Sussex Slingers Spring 2015

April - June 2015 • Sussex, Wisconsin
Singles league

Ace pool

as of June 18
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Jun 17, 2015 · Top scores
Village Park
Regular tees, 18 holes
-11 43
Dan kasten$12
-10 44
Joe Rawling$8
-8 46
Dave Olson$4
-4 50
Brandon Pungarcher$13
-3 51
Andy Fero$8
-3 51
Aaron Zittnan$8
-3 51
Brett Doucette$12
E 54
Nathan Heinritz$8
+2 56
Ben Heinritz$4
+2 56
Justin Doucette$4
+4 58
Lori Locke$2
Overall standings
1Joe Rawling59.5
2Bill Sieving51
3Dave Olson40
1Brandon Pungarcher71.5
2Andy Fero63
3Ryan Fliss55.5
1Brett Doucette39.5
2Justin Doucette25.5
3Dave Nelson13.5
3Ryan Murray13.5
1TJ Boersma2
1Lori Locke11
2Becky Olkowski3
3Laura Bialek2
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 6/18/15

About this League

Singles league - 53 all-time players - 0 active players
$6.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
No information has been posted.

League News

Andy Fero   June 19, 2015 at 8:01am

The Big Finale

I have to give a big CONGRATULATIONS to Joe, Pung, Brett, and Lori. Great job at holding the top spot and having a very solid season finale outing to cap it off. I had an awesome time at Sussex Bowl afterwards with all of you guys. It's a great group of people and I really enjoy my Wednesdays drinking beer with my buds to end a round of Sussex disc golf. A few Other awards not in trophy form are as followed:

Iron Man- Joe Rawlings,Bill Sieving, Brandon Pungarcher for being there every si ... more


Mike Harrington   June 11, 2015 at 7:31am

One More Week

Well . . . We had our best round in league shot tonight . . . by Dave Olson who shot 41 (-13) which is 3 better than his previous best. Congratulations on the hot round Dave!

We also only have one week left in this season. Trophies will be awarded next week and I ask that everyone heads over to Sussex Bowl afterwards for the trophy Ceremony. I am going to try to get there again next week but do not know for sure if I can make that happen.

Normally at the end of a league season I will do ... more


Andy Fero   June 2, 2015 at 8:23am

Doucette Bros tie with -1 a piece, while pung mops the adv div.

Nice job on an awesome night fella's, lets keep it going! It looks like Brandon "smooth" Pungarcher is settling into a nice little groove as we venture towards the end of this spring session. Everybody bring your game next week! Don't forget the more people the higher payout! tell your friends, people you meet on the course, or your buddies at work about Wednesdays leagues. Lets continue to grow the sport and have some fun doing it.


Andy Fero   May 14, 2015 at 7:17am

Some Great Battles are Brewing!

There is some close competition across the board! Congrats to Jason Barnier who scored his personal best 44 (-10) tonight. Also props to Joe Rawlings who yet again finished first in the open division. BUT there is a new kid in town, Kenny Luse who is very capable of competing for that top spot in open for the remainder of the season. We're half way through the season, and there's plenty of disc golf to be played. I wish everyone the best of luck, unless your in my division.. >:0


Mike Harrington   May 8, 2015 at 12:48am

Congratulations Brandon Pungarcher

You won the ace pool this week for $65 . . . but you were also kind enough to leave the $21 in from this weeks attendance to keep it rolling. I don't expect people to do that but your generosity is appreciated. Ace Pools always help bring people out which in turn makes the league better because of more and better competition.

Congratulations on the hot scores by Joe Rawling and Bill Sieving . . . it looks to be a highly contested Open division.

Jason Barnier is extending his lead in A ... more


Mike Harrington   April 16, 2015 at 10:39am

Appropriate Divisions

This is always the most difficult week of the year when it comes to new leagues . . . trying to get everyone in an appropriate division. I know most of you and have a pretty fair understanding of your skill level . . . but there are a handful that I have very little to no experience with to accurately judge your skill level so I have no idea if this week was a terrible week or your best round ever. I have put you all into the division I think you should be in . . . UNLESS you indicated a desire ... more


Mike Harrington   April 9, 2015 at 1:31am

NO LEAGUE APRIL 8th . . . sorry if I caused confusion

Just in case there was any confusion by people out there . . . league will begin next Wednesday April 15th not tonight. I was hopeful to make it happen a week earlier but I wasn't able to get everything done in time so I stuck with my original plan of April 15th. With that said . . . there are a few people meeting up there tonight to play a Random Doubles round at 5:30-6:00 or so in case you want to join in on a semi-regular round this week. I will see you all the next two weeks for sure before Estabrook league kicks off in Early May.


Mike Harrington   April 6, 2015 at 6:12am

League Kickoff

I am leaning towards beginning this league on Wednesday April 15th because I still have to turn in the paperwork and post the fliers at the course. I am open to the idea of a casual doubles this week April 8th to see who shows up and talk about the league. Please pay attention here as well as the Facebook event page for an update on Tuesday.

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