Silver Creek Summer Singles League
Ace pool
as of September 22This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
About this League
Singles league - 56 all-time players - 0 active players
$5.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
Silver Creek Thursday night singles league will be part of the Marquette Cooperative Points Series, any points that you earn in this league and any other participating leagues will contribute to your total points toward the season finale.
Silver Creek Summer Singles League Schedule
5/11 Blue Tees
5/18 Red Tees
5/25 Blue Tees
6/1 Red Tees
6/8 Blue Tees
6/15 Blue Tees
6/22 Red Tees
6/29 Blue Tees
7/13 Red Tees
7/20 Blue Tees
7/27 Blue Tees
8/3 Red Tees
8/10 B ...
continue reading ›Silver Creek Thursday night singles league will be part of the Marquette Cooperative Points Series, any points that you earn in this league and any other participating leagues will contribute to your total points toward the season finale.
Silver Creek Summer Singles League Schedule
5/11 Blue Tees
5/18 Red Tees
5/25 Blue Tees
6/1 Red Tees
6/8 Blue Tees
6/15 Blue Tees
6/22 Red Tees
6/29 Blue Tees
7/13 Red Tees
7/20 Blue Tees
7/27 Blue Tees
8/3 Red Tees
8/10 Blue Tees
8/17 Red Tees
8/24 Blue Tees
8/31 Red Tees
9/7 Blue Tees
9/14 Blue Tees
9/21 Red Tees
9/28 Blue Tees
10/7 Tentative Season Finale
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