leaderboard · Mike Kurvi's stats

4 rounds recorded
$30 won
0 total points (110th overall)
· Mike Kurvi

Round history

-5 49
Starr-Jaycee Park
Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes
Partner Shane $M Wyatt
- no cash0 points9th place
-3 51
Starr-Jaycee Park
Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes
Partner Gordy Boozan
- no cash0 points11th place
-11 43
Starr-Jaycee Park
Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes
Partner Dalton P
$30 cash0 points2nd place
-5 49
Starr-Jaycee Park
Longs and Shorts, Front Nine, 18 holes
Partner Mike Jones
- no cash0 points8th place
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