The Abominable Snowmen (and Women) League

December '13 - March '14 • New Berlin, Wisconsin
Singles league

Ace pool

as of March 20
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Mar 19, 2014 · Top scores
Valley View Park
Short tees, 18 holes
One Big Division
-5 49
Nick Williams$11
-9 45
Mike Harrington$7
-2 52
Ben Burdick$4
-2 52
Josh Davies$4
-6 48
Jesse Dixon$4
Overall standings
One Big Division
1Mike Harrington74
2Tim Nelson71.5
3Nick Williams62.5
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 3/20/14

About this League

Singles league - 19 all-time players - 0 active players
$6.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
No information has been posted.

League News

Mike Harrington   March 15, 2014 at 12:01am

Current Adjusted Point Totals

Trophy contenders:

Tim Nelson 66.5 points (dropping (0, 1, 1.5, and 2 point weeks).
Mike Harrington has 64.0 points (dropping 3- 0's and a 1 point week)
Dustin Bocek has 55.0 points (dropping 3-0's and a 1 point week)
Nick Williams has 51.5 points (dropping 2-0's, a 1, and a 2 point week)
Greg Weber has 45.0 points (dropping 4-0's)
Jessie Dixon has 42.0 points (dropping 4-0's)

Greg, Jessie, and Nick are on the outside looking in and will need high attendance numbers and a great round to move into trophy contention.


Mike Harrington   March 13, 2014 at 6:54am

Final Handicaps of the year!

Dustin Bocek (-1)
Chad Niezgoda (+3)
Tim Nelson (+5)
Mike Harrington (+6)
Brad Weber (+5)
Brian Allender (+3)
Nick Williams (+1)
Josh Davies (0)
Greg Weber (0)
Brian Williams (-1)
Scott Slauson (+9)
Colin Huff (+3)
Shaun Kirchner (0)
Jesse Dixon (+4)
Ben Burdick (0)
Mark Olver (-3)
Sean Hosking (-1)
TJ Webber (+7)


Mike Harrington   March 11, 2014 at 2:25am

Change in schedule.

Hey Abominable Snowmen . . . I just saw Terry post that he plans to begin his league on Wednesday March 26th, so out of respect for his long standing Wednesday night league our final week will be Wednesday March 19th.


Mike Harrington   March 6, 2014 at 11:22am

Updated Handicaps for 3/12/2014

Here are the updated handicaps for 3/12/14

Dustin Bocek (-4)
Chad Niezgoda (+3)
Tim Nelson (+3)
Mike Harrington (+7)
Brad Weber (+5)
Brian Allender (+3)
Nick Williams (+1)
Josh Davies (+1)
Greg Weber (0)
Brian Williams (-1)
Scott Slauson (+9)
Colin Huff (+3)
Shaun Kirchner (0)
Jesse Dixon (+4)
Ben Burdick (0)
Mark Olver (-3)
Sean Hosking (0)
TJ Webber (+7)


Mike Harrington   March 5, 2014 at 11:35pm

Current Handicaps 3/5/2014

Dustin Bocek (-2)
Chad Niezgoda (+3)
Tim Nelson (+3)
Mike Harrington (+5)
Brad Weber (+5)
Brian Allender (+3)
Nick Williams (+1)
Josh Davies (+1)
Greg Weber (-1)
Brian Williams (-1)
Scott Slauson (+9)
Colin Huff (+3)
Shaun Kirchner (0)
Jesse Dixon (+4)
Ben Burdick (0)
Mark Olver (-3)
Sean Hosking (0)


Mike Harrington   February 27, 2014 at 11:27pm

Disc Golf Scene Standings

I just wanted to update everyone and remind them that the standings on disc golf scene are basically the total points earned to date up until right now, but each weeks scores get added and it figures out your next lowest point total to not include. I was very generous in this league to allow people a chance to compete even while missing up to 5 weeks of the 17. I figured we might miss out on some weeks because of weather but you all proved that you wanted to play in just about everything. As dis ... more


Mike Harrington   February 27, 2014 at 11:09pm

Nasty Wind and Weather = Nasty Scores

Everybody shot worse than their handicap by no less than 4 throws. It was a rough night considering the best scratch score on the night was 54 and the best net score was 58 (+4). That is a beatdown. I don't think I have ever felt so much wind in the woods, and I thought it would get better once we hit #4. I was wrong.

Here are the updated handicaps for next week, where the current forecast says 22 degrees. It will be like Florida!

Tim takes a 1/2 point lead over me in total points.

... more


Mike Harrington   February 21, 2014 at 8:34am

Updated Handicaps for Week #13 February 26th

Dustin Bocek (-2)
Chad Niezgoda (+3)
Tim Nelson (+3)
Mike Harrington (+6)
Brad Weber (+5)
Brian Allender (+3)
Nick Williams (+1)
Josh Davies (+1)
Greg Weber (-1)
Brian Williams (-1)
Scott Slauson (+9)
Colin Huff (+3)
Shaun Kirchner (0)
Jesse Dixon (+4)
Ben Burdick (0)
Mark Olver (-3)
Sean Hosking (+2)

I will be there this coming week unless some really bad weather prevents me from making it home.


Mike Harrington   February 14, 2014 at 7:07pm

Another Record was set.

Well it looks like Tim Nelson is on a hot streak. He not only had his second career ace in league in 3 weeks after a few years of no aces but he also set the new record low score after handicap of 46 (-8).

It looks like I am quickly losing my lead and depending on attendance next week I might be back a few spots.

