Sunday Doubles at Willow
Doubles league
Sunday dubz at seitz is now Doubles at Willow!! Starting November 8th at 1:00p!!!
Ace pool is now at 50 american dollars!! next week november 1st is the seitz finale..CTPs, cash ctps, trophy for league champ, REGISTRATION IS 330 TO 4 TEE OFF 405!! Willow for the winter for start on NOV. 8th, registration is 1:30-2.
Ace pool back up to $40...Still tee-off @ 5 be there by 430 to get registered..AFTER DAY LIGHT SAVINGS WERE MOVING TO WILLOW!!! SO FIRST WEEK @ WILLOW WILL BE NOVEMBER 8TH!!
John Farley hit his first ever ace to take the first ace pool of the league for $43. Congrats broguy. TEE OFF IS @ 5PM!!!! PLEASE GET THERE BY 445 SO WE CAN GET THIS GOING EARLIER SO WE CAN FINISH BEFORE DARK!!
After week 2 no aces hit, ace pool at $28 now. STARTING AT 5PM FROM NOW ON!! The 3 extras should be in every week from now on out also.
2010 Willow Season
Willow Sunday Doubles is back on April 4th!!!!!
1-130 registration 130 tee off
$5 entry $1 ace pool
ace pool carried over from last year:$48