Ace poolSFD Pool
as of November 20This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
About this League
Doubles league - 17 all-time players - 0 active players
$5.00 player fee each session
Random doubles, random teams. Each week there will be CTPs, Longest Putt and ace pool (along with some holiday surprises along the way). It is open to ALL skill levels, and because it's truly luck of the draw on whom your partner will be each week - we will be drawing from the A3 deck of cards to determine both partners & groups. It is a 10 week league with a closing tournament, to compete for the traveling trophy: "The Sunday Funday Flyer".
Each player is allowed 1 make-up ...
continue reading ›Random doubles, random teams. Each week there will be CTPs, Longest Putt and ace pool (along with some holiday surprises along the way). It is open to ALL skill levels, and because it's truly luck of the draw on whom your partner will be each week - we will be drawing from the A3 deck of cards to determine both partners & groups. It is a 10 week league with a closing tournament, to compete for the traveling trophy: "The Sunday Funday Flyer".
Each player is allowed 1 make-up round, provided they have at least 2 other league members (who have already played their rounds) with them. Most players who have confirmed their interest in the league, live in the area, and are more than happy to get in more disc golf with new people. Perhaps even the chance to establish some carpools is in order!
This is a league about fun and friendship, mixed in a cocktail of competition. If you can make 1 round or all 10, we promise a good time and good people. Join us!
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