Updated Handicaps for Week #12

Dustin Bocek (-2)
Chad Niezgoda (+3)
Tim Nelson (0)
Mike Harrington (+6)
Brad Weber (+6)
Brian Allender (+3)
Nick Williams (+1)
Josh Davie ... more

jesse dixon   February 14, 2014 at 9:43am

it was a beautiful ace aswell.I knew he had it pretty much when it left his hand.he destroyed the chains with his judge!!

Mike Harrington   February 6, 2014 at 10:10am

Week #11 handicaps

Greg Weber and Dustin Bocek have a couple scorecards in case they are running behind the next two weeks while I am gone. I just ask that Greg or Dustin update Nick Williams on when they will be arriving so they can better pair up groups. You can always send me a message and I can tryt o relay it but it would be best if you just communicate together. THEN I will just need someone to collect the cards, photograph them so that they are legible and I can calculate the scores, edit them, put them on ... more


Mike Harrington   February 4, 2014 at 11:01pm

Wednesday February 5th

I will be there for one more week of league, since I will be leaving early Thursday morning for my road-trip. I will let you guys play the two weeks (February 12th and 19th) I am gone and we can settle up on who owes who what after I return to league the week of February 26th. I will give someone scorecards who intends to play all those two weeks so that you have a way to keep track of scores. If someone can email me or text me a photo of the scorecards I can update the standings, payouts, and c ... more


Mike Harrington   January 30, 2014 at 8:16am

A couple of firsts tonight . . .

I went out for a round to shovel, salt, and play a round before league. I met up with a couple guys who will be joining in some league fun again in spring. We got to the 8th hole and Dominic decided he would shovel off that tee. He finished shovelling and I stepped up, threw my flick and parked the hole. I walked off the tee and started coughing. That's not surprising as I have probably eaten a couple hundred cough drops in the last week with the cold I have had. I coughed so hard and for l ... more

Mike Harrington   January 30, 2014 at 12:00am

Correction . . . Jesse Dixon's score was entered incorrectly adjusting some points and payout. It also caused me to over adjust his handicap this week. He is a (+3) for next week not a (+2).

Mike Harrington   January 23, 2014 at 11:38pm

New Handicaps for Week 9

Lots of fluctuations are happening now that we have moved out of the original 5 round I used to start your handicaps. Keep in mind if youy have been playing below your handicap, you are bound to start an upswing and get more points and paid out some times too, but if you were playing above your handicap, you are likely to see a downturn in your weekly placement and payouts might be tougher to come by. I wish i could have played last night (it has been too long since I have thrown), but I would h ... more

Mike Harrington   January 23, 2014 at 1:43pm

I also forgot to mention that Greg Weber cleared out the $22 ace pool last night with his 5th career ace on Hole #5 last night. Congratulations Greg!!!!

Mike Harrington   January 17, 2014 at 12:00am

Current handicaps for Week 8 1/22/2014

Dustin Bocek (-2)
Chad Niezgoda (+3)
Tim Nelson (-2)
Mike Harrington (+5)
Brad Weber (+8)
Brian Allender (+3)
Nick Williams (0)
Josh Davies (+1)
Greg Weber (+1)
Brian Williams (0)
Scott Slauson (+9)
Colin Huff (+3)
Shaun Kirchner (0)
Jesse Dixon (+4)
Ben Burdick (+1)

Shoot a round and add or subtract the number in parenthesis for your adjusted score. Anytime your adjusted score is lower than 54 . . . you are shooting better than your trend. Anytime your adjusted score is over 54 means you are shooting worse than your trend.


Mike Harrington   December 26, 2013 at 5:42am

We will be playing on 1/1!!!!

We will be playing Abominable Snowmen league on Wednesday 1/1 . . . I had taken it out of the schedule but that makes no sense since people will likely be off work and able to play anyway.

I will have a larger announcement about 1/1/2014 most likely tomorrow.

Mike Harrington   December 27, 2013 at 12:36am

The announcement is that I will also be running an ace run on 1/1. There will be a $10 entry fee for your first round, REBUYS ARE ALLOWED UP TO 2 ADDITIONAL ROUNDS $7 for the second round, and $5 for the third round. Only 1 round will make you eligibile for the prizes but if you want a second or thi ... more

Mike Harrington   December 22, 2013 at 2:31am

Current Handicaps . . . who will go up and down this week?

Dustin Bocek (-1)
Chad Niezgoda (+3)
Tim Nelson (+3)
Mike Harrington (+5)
Brad Weber (+8)
Brian Allender (+3)
Nick Williams (0)
Josh Davies (+3)
Greg Weber (+1)
Brian Williams (0)
Scott Slauson (+9)
Colin Huff (+3)
Shaun Kirchner (0)
Jesse Dixon (+4)
Ben Burdick (+2)


Mike Harrington   December 18, 2013 at 11:14pm

Handicap Fluctuations

There were some fluctuations in handicaps this past week of up to 2 throws. That will be interesting to see outlasts the others in a season long battle . . . will it be the volatile player who has really good and really bad rounds or will it be the consistent player who is always right around their handicap?

Either way tonight looks to be decent. I will be trying to get there by 4 so I can make a pass through the course with a shovel and some salt to ensure good tees for tonight.

See you ... more


Mike Harrington   December 12, 2013 at 10:56am


Sorry for my slacking . . . I did not even realize I hadn't written a recap of either of the first two weeks of this league . . . with this being so ground-breaking being handicapped I better pay more attention and mention things as they happen!

The first two weeks saw only a couple of rounds under "Par" (after handicap) and the rest above "Par". This week . . . noone "beat" their handicap and quite a few people were well above their "averages". It ... more

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