Team Night Moose Doubles Summer 2012

Overall Leaderboard · Mike Frame's stats

4 rounds recorded
$10 won
42 total points (40th overall)
· Mike Frame

Round history

-10 62
Willow Metropark
Short tees, 24 holes
Partner Mike Stratford
- no cash0 points3rd place
-12 60
Willow Metropark
Short tees, 24 holes
Partner Nate Wheeling
- no cash6 points7th place
-10 62
Willow Metropark
Short tees, 24 holes
Partner Bobby Mcaleer
- no cash7 points4th place
-20 66
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original)
Short tees, 28 holes
Partner Ken Parks
$10 cash29 points6th place
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