Ace pool #2Pro Season Pot
as of April 6Ace pool
as of April 6This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
About this League
Singles league - 27 all-time players - 0 active players
$7.00 player fee each session
$5.00 ace pool entry
Sunday Morning Singles League is BACK!!!!! the THORNE will be the expected course with special field trips sprinkled in. Any course change will be posted at least 14 days in advance.
***Watch for these schedule changes if applicable***
$5 of buy in will cover CTPs and weekly payout, the remaining $2 of payout will be awarded to the points leader once the league season concludes! A $5 Ace pool entry will be optional.
Point info: points are awarded for each player and all finishes. 20 to th ...
continue reading ›Sunday Morning Singles League is BACK!!!!! the THORNE will be the expected course with special field trips sprinkled in. Any course change will be posted at least 14 days in advance.
***Watch for these schedule changes if applicable***
$5 of buy in will cover CTPs and weekly payout, the remaining $2 of payout will be awarded to the points leader once the league season concludes! A $5 Ace pool entry will be optional.
Point info: points are awarded for each player and all finishes. 20 to the winner. 19 to second, 18 to third and so on. In the event there are more than 20 players first will be awarded a point total equal to the number of participants. (IE: 31 players = 1st place 31pts.....31st place 1pt) additional points will be awarded for an Ace on the course(no throw-off aces) and Eagles on holes 9,11,17, and any safari par 4s or above that may be used. Aces will be worth 10 points and Eagles 5 points. The Ace/Eagles bonus points will be added in addition to the top 15 finishes for a points total.(so attendance does come into play a bit)
PRO - 18
AM - 14
FAM - 2
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