MCCG Indoor Putting 2010-11 @ Sunnybrook
Doubles league
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John Minicuci April 4, 2011 at 6:05pm
Just got back in own early this morning.
I'll call Sunnybrook and see if we can pop in there for some informal putting, maybe some dirty dollas' or something...
John Minicuci March 31, 2011 at 12:40am
Sunnybrook Indoor Putting League is over. I will post the results in the News section either from or after Bowling Green.
Thank you to everyone for showing up, Bernie, Mike Henry, Brandon Butler, and Shawn for helping align the pools every week, and to Shawn for creating our Excel score sheet. Many people tell me how cool it is to be able to do this indoors all Winter.
See you on the courses!
John Minicuci February 9, 2011 at 9:20am
Brooke, tell me who to contact over there @ Ypsi Arbor Bowl and I'll make a call or two.
Who knows, maybe a travel league?
Mike Rabin, your point was well taken about the MIA partner and sometimes being the example is the way to a better product. I'm sorry it happened to you or anybody. I have lived through a partner who left before the end was over too, and I know there were a few others as well. Thankfully, yours just happened to be one game and not a DQ for the night from the pl ...
Amateur Hour February 8, 2011 at 6:09am
Joe G is the best winter player I know. Only if he could transition that into spring/summer/fall.
Brooke Plantz February 8, 2011 at 2:54am
I can feel the love!!
mike Rabin February 8, 2011 at 2:30am
yes i agree the eastside is great move out here :) whenever u make the drive i know id give up my spot to see u show
Brooke Plantz February 8, 2011 at 2:24am
Whats not fair is how far away this is from my house!!! Could you please move to Ypsi Arbor Bowl. ;)
mike Rabin February 8, 2011 at 2:19am
this works for alot of sports but disc golf is still a growing sport you dont want to discourage anyone from playing i was clueless in this sport 4 yrs ago but found a way and yes the first couple years alot of donating to learn, but when every1 feels they have a chance it gets more players playing... at the same time theres some people who come because of friends/ boyfriends and fun and social and then get a pro partner and they dont care to put time in to learn how to really play or putt. im n ... more
Joe Gabris February 8, 2011 at 2:03am
Fair Smare! Since when are sports meant to be fair? The people who put there time in and practice will always go to the top, it is the way it is supposed to be. Why do people want to get something for nothing? I have only ever heard one maybe two people complaining about it not being fair in any case ever (guess who?). Making it fair in my opinion is for the weak. Practice, get better, make more competition or loose. Impossible to tell what format till the night of? Just what type of scenario wh ... more
mike Rabin February 8, 2011 at 1:55am
when we did the a/b pool players got the chance to play against there own skill level more then the abc, i have alot of love for the ams and i do have fun with abc, but i dont often see the lower level putters step up in cruch time going against the pros, against themselfs they will, theres less pressure when they dont watch gabris hit 8 in a row, and do get that the top ams like urself its tougher on..... the abc isnt broke but the consistant disadvantage we get isnt 100% fair either, and it doesnt leave the ams high and dry like the random draw does
mike Rabin February 8, 2011 at 1:34am
also last week i was pair with a new player who didnt know the system to well and didnt show up in time, if i get automaticly paired with a c pooler and that creates a mush larger chance in first time players, i feel i should be able to putt 2 on 1, some games go that way as it is, and to take my chance away to try to win or at lease get practice in is wrong, alot of times it takes a game to get a grove and so when i was trying to find it my senond and lost i then am hopeless, also it took away ... more
John Minicuci February 8, 2011 at 1:28am
As I stated before, it is impossible to tell what format until we see who registers on any given night.
It is even more difficult now that we are going to the first-come, first-serve format.
For reference, I have asked to see it in writing how an A/B or Random Draw is more fair. Nobody has put forth any examples so it is what it is.
Just to reinforce my theory and looking at weeks 9 - week 14 and only the people who have cashed:
A/C Pool = 21
B/B Pool = 17
That isn't fair??? ...
mike Rabin February 8, 2011 at 1:27am
the timeing didnt work out well for the b poolers so move them to 25 ft or play to 11, or when we finish our 4th gm rush them to our courts insted of waiting 15 to get any1 on them, john also said there was complaints about less cash for winning but its a fun putting league i dont think u support people in it for more money
Joe Gabris February 8, 2011 at 12:49am
Mikey isn't it obvious by now why we don't do that? Yes it sucks but it's the truth.
mike Rabin February 8, 2011 at 12:35am
so are we just 100% abc pool now? i know there was the A and B, and i thought that was now once a month?
Shaun Adkins February 3, 2011 at 1:34am
if im not happy i will make sure no one else is. i just like to keep things fair.
Mike Walker February 3, 2011 at 1:10am
shaun,u would ruin everyones fun if u played too.haha.jk.
Shaun Adkins January 24, 2011 at 10:00pm
i will be there, i will ruin everyones good time if i dont get to play.
Andy Bawol January 24, 2011 at 9:24pm
You've been there enough weeks that it won't even matter. AFAIK it's still seniority.